Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 307
AS - Asia 95
EU - Europa 62
Totale 464
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 306
SG - Singapore 83
IT - Italia 37
GB - Regno Unito 9
NL - Olanda 8
TR - Turchia 4
FI - Finlandia 3
CN - Cina 2
DE - Germania 2
HK - Hong Kong 2
KR - Corea 2
PH - Filippine 2
SI - Slovenia 2
CA - Canada 1
CH - Svizzera 1
Totale 464
Città #
Santa Clara 290
Singapore 61
Rome 17
Wandsworth 5
Ferrara 4
Istanbul 4
Helsinki 3
Turin 3
Beijing 2
Brent 2
Hong Kong 2
Komenda 2
Quezon City 2
Seoul 2
Cesano Boscone 1
Huddersfield 1
Livermore 1
Milan 1
Naples 1
Seattle 1
Thunder Bay 1
Toritto 1
Vimodrone 1
Totale 408
Nome #
The Biodeterioration of Paper: a Summary of the Most Common Problems and Diagnostic Approaches 20
Degradation, remediation and protection of library materials 17
Fungal biodeterioration and preservation of cultural heritage, artwork, and historical artifacts: extremophily and adaptation 17
Unusual perforations in phlogopite crystals from caldara di manziana (Italy) caused by sulphuric acid generated by microbial oxidation of H₂S emanations 15
A rapid shotgun metagenome protocol based on Oxford Nanopore Technology applied to soil biodiversity analysis 15
Two species-specific TaqMan-based quantitative polymerase chain reaction assays for the detection in soil of Paenibacillus polymyxa inocula 14
Fungal-induced atmospheric iron corrosion in an indoor environment 14
Book Conservation. One Philosophy - Many Interpretations 13
Selection of redox dye and inoculum conditions for the optimisation of respirometric indices in Verticillium and Trichoderma 13
The microbiome of candle beeswax drops on ancient manuscripts 13
Biocontrol of Melolontha spp. grubs in organic strawberry plantations by entomopathogenic fungi as affected by environmental and metabolic factors and the interaction with soil microbial biodiversity 13
18th Century knowledge on microbial attacks on parchment: Analytical and historical evidence 12
Microscopic observations of paper and parchment: the archaeology of small objects 12
Biophysical Manipulation of the Extracellular Environment by Eurotium halophilicum 11
Editorial (IBB) 11
Extreme Colonizers and Rapid Profiteers: The Challenging World of Microorganisms That Attack Paper and Parchment 11
How Tillage and Crop Rotation Change the Distribution Pattern of Fungi 10
The Microbiome of Leonardo da Vinci's Drawings: A Bio-Archive of Their History 10
Quantification of nitrogen cycle functional genes from viable archaea and bacteria in paddy soil 10
Untargeted NMR Study of Metabolic Changes in Processing Tomato Treated with Trichoderma atroviride Under Open-Field Conditions and Exposed to Heatwave Temperatures 10
Fungal transformation of mineral substrata of biodeteriorated medieval murals in Saint Sophia's cathedral, Kyiv, Ukraine 10
Draft genome sequence of the biosurfactant-producing Minimedusa polyspora FBL 503 (Basidiomycota; Agaricomycotina) 10
Qualitative-quantitative protocol for studying the interaction between fungi and between fungi and bacteria to produce bio-fertilising co-inoculants 10
Fungal strategies of potassium extraction from silicates of different resistance as manifested in differential weathering and gene expression 10
Bioremediation of Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT)-Contaminated Agricultural Soils: Potential of Two Autochthonous Saprotrophic Fungal Strains 9
Metabolic synergies in the biotransformation of organic and metallic toxic compounds by a saprotrophic soil fungus 9
Current methods, common practices, and perspectives in tracking and monitoring bioinoculants in soil 9
Microbial-Based Products to Control Soil-Borne Pathogens: Methods to Improve Efficacy and to Assess Impacts on Microbiome 9
Manganese translocation and concentration on Quercus cerris decomposing leaf and wood litter by an ascomycetous fungus: an active process with ecosystem consequences? 9
Manganese translocation and concentration on Quercus cerris decomposing leaf and wood litter by an ascomycetous fungus: an active process with ecosystem consequences? 9
Skeleton bones in museum indoor environments offer niches for fungi and are affected by weathering and deposition of secondary minerals 9
Studies on Mediterranean hyphomycetes. III. Quadracaea mediterranea anam.-gen. and sp. nov. 9
Future directions and challenges in biodeterioration research on historic materials and cultural properties 9
Roles of saprotrophic fungi in biodegradation or transformation of organic and inorganic pollutants in co-contaminated sites 9
The EXCALIBUR project: novel microbial-based bioproducts improving soil biodiversity and the effectiveness of biocontrol and biofertilization practices in horticulture 9
Co-inoculum of Beauveria brongniartii and B. bassiana shows in vitro different metabolic behaviour in comparison to single inoculums 8
Studies on Mediterranean hyphomycetes. I. Pseudospiropes dumeti sp. nov. 8
Lead soaps formation and biodiversity in a XVIII Century wax seal coloured with minium 8
Saprotrophic soil fungi to improve phosphorus solubilisation and release: In vitro abilities of several species 8
When salt meddles between plant, soil, and microorganisms 8
Metastructure of illuminations by infrared thermography 8
Studies on Mediterranean hyphomycetes. I. Pseudospiropes dumeti sp. nov. 8
Bespoke strategies of Paxillus involutus to extract potassium from diverse phyllosilicates 8
Compilation of secondary metabolites produced by fungal strains identified as Aspergillus flavus var. oryzae (formerly Aspergillus oryzae), with a review of biotechnological applications, and computational studies of their anti-COVID-19 activity 7
From farm to fork: fungal and bacterial contaminants and their diagnostics in the production steps of ready-to-eat salads 6
Biodeterioration of aged paper materials; chemical and spectroscopic studies and new treatment methodology 2
Aflatoxin biosynthesis is correlated to peroxisome functionality, lipid metabolism and oxidative stress in Aspergillus flavus 1
Foxing di origine biologica: riproduzione in vitro, analisi SEM-EDS e spettroscopica 1
Totale 497
Categoria #
all - tutte 1.629
article - articoli 1.207
book - libri 39
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 128
Totale 3.003

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/20247 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 2
2024/2025490 5 1 62 38 252 67 38 27 0 0 0 0
Totale 497