Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 656
AS - Asia 153
EU - Europa 25
AF - Africa 1
Totale 835
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 656
SG - Singapore 143
FI - Finlandia 9
IT - Italia 9
CN - Cina 5
NL - Olanda 3
DE - Germania 2
BE - Belgio 1
CH - Svizzera 1
IN - India 1
KH - Cambogia 1
KZ - Kazakistan 1
LK - Sri Lanka 1
MA - Marocco 1
TR - Turchia 1
Totale 835
Città #
Santa Clara 612
Singapore 95
Helsinki 9
Genoa 2
Phoenix 2
Rome 2
Venice 2
Almaty 1
Arzignano 1
Ashburn 1
Brussels 1
Colombo 1
Delhi 1
Forest City 1
Los Angeles 1
Phnom Penh 1
Reston 1
Seattle 1
Weihai 1
Zurich 1
Totale 737
Nome #
A Novel Inhibitor Prevents the Peripheral Neuroparalysis of Botulinum Neurotoxins 15
The anthrax lethal factor and its MAPK kinase-specific metalloprotease activity 13
A Lys49-PLA(2) myotoxin of Bothrops asper triggers a rapid death of macrophages that involves autocrine purinergic receptor signaling 13
Botulinum neurotoxin type A is internalized and translocated from small synaptic vesicles at the neuromuscular junction 12
Imaging the cell entry of the anthrax oedema and lethal toxins with fluorescent protein chimeras. 12
Neurotoxicity of European viperids in Italy: Pavia Poison Control Centre case series 2001-2011 12
The thioredoxin reductase - Thioredoxin redox system cleaves the interchain disulphide bond of botulinum neurotoxins on the cytosolic surface of synaptic vesicles 12
Central injection of botulinum neurotoxins: toxicology, brain localization and bahavioural effects in mice 11
Inhibition of botulinum neurotoxins interchain disulfide bond reduction prevents the peripheral neuroparalysis of botulism 11
Current gaps in basic science knowledge of botulinum neurotoxin biological actions 11
Botulinum neurotoxins 11
The synaptotagmin juxtamembrane domain is involved in neuroexocytosis 11
Anthrax toxins inhibit immune cell chemotaxis by perturbing chemokine receptor signalling 11
Bontoxilysin 11
An animal model of Miller Fisher syndrome: Mitochondrial hydrogen peroxide is produced by the autoimmune attack of nerve terminals and activates Schwann cells 11
Hsp90 is involved in the entry of clostridial neurotoxins into the cytosol of nerve terminals 11
Thioredoxin and Its Reductase Are Present on Synaptic Vesicles, and Their Inhibition Prevents the Paralysis Induced by Botulinum Neurotoxins 11
ATP released by injured neurons activates schwann cells 11
The blockade of the neurotransmitter release apparatus by botulinum neurotoxins 10
Calpains participate in nerve terminal degeneration induced by spider and snake presynaptic neurotoxins 10
Bontoxilysin 10
Clostridial Neurotoxins as Enzymes: Structure and Function 10
Mitochondrial alarmins released by degenerating motor axon terminals activate perisynaptic schwann cells 10
Antiepileptic effects of botulinum neurotoxin E. 10
Recombinant and truncated tetanus neurotoxin light chain: Cloning, expression, purification, and proteolytic activity 10
Botulinum neurotoxin serotype D is poorly effective in humans: An in vivo electrophysiological study 10
Metal substitution of tetanus neurotoxin 10
On the translocation of botulinum and tetanus neurotoxins across the membrane of acidic intracellular compartments 10
Streptococcus pneumoniae induces mast cell degranulation. 9
Botulinum neurotoxins and formalin-induced pain: central vs. peripheral effects in mice. 9
Taipoxin induces F-actin fragmentation and enhances release of catecholamines in bovine chromaffin cells. 9
The neutrophil-activating protein (HP-NAP) of Helicobacter pylori is a protective antigen and a major virulence factor. 9
Structural Studies on the Zinc-endopeptidase Light Chain of Tetanus Neurotoxin 9
Stop the killer: how to inhibit the anthrax lethal factor metalloprotease 9
The neurotoxins responsible for tetanus and botulism: Structure, activity and clinical use 9
Anthrax toxins: A paradigm of bacterial immune suppression. 9
In vitro biological activity and toxicity of tetanus and botulinum neurotoxins 9
Cell entry and cAMP imaging of anthrax edema toxin. 9
Cloning, expression, purification, and characterization of Streptococcus pneumoniae IgA1 protease. 9
Protective activity and immunogenicity of two recombinant anthrax vaccines for veterinary use. 9
Presynaptic enzymatic neurotoxins 9
Tyrosine-728 and glutamic acid-735 are essential for the metalloproteolytic activity of the lethal factor of Bacillus anthracis 9
Bacterial Toxins with Intracellular Targets: the Case of Botulinum and Anthrax Toxins 9
Snake and spider toxins induce a rapid recovery of function of botulinum neurotoxin paralysed neuromuscular junction 9
Neuromuscular paralysis and recovery in mice injected with botulinum neurotoxins 9
Neurotoxicity of inverted-cone shaped lipids 9
Mechanism of action of clostridial neurotoxins and their use in therapy 9
X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy Study of Zinc Coordination in Tetanus Neurotoxin, Astacin, Alkaline Protease and Thermolysin 9
Botulinum neurotoxins: genetic, structural and mechanistic insights 9
Snake PLA2 neurotoxins enter neurons, bind specifically to mitochondria and open their transition pores. 8
Lysophospholipids are evolutionary ancient venom components. 8
Double anchorage to the membrane and intact inter-chain disulfide bond are required for the low pH induced entry of tetanus and botulinum neurotoxins into neurons 8
Why myotoxin-containing snake venoms possess powerful nucleotidases? 8
SNARE complexes and neuroexocytosis: how many, how close? 8
Evidence for a radial snare super-complex mediating neurotransmitter release at the drosophila neuromuscular junction 8
Muscle phospholipid hydrolysis by Bothrops asper Asp49 and Lys49 phospholipase A2 myotoxins - Distinct mechanisms of action 8
cAMP imaging of cells treated with pertussis toxin, cholera toxin, and anthrax edema toxin. 8
Bothrop snake myotoxins induce a large efflux of ATP and potassium with spreading of cell damage and pain. 8
Reversible skeletal neuromuscular paralysis induced by different lysophospholipids. 8
A lysolecithin/fatty acid mixture promotes and then blocks neurotransmitter release at the Drosophila melanogaster larval neuromuscular junction 8
Behavioural effects due to injection of botulinum neurotoxins in central nervous system 8
S8/L1-Mechanism of action of clostridial neurotoxins 8
Potent inhibitors of anthrax lethal factor from green tea. 8
Central injection of botulinum neurotoxins: toxicology and behavioural effects in mice 8
Calcium Influx and Mitochondrial Alterations at Synapses Exposed to Snake Neurotoxins or Their Phospholipid Hydrolysis Products. 8
The Helicobacter pylori neutrophil-activating protein is an iron-binding protein with dodecameric structure 8
Peculiar binding of botulinum neurotoxins. 8
Intracellular targets and metalloprotease activity of tetanus and botulism neurotoxins 8
Toxicity of botulinum neurotoxins in central nervous system of mice 8
Time course and temperature dependence of the membrane translocation of tetanus and botulinum neurotoxins C and D in neurons 8
Active-site mutagenesis of tetanus neurotoxin implicates TYR-375 and GLU-271 in metalloproteolytic activity 8
Traffic of botulinum toxins A and E in excitatory and inhibitory neurons. 8
The metalloproteolytic activity of the anthrax lethal factor is substrate-inhibited. 8
Equivalent effects of snake PLA2 neurotoxins and lysophospholipid-fatty acid mixtures 8
Translocation of bacterial protein toxins across membranes 8
Screening inhibitors of anthrax lethal factor 8
Presynaptic receptor arrays for clostridial neurotoxins 7
The adjuvant MF59 induces ATP release from muscle that potentiates response to vaccination 7
Transient synaptic silencing of developing striate cortex has persistent effects on visual function and plasticity. 7
The thioredoxin reductase-thioredoxin system is involved in the entry of tetanus and botulinum neurotoxins in the cytosol of nerve terminals 7
Neutralisation of specific surface carboxylates speeds up translocation of botulinum neurotoxin type B enzymatic domain 7
Botulinal neurotoxins: revival of an old killer. 7
Tetanus neurotoxin 7
A molecular model of the Vibrio cholerae cytolysin transmembrane pore. 7
Calcium overload in nerve terminals of cultured neurons intoxicated by alpha-latrotoxin and snake PLA2 neurotoxins 7
Mass spectrometry analysis of the phospholipase A(2) activity of snake pre-synaptic neurotoxins in cultured neurons. 7
The adenylate cyclase toxins of Bacillus anthracis and Bordetella pertussis promote Th2 cell development by shaping T cell antigen receptor signaling. 7
Presynaptic neurotoxins with enzymatic activities. 7
Toxicological and behavioural effects of botulinum neurotoxins injected in central nervous system 7
Taipoxin induces synaptic vesicle exocytosis and disrupts the interaction of synaptophysin I with VAMP2. 7
Different mechanisms of inhibition of nerve terminals by botulinum and snake presynaptic neurotoxins. 7
The crystal structure of CagS from the Helicobacter pylori pathogenicity island. 7
Totale 835
Categoria #
all - tutte 3.129
article - articoli 2.800
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 223
Totale 6.152

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/20243 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 2
2024/2025832 2 3 97 54 520 104 24 28 0 0 0 0
Totale 835