Electrospray deposition of starch-containing laccase: A green technique for low-cost and eco-friendly biosensors
2025 Castrovilli, Mattea Carmen; Gentili, Patrizia; Vitali, Alberto; Cerra, Sara; Palmeri, Federica; Fratoddi, Ilaria; Polentarutti, Maurizio; Bais, Giorgio; Gullo, Ludovica; Cartoni, Antonella
Hybrid copper-polyelectrolyte nanoaggregates obtained with smart block copolymers based on 4-[(hydroxyimino)aldehyde]butyl methacrylate (HIABMA) in water and acetonitrile
2024 Antignano, Irene; Casciardi, Stefano; D'Acunzo, Francesca; Del Giudice, Alessandra; Gatti, Laura; Gentili, Patrizia; Mura, Francesco; Ricci, Agnese; Masci, Giancarlo
Influence of nanoaggregation routes on the structure and thermal behavior of multiple-stimuli-responsive micelles from block copolymers of oligo (ethylene glycol) methacrylate and the weak acid [2-(Hydroxyimino)aldehyde]butyl Methacrylate
2022 Antignano, I; D'Acunzo, F; Arena, D; Casciardi, S; Del Giudice, A; Gentile, F; Pelosi, M; Masci, G; Gentili, P
Unusually chemoselective photocyclization of 2-(Hydroxyimino) aldehydes to cyclobutanol oximes: synthetic, stereochemical, and mechanistic aspects
2022 Di Sabato, A; D'Acunzo, F; Filippini, D; Vetica, F; Brasiello, A; Corinti, D; Bodo, E; Michenzi, C; Panzetta, E; Gentili, P
Click-connected 2-(hydroxyimino) aldehydes for the design of UV-responsive functional molecules
2021 D'Acunzo, F; Carbonaro, L; Dalla Cort, A; Di Sabato, A; Filippini, D; Leonelli, F; Mancini, L; Gentili, P
Titanium-based tetrakis-2,3-[5,6-di(substituted)pyrazino]porphyrazine: synthesis and characterization
2020 Renzi, P; Mazzapioda, L; Nardelli, F; Martini, F; Geppi, M; Mancone, C; Navarra, Ma; D'Acunzo, F; Gentili, P
Kinetics and mechanistic study of competitive inhibition of thymidine phosphorylase by 5-fluoruracil derivatives
2016 Petaccia, M; Gentili, P; Besker, N; D'Abramo, M; Giansanti, L; Leonelli, F; La Bella, A; Gradella Villalva, D; Mancini, G
Re-designing the substrate binding pocket of laccase for enhanced oxidation of sinapic acid
2016 I. Pardo;G. Santiago; P. Gentili; F. Lucas; E. Monza; F. J. Medrano; C. Galli; A. T. Martínez; V. Guallarbe;S. Camarero
Synthesis and DPPH radical scavenging activity of novel compounds obtained from tyrosol and cinnamic acid derivatives
2014 M. Barontini; R. Bernini;I. Carastr; P. Gentili; A. Romani
Synthesis of polymeric inorganic-organic hybrid materials. A surface-initiated grafting from approach based on irradiation of the inorganic substrate
2014 F. D'Acunzo; P. Gentili; G. Masci;O. Ursini
Towards controlled cationic polymer growth from inorganic oxide defects: Directing the mechanism of polystyrene grafting from g-irradiated silica
2014 D'Acunzo, F; Gentili, P; Masci, G; Ursini, O
Concerted electron/proton transfer mechanism in the oxidation of phenols by laccase
2013 Galli, C; Madzak, C; Vadal, R; Jolivalt, C; Gentili, P
A remarkably simple alfa-oximation of aldehydes via organo-SOMO catalysis
2012 Gentili, P; Pedetti, S
Convenient synthesis of 1-aryl-dihydroxyisochromans exhibiting antioxidant activity
2012 Bernini, R; Crisante, F; Fabrizi, G; Gentili, P
The Rabe amination after a century: direct addition of N-heterocycles to carbonyl compounds
2012 M Scarpino Schietroma, D; R Monaco, M; Bucalossi, V; E Walter, P; Gentili, P; Bella, M
Chemoselective C-4 aerobic oxidation of catechin derivatives catalyzed by the trametes villosa laccase/1-hydroxybenzotriazole system: synthetic and mechanistic aspects
2011 R. Bernini; F. Crisante; P. Gentili; F. Morana; M. Pierini; M. Piras
How is the reactivity of laccase affected by single-point mutations? Engineering laccase for improved activity towards sterically demanding substrates
2011 Galli, C; Gentili, P; Jolivalt, C; Madzak, C; Vadalà, R
Hydrogen abstraction from H-donor substrates by the 6-CF3-benzotriazol-N-oxyl radical (TFNO)
2011 M. A. Tadesse; C. Galli; P. Gentili
An Assessment of the Realative Contributions of Redoc and Steric Issue to Laccase Specificità Towards Substrates
2008 Aweke Tadesse, M; D'Annibale, A; Galli, C; Gentili, P; Sergi, F
Hydrogen Abstraction and Electron Transfer with Aminoxyl Radicals: Synthetic and Mechanistic Issue
2008 Galli C.; Gentili P.; Lanzalunga O.