Istituto di Scienze e Tecnologie per l'Energia e la Mobilità Sostenibili - STEMS
Wide-parameter multi-resolution transition path analysis of ignition process: A case study in coarse-grained methane fueled system
2025 Li, M.; Acampora, L.; Tan, H.; Marra, F. S.; Du, P.; Wang, G.; Ji, L.
Community analysis of bifurcation maps of diluted hydrogen combustion in well stirred reactors
2024 He, Jiyun; Li, Yue; Acampora, Luigi; Marra, FRANCESCO SAVERIO; Ji, Lin
Comprehensive assessment and energetic-exergetic performance optimization of a new solar thermal electricity system based on Scheffler-type receivers combined with screw-type volumetric machines
2024 Iodice, Paolo; Amoresano, Amedeo; Langella, Giuseppe; Marra, Francesco Saverio
Energy Advantages and Thermodynamic Performance of Scheffler Receivers as Thermal Sources for Solar Thermal Power Generation
2024 Iodice, P.; Amoresano, A.; Langella, G.; Marra, F. S.
Assessing techno-economic feasibility of cogeneration and power to hydrogen plants: A novel dynamic simulation model
2023 Costa, Michela; Maka, Robert; Marra, Francesco Saverio; Palombo, Adolfo; Prati, Maria Vittoria
DNN model development of biogas production from an anaerobic wastewater treatment plant using Bayesian hyperparameter optimization
2023 Sadoune, Hadjer; Rihani, Rachida; Marra, Francesco Saverio
Effects of Soret diffusion on the exergy losses in hydrogen laminar premixed flames
2023 Acampora, L; Marra, Fs
Study of sparger design effects on the hydrodynamic and mass transfer characteristics of a D-shape hybrid airlift reactor
2023 Berouaken, Amine; Rihani, Rachida; Marra, FRANCESCO SAVERIO
Wide-parameter coarse-grained state mechanism analysis in the methane combustion system
2023 Du, P; Li, M; Liang, S; Ji, L; Acampora, L; Marra, Fs
Numerical Optimization and Energetic Advantages of an Innovative Solar Power System Based on Scheffler Receiver Coupled with Volumetric Expanders
2022 Iodice, P; Amoresano, A; Langella, G; Marra, Fs
Combined use of volumetric expanders and Scheffler receivers to improve the efficiency of a novel direct steam solar power plant
2021 Iodice, P; Amoresano, A; Langella, G; Marra, Fs
Coupling a Stirling engine with a fluidized bed combustor for biomass
2020 Marra, FRANCESCO SAVERIO; Miccio, Francesco; Solimene, Roberto; Chirone, Riccardo; Urciuolo, Massimo; Miccio, Michele
Development of an experimental test rig for cogeneration based on a Stirling engine and a biofuel burner
2020 Acampora, Luigi; Continillo, Gaetano; Marra, FRANCESCO SAVERIO; Miccio, Francesco; Urciuolo, Massimo
Second law thermodynamic analysis of syngas premixed flames
2020 Acampora, Luigi; Marra, FRANCESCO SAVERIO
Generalized entropy production analysis for mechanism reduction
2019 Acampora, L; Kooshkbaghi, M; Frouzakis, Ce; Marra, Fs
Particle-wall interaction in entrained-flow slagging coal gasifiers: Granular flow simulation and experiments in a cold flow model reactor
2017 Marra F.S.; Troiano M.; Montagnaro F.; Salatino P.; Solimene R.
Comparison of Different CH4-Air Combustion Mechanisms in a Perfectly Stirred Reactor with Oscillating Residence Times Close to Extinction
2016 Acampora, L; Marra, Fs; Martelli, E
Bifurcation analysis of perfectly stirred reactors with large reaction mechanisms
2015 Acampora, Luigi; Mancusi, Erasmo; Marra, Francesco S.
Hysteresis in autothermal methane reforming over Rh catalysts: Bifurcation analysis
2015 Mancusi, Erasmo; Acampora, L.; Marra, Francesco S.; Altimari, Pietro
Non-linear response to periodic forcing of methane-air global and detailed kinetics in continuous stirred tank reactors close to extinction conditions
2015 Marra, Francesco Saverio; Acampora, Luigi; Martelli, Emanuele