Istituto per la Protezione Sostenibile delle Piante - IPSP - Sede Secondaria Bari
Overview of transcriptome changes and phenomic profile of sanitized artichoke vis-à-vis non-sanitized plants
2024 Spano, R.; Petrozza, A.; Summerer, S.; Fortunato, S.; de Pinto, M. C.; Cellini, F.; Mascia, T.
Spotlight on Secondary Metabolites Produced by an Early-Flowering Apulian Artichoke Ecotype Sanitized from Virus Infection by Meristem-Tip-Culture and Thermotherapy
2024 Spanò, Roberta; Gena, Patrizia; Linsalata, Vito; Sini, Valeria; D'Antuono, Isabella; Cardinali, Angela; Cotugno, Pietro; Calamita, Giuseppe; Mascia, Tiziana
Characterization of volatile organic compounds in grafted tomato plants upon potyvirus necrotic infection
2023 Spanò, Roberta; Mastrochirico, Mariarosaria; Longobardi, Francesco; Cervellieri, Salvatore; Lippolis, Vincenzo; Mascia, Tiziana
Comparative Analysis of Bioactive Compounds in Two Globe Artichoke Ecotypes Sanitized and Non-Sanitized from Viral Infections
2023 Spanò, Roberta; Fortunato, Stefania; Linsalata, Vito; D'Antuono, Isabella; Cardinali, Angela; Concetta de Pinto, Maria; Mascia, Tiziana
Grafting to Manage Infections of the Emerging Tomato Leaf Curl New Delhi Virus in Cucurbits
2023 Mastrochirico, M.; Spano, R.; Mascia, T.
Identification, Sequencing, and Molecular Analysis of RNA2 of Artichoke Italian Latent Virus Isolates from Known Hosts and a New Host Plant Species
2023 Elbeaino, T.; Ben Slimen, A.; Belgacem, I.; Mnari-Hattab, M.; Spano, R.; Digiaro, M.; Abdelkhalek, A.
Molecular Characterization of a Recombinant Isolate of Tomato Leaf Curl New Delhi Virus Associated with Severe Outbreaks in Zucchini Squash in Southern Italy
2023 Mastrochirico, M.; Spano, R.; De Miccolis Angelini, R. M.; Mascia, T.
Virus-Induced Silencing of a Sequence Coding for Loricrin-like Protein in Phytophthora infestans upon Infection of a Recombinant Vector Based on Tobacco Mosaic Virus
2023 Labarile, R.; Mincuzzi, A.; Spano, R.; Mascia, T.
Simultaneous detection of 10 viruses in globe artichoke by a synthetic oligonucleotide-based DNA polyprobe
2021 Minutillo, S. A.; Spano, R.; Gallitelli, D.; Mascia, T.
Grafting alters tomato transcriptome and enhances tolerance to an airborne virus infection
2020 Spanò, R; Ferrara, M; Montemurro, C; Mulè, G; Gallitelli, D; Mascia, T
The Role of Grafting in the Resistance of Tomato to Viruses
2020 Spano, Roberta; Ferrara, Massimo; Gallitelli, Donato; Mascia, Tiziana
The Role of Grafting in the Resistance of Tomato to Viruses
2020 Spano, Roberta; Ferrara, Massimo; Gallitelli, Donato; Mascia, Tiziana
The Role of Grafting in the Resistance of Tomato to Viruses
2020 Spano, Roberta; Ferrara, Massimo; Gallitelli, Donato; Mascia, Tiziana
Grafting: an amenable way to menage virus infections in tomato crops.
2019 Spanò, Roberta; Gallitelli, Donato; Mascia, Tiziana
A protocol for producing virus-free artichoke genetic resources for conservation, breeding, and production
2018 Spano R.; Bottalico G.; Corrado A.; Campanale A.; Di Franco A.; Mascia T.
Citrus tristeza virus co-opts glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase for its infectious cycle by interacting with the viral-encoded protein p23
2018 Ruiz-Ruiz, S.; Spanò, R.; Navarro, L.; Moreno, P.; Peña, L.; Flores, R.
First detection of tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus in melon and zucchini squash in southern Italy
2018 Trisciuzzi, N.; Silletti, M. R.; Gallitelli, D.; Spano, R.
Coltura in vitro e termoterapia a salvaguardia della biodiversità del carciofo in Puglia.
2017 Spanò, Roberta; Bottalico, Giovanna; Corrado, Ada; Campanale, Antonia; Gallitelli, Donato; Mascia, Tiziana
First report of tomato infectious chlorosis virus in globe artichoke ecotypes in apulia, Southern Italy
2017 Spano, R.; Corrado, A.; Di Franco, A.
Grafting to manage infections of top stunting and necrogenic strains of cucumber mosaic virus in tomato
2017 Spano, R.; Gallitelli, D.; Mascia, T.