Istituto di Bioscienze e Biorisorse  

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Decomposing drivers in avian insectivory: Large-scale effects of climate, habitat and bird diversity 1-gen-2024 Schille, L.; Valdes-Correcher, E.; Archaux, F.; Balacenoiu, F.; Bjorn, M. C.; Bogdziewicz, M.; Boivin, T.; Branco, M.; Damestoy, T.; de Groot, M.; Dobrosavljevic, J.; Duduman, M. -L.; Dulaurent, A. -M.; Green, S.; Grunwald, J.; Eotvos, C. B.; Faticov, M.; Fernandez-Conradi, P.; Flury, E.; Funosas, D.; Galman, A.; Gossner, M. M.; Gripenberg, S.; Grosu, L.; Hagge, J.; Hampe, A.; Harvey, D.; Houston, R.; Isenmann, R.; Kavcic, A.; Kozlov, M. V.; Lanta, V.; Letilly, B.; Lopez-Vaamonde, C.; Mallick, S.; Mantyla, E.; Marell, A.; Milanovic, S.; Molnar, M.; Moreira, X.; Moser, V.; Mrazova, A.; Musolin, D. L.; Perot, T.; Piotti, A.; Popova, A. V.; Prinzing, A.; Pukinskaya, L.; Salle, A.; Sam, K.; Sedikhin, N. V.; Shabarova, T.; Tack, A. J. M.; Thomas, R.; Thrikkadeeri, K.; Toma, D.; Vaicaityte, G.; van Halder, I.; Varela, Z.; Barbaro, L.; Castagneyrol, B.
Drought responses of Italian silver fir provenances in a climate change perspective 1-gen-2024 Oggioni, Silvio D.; Rossi, Lorenzo M. W.; Avanzi, Camilla.; Marchetti, Marco; Piotti, Andrea; Vacchiano, Giorgio
Genetic consequences of landscape features in two rear edge, highly fragmented metapopulations of a mediterranean conifer 1-gen-2024 Avanzi, C.; Vitali, A.; Piovani, P.; Spanu, I.; Urbinati, C.; Vendramin, G. G.; Garbarino, M.; Piotti, A.
Recurrent hybridization and gene flow shaped Norway and Siberian spruce evolutionary history over multiple glacial cycles 1-gen-2024 Zhou, Q.; Karunarathne, P.; Andersson-Li, L.; Chen, C.; Opgenoorth, L.; Heer, K.; Piotti, A.; Vendramin, G. G.; Nakvasina, E.; Lascoux, M.; Milesi, P.
Spatial conservation planning of forest genetic resources in a Mediterranean multi-refugial area 1-gen-2024 Vajana, Elia; Andrello, Marco; Avanzi, Camilla; Bagnoli, Francesca; Vendramin, Giovanni G.; Piotti, Andrea
A Novel Simplified Protocol for Pre-Processing Whole Wood Samples for Stable Isotope Analysis in Tree Rings 1-gen-2023 Pericolo, Osvaldo; Avanzi, Camilla; Piotti, Andrea; Ripullone, Francesco; Nola, Paola
Bell-shaped tree-ring responses to air temperature drive productivity trends in long-lived mountain Mediterranean pines 1-gen-2023 Piovesan, Gianluca; Rita, Angelo; Biondi, Franco; Baliva, Michele; Borghetti, Marco; Brunetti, Michele; De Vivo, Giuseppe; Di Filippo, Alfredo; Dinella, Anna; Gentilesca, Tiziana; Maugeri, Maurizio; Palli, Jordan; Piotti, Andrea; Saba Emanuele, Presutti; Ripullone, Francesco; Schettino, Aldo; Vendramin Giovanni, G
Between but not within species variation in the Distribution of Fitness Effects 1-gen-2023 James, Jennifer; Kastally, Chedly; B Budde, Katharina; C González-Martínez, Santiago; Milesi, Pascal; Pyhäjärvi, Tanja; Lascoux, Martin; Consortium, Gentree; Avanzi, Camilla; Piotti, Andrea; Vendramin, GIOVANNI GIUSEPPE; Pinosio, Sara; Bagnoli, Francesca; Spanu, Ilaria
On the Inclusion of Adaptive Potential in Species Distribution Models: Towards a Genomic-Informed Approach to Forest Management and Conservation 1-gen-2023 Vajana, Elia; Bozzano, Michele; Marchi, Maurizio; Piotti, Andrea
The oldest known clones of Salix herbacea growing in the Northern Apennines, Italy are at least 2000 years old 1-gen-2023 Centenaro, Giada; Petraglia, Alessandro; Carbognani, Michele; Piotti, Andrea; Hudek, Csilla; Büntgen, Ulf; Crivellaro, Alan
Alla scoperta delle abetine dell'Appennino Tosco-Emiliano 1-gen-2022 Piotti, Andrea; Avanzi, Camilla
C'era una volta l'abete bianco 1-gen-2022 Piotti, A; Gardi, C
High pollen immigration but no gene flow via-seed into a Genetic Conservation Unit of the endangered Picea omorika after disturbance 1-gen-2022 Aleksic Jelena, M; Mataruga, Milan; Danicic, Vanja; Cvjetkovic, Branislav; Milanovic, Dordije; Vendramin, GIOVANNI GIUSEPPE; Avanzi, Camilla; Piotti, Andrea
Marginality indices for biodiversity conservation in forest trees 1-gen-2022 Picard, N; Marchi, M; Serravarela, Mj; Westergren, M; Cavers, S; Notivol, E; Piotti, A; Alizoti, P; Bozzano, M; Gonzalezmartinez, Sc; Grivet, D; Aravanopoulos, Fa; Vendramin, Gg; Ducci, F; Fady, B; Alia, R
The Italian forest nursery sector at the crossroads: challenges and strategies 1-gen-2022 Mariotti, B; Mezzalira, G; Allasia, E; Fazio, F; Fiorentin, R; Maltoni, A; Marchetti, M; Matteucci, G; Mori, P; Motta, R; Piotti, A; Rositi, A; Sabatti, M; Tognetti, R; Salbitano, F
Evolutionary history of the mediterranean Pinus halepensis-brutia species complex using gene-resequencing and transcriptomic approaches 1-gen-2021 Olsson, Sanna; Lorenzo, Zaida; Zabalaguirre, Mario; Piotti, Andrea; Vendramin Giovanni, G; GonzálezMartínez Santiago, C; Grivet, Delphine
Fine-scale spatial genetic structure across the species range reflects recent colonization of high elevation habitats in silver fir (Abies alba Mill.) 1-gen-2021 Major Eniko, I; Höhn, Mária; Avanzi, Camilla; Fady, Bruno; Heer, Katrin; Opgenoorth, Lars; Piotti, Andrea; Popescu, Flaviu; Postolache, Dragos; Vendramin Giovanni, G; Csilléry, Katalin
Genetic and ecological consequences of recent habitat fragmentation in a narrow endemic plant species within an urban context 1-gen-2021 Delnevo, Nicola; Piotti, Andrea; Carbognani, Michele; van Etten Eddie, J; Stock William, D; Field David, L; Byrne, Margaret
Genetic signatures of divergent selection in European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) are associated with the variation in temperature and precipitation across its distribution range 1-gen-2021 Postolache, Dragos; Oddoumuratorio, Sylvie; Vajana, Elia; Bagnoli, Francesca; Guichoux, Erwan; Hampe, Arndt; Le Provost, Gregoire; Lesur, Isabelle; Popescu, Flaviu; Scotti, Ivan; Piotti, Andrea; Vendramin Giovanni, G
Second Report on the State of the World's Forest Genetic Resources - National Report: Italy 1-gen-2021 Beritognolo, Isacco; Camerano, Paolo; de Dato, Giovanbattista; Ducci, Fulvio; Ferlazzo, Silvia; Librandi, Immacolata; Marchi, Maurizio; Mattioni, Claudia; Monteverdi Maria, Cristina; Nervo, Giuseppe; Piloni, Sara; Piotti, Andrea; Pompei, Enrico; Proietti, Roberta; Raparelli, Elisabetta; Sabatti, Maurizio; Santini, Alberto; Scarascia Mugnozza, Giuseppe; Stefani, Alessandra; Vendramin, GIOVANNI GIUSEPPE; Villani, Fiorella