Istituto di Geologia Ambientale e Geoingegneria - IGAG
Stratigraphic constraints for the 3D modeling of the Tevere Alluvial Valley beneath Rome (Italy)
2024 Tentori, Daniel; Mancini, Marco; Livani, Michele; Stigliano, Francesco; Milli, Salvatore; Moscatelli, Massimiliano
Compositional, micromorphological and stratigraphic characterization of Holocene Tiber floodplain deposits (Rome, Italy)
2023 Tentori, D; Mancini, M; Milli, S; Stigliano, Francesco; Moscatelli, Massimiliano; M,
Synthetic seismic forward modeling of a high-frequency depositional sequence: The example of the Tiber depositional sequence (Central Italy)
2023 Andrea Tomassi; Salvatore Milli; Daniel Tentori
Synthetic seismic forward modeling of a high-frequency depositional sequence: the example of the Tiber Depositional Sequence (Central Italy), International Conference of Fluvial Sedimentology (ICFS)
2023 Tentori, D; Tomassi, A; Milli, S
Compositional, micromorphological and geotechnical characterization of Holocene Tiber floodplain deposits (Rome, Italy) and sequence stratigraphic implications
2022 Tentori, D; Mancini, M; Milli, S; Stigliano, F; Tancredi, S; Moscatelli, M
Compositional, micromorphological and geotechnical characterization of Holocene Tiber floodplain deposits (Rome, Italy) and sequence stratigraphic implications
2022 Tentori D; Mancini M; Milli S; Stigliano F; Tancredi S; Moscatelli M;
Geological hazard assessment of the coastal area of Rome (Central Italy) from multi-source data integration
2022 Maffucci, Roberta; Ciotoli, Giancarlo; Pietrosante, Andrea; Cavinato, GIAN PAOLO; Milli, Salvatore; Ruggiero, Livio; Sciarra, Alessandra; Bigi, Sabina
Plastic burial by flash-flood deposits in a prodelta environment (Gulf of Patti, Southern Tyrrhenian Sea)
2022 Pierdomenico, M; Ridente, D; Casalbore, D; Di Bella, L; Milli, S; Chiocci, Fl
The influence of alluvial stratigraphic architecture on liquefaction phenomena: A case study from the Terre del Reno subsoil (southern Po plain, Italy)
2022 Tentori, D.; Mancini, M.; Varone, C.; Spacagna, R.; Baris, A.; Milli, S.; Gaudiosi, I.; Simionato, M.; Stigliano, F.; Modoni, G.; Martelli, L.; Moscatelli, M.
The paleoenvironment and depositional context of the Sumerian site of Abu Tbeirah (Nasiriyah, southern Mesopotamia, Iraq)
2022 Forti, L; Romano, L; Celant, A; D'Agostino, F; Di Rita, F; Jotheri, J; Magri, D; Mazzini, I; Tentori, D; Milli, S
Facies, composition and provenance of the Agnone Flysch in the context of the early Messinian evolution of the southern Apennine foredeep (Molise, Italy)
2021 Milli, Salvatore; Critelli, Salvatore; Amicone, Emanuele; Campilongo, Gloria; Muto, Francesco; Tripodi, Vincenzo; Tentori, Daniel; Perri, Francesco
Sediment dispersal pathways in the Po coastal plain since the Last Glacial Maximum: Provenance signals of autogenic and eustatic forcing
2021 Tentori D.; Amorosi A.; Milli S.; Marsaglia K.M.
The mudstone composition as reflected in the sedimentary evolution of a turbidite basin: The example of the Agnone Flysch (Molise, Italy)
2021 Perri, Francesco; Milli, Salvatore; Campilongo, Gloria; Tentori, Daniel; Critelli, Salvatore
Combining satellite multispectral imagery and topographic data for the detection and mapping of fluvial avulsion processes in lowland areas
2020 Iacobucci G.; Troiani F.; Milli S.; Mazzanti P.; Piacentini D.; Zocchi M.; Nadali D.
Stratigraphy, sedimentology, and archaeology of Middle Pleistocene localities near Ceprano, Campogrande area, Italy
2020 Biddittu I.; Moncel M.H.; Milli S.; Bellucci L.; Ruffo M.; Saracino B.; Manzi G.
Foredeep turbidites of the northern and central Apennines: Marnoso-arenacea and Laga Formations
2019 S. Milli; R. Tinterri; A. Piazza; M. Marini; M. Moscatelli
The depositional architecture of the Pleistocene deposits of the Roman Basin (Italy)
2019 Milli, S; Tentori, D; Marini, M
A source-to-sink compositional model of a present highstand: An example in the low-rank Tiber depositional sequence (Latium tyrrhenian margin, Italy)
2018 Tentori, D; Milli, S; Marsaglia, Km
Ecomorphological adaptation in three mudskippers (Teleostei: Gobioidei: Gobiidae) from the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman
2017 Polgar, G; Ghanbarifardi, M; Milli, S; Agorreta, A; Aliabadian, M; Esmaeili, Hr; Khang, Tf
Facies Analysis Applied to Quarrying A review of the possible use of sedimentology to increase knowledge and use of ornamental sandstones
2017 Rossi F.G.; Madonna S.; Milli S.