Istituto di Fisiologia Clinica - IFC
Automatic noise detection for ambulatory electrocardiogram in presence of ventricular arrhythmias through a machine learning approach
2024 Bachi, Lorenzo; Varanini, Maurizio; Costi, Magda; Lombardi, David; Billeci, Lucia
Assessment of repolarization dispersion by using endocardial unipolar electrograms in patients with brugada syndrome and spontaneous coved-type electrocardiographic pattern
2023 Latrofa, S.; Garibaldi, S.; Hartwig, V.; Panchetti, L.; Morelli, M. S.; Bachi, L.; Nesti, M.; Barison, A.; Vergaro, G.; Mirizzi, G.; Startari, U.; Passino, C.; Emdin, M.; Giannoni, A.; Rossi, A.
Wearable Sensors to Evaluate Autonomic Response to Olfactory Stimulation: The Influence of Short, Intensive Sensory Training
2023 Billeci, L.; Sanmartin, C.; Tonacci, A.; Taglieri, I.; Bachi, L.; Ferroni, G.; Braceschi, G. P.; Odello, L.; Venturi, F.
Can Machine Learning Predict Stress Reduction Based on Wearable Sensors' Data Following Relaxation at Workplace? A Pilot Study
2020 Tonacci, Alessandro; Dellabate, Alessandro; Dieni, Andrea; Bachi, Lorenzo; Sansone, Francesco; Conte, Raffaele; Billeci, Lucia
Machine learning for the classification of alzheimer's disease and its prodromal stage using brain diffusion tensor imaging data: A systematic review
2020 Billeci, L.; Badolato, A.; Bachi, L.; Tonacci, A.
Subjects with different hypnotizability scores exhibit different heartbeat-evoked potentials during sleep
2020 Billeci, L; Faraguna, U; Sebastiani, L; D'Ascanio, P; Bachi, L; Santarcangelo, El; Varanini, M