Bertuletti, Paolo
Bertuletti, Paolo
Istituto di Geologia Ambientale e Geoingegneria - IGAG
Vegetation and climate history during the Last Interglacial on the Istrian coast (Northern Adriatic Sea)
2025 Novellino, Massimo Domenico; Fontana, Alessandro; Bertuletti, Paolo; Furlanetto, Giulia; Pini, Roberta; Felja, Igor; Juraˇci´c, ; Ravazzi, Cesare
Coupling abiotic and biotic proxies in fossil records and modern elevational gradients to assist conservation strategies in mountain ecosystems
2024 Furlanetto, Giulia; Aleksanyan, Alla; Avanzini, Marco; Bertuletti, Paolo; cazzolla gatti, Roberto; Chiarucci, Alessandro; Comolli, Roberto; Fayvush, George; Ferigato, Laura; Ferré, Chiara; Fontana, Valentina; Margaritora, Davide; Palli, Jordan; Perego, Renata; Pini, Roberta; Piovesan, Gianluca; Ravazzi, Cesare
Forest ecology and fire history of the mixed conifer forest belt in the Italian Alps from late Roman fires to the 20th century under cultural and climate pressure.
From early Medieval forest fires and livestock foraging to the current phase of global warming (Valmalenco, Italian Alps): hints for rewilding and nature conservation
2023 Furlanetto, Giulia; Perego, Renata; Abu El Khair, Davide; Badino, Federica; Bertuletti, Paolo; Comolli, Roberto; Vezzoli, Giovanni; Maggi, Valter; Ravazzi, Cesare
High-resolution ecosystem changes pacing the millennial climate variability at the Middle to Upper Paleolithic transition in NE-Italy.
2023 Badino, F; Pini, R; Ravazzi, C; Chytry', M; Bertuletti, P; Bortolini, E; Dudova, L; Peresani, M; Romandini, M; Benazzi, S
Paleoecological analysis of terrestrial biological proxies on sediment samples from a drill core in the Tannwald Basin (ICDP core 5068_1).
2023 Pini, R; Bertuletti, P
Paleoecological analysis of terrestrial biological proxies on sediment samples from the Bad Aussee core (ICDP core 5068_5).
2023 Pini, R; Bertuletti, P
Paleoecological analysis of terrestrial biological proxies on sediment samples from the Basadingen core (ICDP core 5068_2).
2023 Pini, R; Bertuletti, P; Ravazzi, C
Plant distribution and modern pollen deposition across an elevation eco-gradient: the lesson learnt from a case-study in the Italian Alps.
2023 Fontana, V; Furlanetto, G; Bertuletti, P; Brunetti, M; Zerbe, S; Pini, R
Project "Biostratigraphy of long sedimentary records from the northern side of the Alps". Paleoecological analysis of terrestrial biological proxies on sediment samples from the Schaftlarn core (ICDP core 5068_3_A)..
2023 Pini, R; Bertuletti, P
Ricerche paleoecologiche e datazioni 14C su una successione stratigrafica a Champorcher, località Laris (AO).
2023 Pini, R; Bertuletti, P
What do the Industrial Revolution and the ecological baselines stepping the last millennium tell us about the conservation strategies of mountain ecosystems?
2022 Ravazzi, Cesare; Bertuletti, Paolo; Chiarucci, Alessandro; Comolli, Roberto; Ferré, Chiara; Furlanetto, Giulia; Morosini, Stefano; Perego, Renata; Pini, Roberta