Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 279
AS - Asia 138
EU - Europa 49
Totale 466
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 276
SG - Singapore 113
IT - Italia 34
KR - Corea 14
CN - Cina 10
FI - Finlandia 8
DE - Germania 3
MX - Messico 3
GB - Regno Unito 2
JP - Giappone 1
NL - Olanda 1
SE - Svezia 1
Totale 466
Città #
Santa Clara 255
Singapore 79
Seoul 14
Helsinki 8
Turin 6
Guangzhou 4
Milan 4
Falkenstein 3
Morelia 3
Bagolino 2
Condino 2
Rosà 2
Sala Baganza 2
Wigan 2
Kunming 1
Messina 1
Naples 1
Phoenix 1
Suno 1
Tokyo 1
Totale 392
Nome #
I sedimenti lacustri come archivi naturali per le ricostruzioni paleoambientali e paleoclimatiche 23
A georeferenced dataset of living and sedimentary diatoms in Lake Maggiore 16
Sedimentary evidence for recent increases in production in Tibetan plateau lakes 16
Paleolimnologia del Lago d'Orta 13
High-frequency monitoring through in-situ fluorometric sensors: A supporting tool to long-term ecological research on lakes 12
IT11-A Laghi Himalayani 11
Gli impatti dei cambiamenti climatici sugli ecosistemi lacustri: l´approccio paleolimnologico 10
High Purity Grade Phycocyanin Recovery by Decupling Cell Lysis from the Pigment Extraction: an Innovative Approach 10
Biofilm and Rivers: The Natural Association to Reduce Metals in Waters 10
Un mondo d' acqua in alta quota. Le acque del Parco Nazionale dello Stelvio, un laboratorio a cielo aperto per lo studio dei cambiamenti climatici. 9
Use of sedimentary pigments to infer past phosphorus concentration in lakes 9
Arsenic Distribution and Pollution in Three Mountain Streams (Anzasca Valley, Italian Central Alps) 9
Indagine sul Fiume Toce: sedimenti, campionatori passivi e bioaccumulo. Campionamento e datazione delle carote di sedimento 9
Changes in Planktivory and Herbivory Regimes in a Shallow South American Lake (Lake Blanca Chica, Argentina) Over the Last 250 Years 9
À la recherche des conditions de référence des lacs italiens 8
High altitude lakes: limnology and paleolimnology 8
Inferring the occurrence of regime shifts in a shallow lake during the last 250 years based on multiple indicators 8
20th century human pressures drive reductions in deepwater oxygen leading to losses of benthic methane-based food webs 8
Responses of benthic invertebrates to chemical recovery from acidification 7
Diatomee in movimento 7
Ricostruzioni paleoambientali e paleoclimatiche in ambienti estremi: l esempio di un lago artico 7
Use of sedimentary pigments to infer past phosphorus concentration in lakes 7
Indagini paleolimnologiche in laghi himalayani: ricostruzioni del clima del passato ed effetti delle variazioni climatiche sulle biocenosi 7
The chemical and biological response of two remote mountain lakes in the Southern Central Alps (Italy) to twenty years of changing physical and chemical climate 7
Sedimentary pigments in 308 alpine lakes and their relation to environmental gradients 6
The chemical and biological response of two remote mountain lakes in the Southern Central Alps (Italy) to twenty years of changing physical and chemical climate 6
WORK PACKAGE: 5. climate-toxic substances interactions, climate change and remobilisation of heavy metals and pops from polluted soils: task 4.2 sediment reworking and pollutant transfer in alpine catchments 6
Effetti sulle caratteristiche chimiche e biologiche di un lago di alta quota, Valle del Khumbhu, Nepal alle oscillazioni del clima sulla base delle indicazioni ottenute dal monitoraggio a lungo termine e da indagini paleolimnologiche 6
Combined effects of nutrient and climate change interaction of Piburger See (Austria). Results from Paleo- and Neolimnology 6
Indici per la valutazione della qualità ecologica dei laghi 6
Environmental changes in the Rila Mountains, Southwestern Bulgaria, as recorded by the sediments of a remote lake 6
Sedimentary pigments in 308 alpine lakes and their relation to environmental gradients 6
Living organisms and sedimentary remains from high mountain lakes in the Alps 6
Biomonitoraggio 6
Increase in benthic trophic reliance on methane in 14 French lakes during the Anthropocene 6
Records of environmental and climatic changes during the late Holocene from Svalbard: Palaeolimnology of Kongressvatnet 6
Paleoclimatologia e sedimenti lacustri 6
Environmental factors as drivers for macroinvertebrate and diatom diversity in Alpine lakes: New insights from the Stelvio National Park (Italy) 6
Indagini sui sedimenti lacustri. Campionamento, preparazione dei campioni per le analisi di DDT e correlazione tra carote mediante studio diatomologico 5
A method based on benthic diatoms for the evaluation of lake ecological quality in Italy 5
Indagini sui sedimenti lacustri. 3.1. Campionamento, preparazione dei campioni per le analisi di DDT e correlazione tra carote mediante studio diatomologico 5
Climate change impacts: hypothesis on the role of mountain lakes biology 5
Diversi gli ambienti, le tematiche, le metodologie: il campionamento 5
Rising variance and abrupt shifts of subfossil chironomids due to eutrophication in a deep sub-alpine lake 5
Paleolimnological reconstruction of the centennial eutrophication processes in a sub-tropical South American reservoir 5
Late-Holocene palaeoenvironmental changes at Lake Esmeralda (Vega Island, Antarctic Peninsula) based on a multi-proxy analysis of laminated lake sediment 5
Interactions of temperature and nutrient changes: effects on phytoplankton in the Piburger See (Tyrol, Austria) 5
21 High altitude lakes: limnology and paleolimnology 5
Total phosphorus reference condition for subalpine lakes: A comparison among traditional methods and a new process-based watershed approach 5
Mondo nascosto: aspetti biologici 5
The pre-79 CE alluvial environment south of Pompeii's city walls 5
Long-term effects of climate change on carbon flows through benthic secondary production in small lakes 5
A procedure to update quality indices based on species abundances: an example using the EPI-L diatom index 5
Ricostruzioni paleoambientali e paleoclimatiche in ambienti estremi: l esempio di un lago artico 4
Atmospheric contamination and ecological changes inferred from the sediment record of Lacul Negru in the Retezat National Park, Romania 4
Non-endogenous ketocarotenoid accumulation in engineered Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 4
LTER Italy: Long term research in high altitude lakes in the Himalayas 4
Palaeolimnology of two Patagonian lakes (Rio Negro, Argentina): analyses of pigments, chironomids and geochemistry in short sediment cores 4
Glacier dynamics influenced carbon flows through lake food webs: evidence from a chironomid ?13C-based reconstruction in the Nepalese Himalayas 4
Climate and human land-use as a driver of Lake Narlay (Eastern France, Jura Mountains) evolution over the last 1200 years: implication for methane cycle 4
Environmental changes in the Rila Mountains, Southwestern Bulgaria, as recorded by the sediments of a remote lake 4
Distribuzione lungo un gradiente di acidità delle diatomee nei sedimenti dei laghi alpini nella Val d'Ossola (Alpi Centrali) 3
Ad ognuno il suo colore 3
Piccole, ma non troppo 3
Comparison between sedimentary and living diatoms in Lago Maggiore (N. Italy): Implications of using transfer functions. 3
Response fo Alpine lakes to major environmental gradients, as detected through planktonic, benthic and sedimentary assemblages 3
Atmospheric contamination and ecological changes inferred from the sediment record of Lacul Negru in the Retezat National Park, Romania 3
Resistance of mixed subalpine forest to fire frequency changes: the ecological function of dwarf pine (Pinus mugo ssp mugo) 3
Palaeoenvironmental changes inferred from biological remains in short lake sediment cores from the Central Alps and Dolomites 2
Lake Maggiore (N. Italy) trophic history: fossil diatom, plant pigments, chironomids and comparison with long-term limnological data 2
WORK PACKAGE 8 Reference conditions and restoration strategies: Task 1.2 Error estimation and reference conditions 2
G.A.4, A. Zingone16, Lter-Italy network: examples and opportunities for biogeographic research. 2
Response of Alpine lakes to major environmental gradients, as detected through planktonic, benthic and sedimentary assemblages 2
Indagini sui sedimenti lacustri. 3.1. Campionamento, preparazione dei campioni per le analisi di DDT e correlazione tra carote mediante studio diatomologico. Monitoraggio della presenza del DDT e di altri contaminanti nell'ecosistema Lago Maggiore 2
WORK PACKAGE 3 Climate change eutrophication interactions, Long-term nutrient - climate change interactions from sediment records and long-term datasets: Task 3.1 Palaeolimnology. 2
Sedimentary pigments in 308 alpine lakes and their relation to environmental gradients 2
WORK PACKAGE 8 Reference conditions and restoration strategies - Task 1.1 Establishing a reference condition database for key sites across Europe 2
Totale 475
Categoria #
all - tutte 2.140
article - articoli 1.220
book - libri 38
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 388
Totale 3.786

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/202434 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 1 24 5
2024/2025441 7 4 89 53 244 44 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 475