Istituto di Ricerca per la Protezione Idrogeologica - IRPI
What If an Intense Rain Event Should Trigger Diffuse Shallow Landslides in a Small Mediterranean Catchment? Numerical Modeling Through Remote Sensing Techniques
2024 Paliaga, Guido; Ward, Steven N.; Luino, Fabio; Faccini, Francesco; Turconi, Laura
Anthropic Constraint Dynamics in European Western Mediterranean Floodplains Related to Floods Events
2023 Turconi, Laura; Bono, Barbara; Faccini, Francesco; Luino, Fabio
Coexistence of a Marginal Mountain Community with Large-Scale and Low Kinematic Landslide: The Intensive Monitoring Approach
2023 Godone, DANILO FRANCESCO STEFANO; Allasia, Paolo; Notti, Davide; Baldo, Marco; Poggi, Flavio; Faccini, Francesco
Integrated Approach for the Study of Urban Expansion and River Floods Aimed at Hydrogeomorphic Risk Reduction
2023 Mandarino, Andrea; Faccini, Francesco; Luino, Fabio; Bono, Barbara; Turconi, Laura
Terraced Landscapes as NBSs for Geo-Hydrological Hazard Mitigation: Towards a Methodology for Debris and Soil Volume Estimations through a LiDAR Survey
2022 Paliaga, G; Luino, F; Turconi, L; Profeta, M; Vojinovic, Z; Cucchiaro, S; Faccini, F
The Role of Soil Type in Triggering Shallow Landslides in the Alps (Lombardy, Northern Italy)
2022 Luino, F; De Graff, J; Biddoccu, M; Faccini, F; Freppaz, M; Roccati, A; Ungaro, F; D'Amico, M; Turconi, L
Advances in geoheritage mapping: Application to iconic geomorphological examples from the italian landscape
2021 Coratza, P.; Bollati, I. M.; Panizza, V.; Brandolini, P.; Castaldini, D.; Cucchi, F.; Deiana, G.; Del Monte, M.; Faccini, F.; Finocchiaro, F.; Gioia, D.; Melis, R.; Minopoli, C.; Nesci, O.; Paliaga, G.; Pennetta, M.; Perotti, L.; Pica, A.; Tognetto, F.; Trocciola, A.; Valentini, L.; Giardino, M.; Pelfini, M.
Flash flood events along the west mediterranean coasts: Inundations of urbanized areas conditioned by anthropic impacts
2021 Faccini, F; Luino, F; Paliaga, G; Roccati, A; Turconi, L
Flood-induced ground effects and flood-water dynamics for hydro-geomorphic hazard assessment: the 21–22 October 2019 extreme flood along the lower Orba River (Alessandria, NW Italy)
2021 Mandarino, A; Luino, F; Faccini, F
Gis-based landslide susceptibility mapping for land use planning and risk assessment
2021 Roccati, A; Paliaga, G; Luino, F; Faccini, F; Turconi, L
A clustering classification of catchment anthropogenic modification and relationships with floods
2020 Paliaga G.; Faccini F.; Luino F.; Roccati A.; Turconi L.
Eighty years of data collected for the determination of rainfall threshold triggering shallow landslides and mud-debris flows in the Alps
2020 Luino, F; De Graff, J; Roccati, A; Biddoccu, M; Cirio, Cg; Faccini, F; Turconi, L
Exposure to geo-hydrological hazards of the metropolitan area of Genoa, Italy: A multi-temporal analysis of the Bisagno stream
2020 Paliaga, G; Luino, F; Turconi, L; Marincioni, F; Faccini, F
Implementation of Nature-Based Solutions for Hydro-Meteorological Risk Reduction in Small Mediterranean Catchments: The Case of Portofino Natural Regional Park, Italy
2020 Turconi, L; Faccini, F; Marchese, A; Paliaga, G; Casazza, M; Vojinovic, Z; Luino, F
Rainfall Threshold for Shallow Landslides Initiation and Analysis of Long-Term Rainfall Trends in a Mediterranean Area
2020 Roccati, Anna; Paliaga, Guido; Luino, Fabio; Faccini, Francesco; Turconi, Laura
Terraced landscapes on portofino promontory (Italy): Identification, geo-hydrological hazard and management
2020 Paliaga, G; Luino, F; Turconi, L; De Graff, Jv; Faccini, F
Urban geomorphology of a historical city straddling the Tanaro River (Alessandria, NW Italy)
2020 Mandarino, Andrea; Luino, Fabio; Turconi, Laura; Faccini, Francesco
A spatial multicriteria prioritizing approach for geohydrological risk mitigation planning in small and densely urbanized Mediterranean basins
2019 Paliaga, G; Faccini, F; Luino, F; Turconi, L
Anthropogenic changes in the alluvial plains of the Tyrrhenian Ligurian basins
2019 Luino, Fabio; Paliaga, Guido; Roccati, Anna; Sacchini, Alessandro; Turconi, Laura; Faccini, Francesco
Heavy Rainfall Triggering Shallow Landslides: A Susceptibility Assessment by a GIS-Approach in a Ligurian Apennine Catchment (Italy)
2019 Roccati, A; Faccini, F; Luino, F; Ciampalini, A; Turconi, L