Istituto di Geoscienze e Georisorse - IGG - Sede Secondaria Firenze
Active Moss Biomonitoring of Mercury in the Mine-Polluted Area of Abbadia San Salvatore (Mt. Amiata, Central Italy)
2025 Meloni, Federica; Calabrese, Sergio; Vaselli, Orlando; Capecchiacci, Francesco; Ciani, Francesco; Brusca, Lorenzo; Bellomo, Sergio; D'Alessandro, Walter; Daskalopoulou, Kyriaki; Venturi, Stefania; Nisi, Barbara; Rappuoli, Daniele; Tassi, Franco; Cabassi, Jacopo
Biogeochemical and microbial community structure differently modulates CO2 and CH4 dynamics in two adjacent volcanic lakes (Monticchio, Italy)
2024 Fazi, Stefano; Cabassi, Jacopo; Capecchiacci, Francesco; Callieri, Cristiana; Eckert, Ester M; Amalfitano, Stefano; Pasquini, Luca; Bertoni, Roberto; Vaselli, Orlando; Tassi, Franco; Boehrer, Bertram; Pecoraino, Giovannella; Vigni, Lorenza Li; Calabrese, Sergio; Procesi, Monia; Paternoster, Michele
Geochemical and isotopic characterization of the shallow aquifers from the Mugello Basin (Tuscany, central Italy): Implications for assessing a monitoring network in a seismically active area
2024 Chemeri, L.; Cabassi, J.; Tassi, F.; Capecchiacci, F.; Rizzo, A. L.; Caliro, S.; Vaselli, O.
Geochemical Surveys of Ground and Surface Waters in the Abandoned Hg-Mine of Abbadia San Salvatore (Central Italy): A Preparatory Investigation before Remediation
2024 Meloni, F.; Montegrossi, G.; Cabassi, J.; Bianchi, F.; Nisi, B.; Rappuoli, D.; Vaselli, O.
Groundwater and Dissolved Gases Geochemistry in the Pesaro-Urbino Province (Northern Marche, Central Italy) as a Tool for Seismic Surveillance and Sustainability
2024 Chemeri, L.; Taussi, M.; Cabassi, J.; Capecchiacci, F.; Randazzo, A.; Tassi, F.; Renzulli, A.; Vaselli, O.
Integrated geochemical and microbiological assessments of Astroni lakes reveals Campi Flegrei unrest signatures
2024 Tassi, F.; Randazzo, A.; Venturi, S.; Repetto, A.; Fazi, S.; Amalfitano, S.; Vimercati, L.; Butturini, A.; Caliro, S.; Cuoco, E.; Santi, A.; Capecchiacci, F.; Cabassi, J.; Canonico, F.; La Magna, G.; Isaia, R.
Thermal desorption technique to speciate mercury in carbonate, silicate, and organic-rich soils
2024 Meloni, F.; Higueras, P. L.; Cabassi, J.; Nisi, B.; Rappuoli, D.; Vaselli, O.
Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from diffuse degassing areas: Interstitial soil gases as message bearers from deep hydrothermal reservoirs
2024 Venturi, S.; Randazzo, A.; Cabassi, J.; Cinti, D.; Meloni, F.; Procesi, M.; Nisi, B.; Voltattorni, N.; Capecchiacci, F.; Ricci, T.; Vaselli, O.; Tassi, F.
Background and geochemical baseline values of chalcophile and siderophile elements in soils around the former mining area of Abbadia San Salvatore (Mt. Amiata, southern Tuscany, Italy)
2023 Meloni, F; Nisi, B; Gozzi, C; Rimondi, V; Cabassi, J; Montegrossi, G; Rappuoli, D; Vaselli, O
Deep Regional Fluid Pathways in an Extensional Setting: The Role of Transfer Zones in the Hot and Cold Degassing Areas of the Larderello Geothermal System (Northern Apennines, Italy)
2023 Taussi, M; Nisi, B; Brogi, A; Liotta, D; Zucchi, M; Venturi, S; Cabassi, J; Boschi, G; Ciliberti, M; Vaselli, O
Development and testing of a new flexible, easily and widely applicable chemical water quality index (CWQI)
2023 Chemeri, L; Cabassi, J; Taussi, M; Venturi, S
Mercury accumulation efficiency of different biomonitors in indoor environments: the case study of the Central Italian Herbarium (Florence, Italy)
2023 Ciani, F; Fornasaro, S; Benesperi, R; Bianchi, E; Cabassi, J; Di Nuzzo, L; Grifoni, L; Venturi, S; Costagliola, P; Rimondi, V
Mercury distribution in plants and soils from the former mining area of Abbadia San Salvatore (Tuscany, Central Italy)
2023 Meloni, F.; Farieri, A.; Higueras, P. L.; Esbri, J. M.; Nisi, B.; Cabassi, J.; Rappuoli, D.; Vaselli, O.
Contamination Assessment and Temporal Evolution of Nitrates in the Shallow Aquifer of the Metauro River Plain (Adriatic Sea, Italy) after Remediation Actions
2022 Taussi, M; Gozzi, C; Vaselli, O; Cabassi, J; Menichini, M; Doveri, M; Romei, M; Ferretti, A; Gambioli, A; Nisi, B
Continuous and near real-time measurements of gaseous elemental mercury (GEM) from an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle: A new approach to investigate the 3D distribution of GEM in the lower atmosphere
2022 Cabassi, J; Lazzaroni, M; Giannini, L; Mariottini, D; Nisi, B; Rappuoli, D; Vaselli, O
Environmental impact of past Hg mining activities in the Monte Amiata district, Italy: A summary of recent studies
2022 Nannoni, A; Meloni, F; Benvenuti, M; Cabassi, J; Ciani, F; Costagliola, P; Fornasaro, S; Lattanzi, P; Lazzaroni, M; Nisi, B; Morelli, G; Rimondi, V; Vaselli, O
Geochemical and microbiological profiles in hydrothermal extreme acidic environments (Pisciarelli Spring, Campi Flegrei, Italy)
2022 Crognale, S; Venturi, S; Tassi, F; Rossetti, S; Cabassi, J; Capecchiacci, F; Bicocchi, G; Vaselli, O; Morrison, Hg; Sogin, Ml; Fazi, S
Hydrogeochemical surveys of shallow coastal aquifers: A conceptual model to set-up a monitoring network and increase the resilience of a strategic groundwater system to climate change and anthropogenic pressure
2022 Nisi, B; Vaselli, O; Taussi, M; Doveri, M; Menichini, M; Cabassi, J; Raco, B; Botteghi, S; Mussi, M; Masetti, G
Insights into the Porretta Terme (northern Apennines, Italy) hydrothermal system revealed by geochemical data on presently discharging thermal waters and paleofluids
2022 Tassi, Franco; Garofalo Paolo, S; Turchetti, Filippo; De Santis, Davide; Capecchiacci, Francesco; Vaselli, Orlando; Cabassi, Jacopo; Venturi, Stefania; Vannini, Stefano
Mercury and Arsenic Discharge from Circumneutral Waters Associated with the Former Mining Area of Abbadia San Salvatore (Tuscany, Central Italy)
2022 Lazzaroni, M; Vetuschi Zuccolini, M; Nisi, B; Cabassi, J; Caliro, S; Rappuoli, D; Vaselli, O