Istituto di informatica e telematica - IIT
The Great Ban: Efficacy and Unintended Consequences of a Massive Deplatforming Operation on Reddit
2024 Cima, L.; Trujillo Larios, A.; Avvenuti, M.; Cresci, S.
One of Many: Assessing User-level Effects of Moderation Interventions on r/The_Donald
2023 Trujillo, A; Cresci, S
Toward Blockchain-based Fashion Wearables in the Metaverse: the Case of Decentraland
2023 Trujillo, A; Bacciu, C
Assessing Peer Award Diversification on Reddit
2022 Trujillo, Amaury
Hyperownership: Beyond the Current State of Interaction with Digital Property
2022 Trujillo, Amaury
Make Reddit Great Again: Assessing community effects of moderation interventions on r/The_Donald
2022 Cresci, S.; Trujillo, A.
Personalized interventions for online moderation
2022 Cresci, S; Trujillo, A; Fagni, T
The surge of non-fungible tokens and its implications for digital ownership from an Internet governance perspective
2022 Trujillo, Amaury
Didattica digitale ed inclusione: il Progetto Suoniamo
2021 C Buzzi, M; Buzzi, M; Maugeri, M; Paolini, G; Sbragia, A; Senette, C; Trujillo, A
A Web App for Teaching Piano to Students with Autism
2020 Trujillo, A; C Buzzi, M; Buzzi, M; Senette, C
Il Progetto Suoniamo: insegnare a suonare il pianoforte ai ragazzi con autismo utilizzando la tecnologia
2020 C Buzzi, M; Buzzi, M; Maugeri, M; Paolini, G; Sbragia, A; Senette, C; Trujillo, A
Rationale and development of the Vita Nova project: and app and service to reduce cardiovascular and metabolic risks in pre-menopausal and menopausal women
2020 Andrea Giannini; Amaury Trujillo; Maria Claudia Buzzi; Mirko Duradoni; Cesare Zavattari; Alessandro Tommasi; Elena Tamburini; Pasquale Cingolani; Sandro Scattareggia; Tommaso Simoncini
Classification of Cardiometabolic Risk in Early Middle-agedWomen for Preventive Self-care Apps
2019 A. Trujillo; M. C. Buzzi
Persona design for just-in-time adaptive and persuasive interfaces in menopause self-care
2018 A. Trujillo; C. Senette; M. C. Buzzi
Persuasive design of a mobile coaching app to encourage a healthy lifestyle during menopause
2018 Senette, C.; Buzzi, M. C.; Paratore, M. T.; Trujillo Larios, A.
Participatory User Requirements Elicitation for Personal Menopause App
2016 Trujillo, A; C Buzzi, M
Design of web-based tools to study blind people's touch-based interaction with smartphones
2015 Buzzi M.C.; Buzzi M.; Trujillo Larios A.; Leporini B.
Healthy Aging through Pervasive Predictive Analytics for Prevention and Rehabilitation of Chronic Conditions
2015 Buzzi, MARIA CLAUDIA; Buzzi, Marina; Trujillo, Amaury
Multimodal text keypad for blind users of smartphones
2014 Buzzi, MARIA CLAUDIA; Buzzi, Marina; Leporini, Barbara; Trujillo, Amaury
Wireless system for the capture of touch gestures
2014 TRUJILLO LARIOS, Amaury; Buzzi, MARIA CLAUDIA; Buzzi, Marina