Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 298
AS - Asia 163
EU - Europa 28
Totale 489
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 298
SG - Singapore 146
IT - Italia 14
KR - Corea 10
CN - Cina 6
FI - Finlandia 5
UA - Ucraina 5
NL - Olanda 3
DE - Germania 1
ID - Indonesia 1
Totale 489
Città #
Santa Clara 275
Singapore 104
Seoul 10
Guangzhou 5
Helsinki 5
Milan 3
Amsterdam 2
Ancona 2
Elk Grove Village 2
Naples 2
Tremestieri Etneo 2
Ashburn 1
Bandar Lampung 1
Florence 1
Nuremberg 1
Phoenix 1
Viareggio 1
Totale 418
Nome #
X-Band Radar System to Detect Bathymetric Changes at River Mouths during Storm Surges: A Case Study of the Arno River 11
Simple Strategy to Mitigate the Aliasing Effect in X-band Marine Radar Data: numerical results for a 2D case 11
A comparison between drifter and X-band wave radar for sea surface current estimation 10
Detection of wind-induced coastal upwelling of deeper Marine waters from A X-band wave radar 9
Advanced Interferometric Techniques for Monitoring Urban Areas 9
Remocean system for the detection of the reflected waves from the Costa Concordia ship wreck 9
X-Band Radar Detection of Small Garbage Islands in Different Sea State Conditions 9
X band radar target tracking in marine environment: A comparison of different algorithms in a real scenario 8
Turbulent behaviour within a coastal boundary layer, observations and modelling at the Isola del Giglio 8
A novel approach based on marine radar data analysis for high-resolution bathymetry map generation 8
Gamma Gaussian Inverse Wishart Probability Hypothesis Density for Extended Target Tracking Using X-Band Marine Radar Data 8
X-band wave radar for coastal upwelling detection off the southern coast of Sicily 8
Some Challenges in Recovering Wave Features From a Wave Radar System 8
Advances in Multipass SAR image registration 8
Geometrical SAR image registration 8
Estimating Nearshore Bathymetry from X-Band Radar Data 8
An x-band radar system for bathymetry and wave field analysis in a harbour area. 8
The RITMARE coastal radar network and applications to monitor marine transport infrastructures 8
Radar and in-situ observations to drive local coastal models in multipurpose applications: the case study of the Island of Giglio 8
Diffracted waves from the aground Costa Concordia cruise and detected by the Remocean system 7
Proof of Feasibility of the Sea State Monitoring from Data Collected in Medium Pulse Mode by a X-Band Wave Radar System 7
Inversion of dislocation models from DInSAR wrapped interferograms 7
Experimental and numerical characterization of sea-state and coastal currents close to the Giglio island 7
X-band marine radar system for high-speed navigation purposes: A test case on a cruise ship 7
Deformation monitoring over large areas with multipass differential SAR interferometry: a new approach based on the use of spatial differences 7
An integrated sea monitoring system based on a X-band wave radar to support the removal activities of the Costa Concordia wreck 7
X-Band Radar for Cetacean Detection (Focus on Tursiops truncatus) and Preliminary Analysis of Their Behavior 7
Coupling of wave data and underwater acoustic measurements in a maritime high traffic coastal area: a case study in the Strait of Sicily. 7
A Novel Strategy for the Surface Current Determination From Marine X-Band Radar Data 6
Deformation monitoring over a large area via the ESD technique with data takes on adjacent tracks 6
Three dimensional focusing with multi-pass SAR data 6
Multi-pass synthetic aperture radar for 3-D focusing 6
Sensors for Coastal Monitoring 6
Inversion of X-band nautical radar data for sea-state monitoring: a new technique to estimate the surface currents 6
Application of SAR tomography in urban area 6
Integration between X-Band Radar and Buoy Sea State Monitoring 6
Reconstruction of the sea surface elevation from the analysis of the data collected by a wave radar system 6
Comparison of measured surface currents from high frequency (HF) and X-band radar in a marine protected coastal area of the Ligurian sea: Toward an integrated monitoring system. Letter 6
Four-Dimensional SAR Imaging for Height Estimation and Monitoring of Single and Double Scatterers 6
Normalized Scalar Product Approach for Nearshore Bathymetric Estimation From X-Band Radar Images: An Assessment Based on Simulated and Measured Data 6
Sea-state monitoring via X-band marine radar images sequences: A new approach for an accurate surface currents estimation 6
SAR Tomography with ERS data: application to the Napoli area 5
SARIS: SAR Images Interpretation Preliminary Project for SAR images processing System Slow Movement Monitoring Algorithm 5
An Accurate Strategy for 3-D Ground-Based SAR Imaging 5
4-D SAR Imaging: The Case Study of Rome 5
Method for processing data sensed by a synthetic aperture radar (SAR) and related remote sensing system 5
Multidimensional imaging with ERS data 5
Remocean : a marine radar as a safety tool for offshore platforms 5
Improved resolution image focusing by multi-pass ENVISAT ASAR data 5
Multi-Pass ENVISAT-ASAR Data Processing for Improved Resolution Imaging 5
Estimation of the troposphere phase delay in Interferometric SAR using MERIS data: experiments over the Campania area 4
Analysis of X-band radar images for the detection of the reflected and diffracted waves in coastal zones 4
Multi-Pass Processing of Envisat-ASAR Data for High Resolution Imaging of Urban Areas 4
Bathymetry determination via X-band radar data: A new strategy and numerical results 4
Estimation of the significant wave height from marine radar images without external reference 4
REMOCEAN: A Flexible X-Band Radar System for Sea-State Monitoring and Surface Current Estimation 4
Four-Dimensional SAR Imaging for Height Estimation and Monitoring of Single and Double Scatterers 4
Multid Focusing For Accurate Target Location And Tracking Of Slow Movements: Results And Validation 4
SAR Tomography: Application Examples 4
4-D SAR Imaging: The Case Study of Rome 4
X band radar data analysis for high resolution bathymetry and currents maps generation 4
Three-dimensional multipass SAR focusing: Experiments with long-term spaceborne data 4
PHD extended target tracking using an incoherent X-band radar: Preliminary real-world experimental results 4
Analysis of nautical X-band radar images for the generation of bathymetric map by the NSP method 4
SAR Tomography for Scene Elevation and Deformation Reconstruction: Algorithms and Potentialities 4
Instruments and Methods for Ocean Observation and Monitoring 4
Generation of bathymetric maps with high resolution through the analysis of nautical X-band radar images 4
Remocean: A X-band radar system as tool for environmental monitoring in costa concordia ship wreck management 4
Stereo imaging and X-band radar wave data fusion and assestement 4
Resolution improvement via multi-channel SAR system: results with real data 3
Multidimensional SAR Imaging: Studies in the Framework of LIMES Project 3
SAR image coregistration based on isolated point scatterers 3
Rapporto Finale Progetto Telespazio COS-OT 3
New approach for hybrid strip-map/spotlight SAR data focusing 3
Spaceborne Multi-Dimensional SAR Imaging: Current Status and Perspectives 3
Singular Value Decomposition applied to 4D SAR Imaging 3
A two-scale ground deformation analysis by exploiting ENVISAT radar data via the SBAS-DInSAR technique: the Campi Flegrei case study 3
Metodo di elaborazione di dati rilevati mediante radar ad apertura sintetica (Synthetic Aperture Radar - SAR) e relativo sistema di telerilevamento 3
Rapporto del primo anno delle attività della convenzione tra il Dipartimento di Protezione Civile (DPC) della Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri e l Istituto per il Rilevamento Elettromagnetico dell Ambiente (IREA) del CNR 3
The SBAS-DInSAR technique as a tool for the observation of active volcanic areas: results and future perspectives 3
Surface deformation analysis of the Campi Flegrei caldera, Italy, by exploiting the ENVISAT ASAR data with the SBAS-DInSAR technique 3
Imaging of Single and Double Scatterers in Urban Areas via SAR Tomography 3
SAR Tomography on the Napoli Urban Area 3
Linear and adaptive spaceborne three-dimensional SAR tomography: a comparison on real data 3
Sea surface topography reconstruction from X-band radar images 3
Use of X-Band Radars to Monitor Small Garbage Islands 1
Totale 494
Categoria #
all - tutte 2.523
article - articoli 1.239
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 31
Totale 3.793

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/202422 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 5 15 1
2024/2025472 10 6 113 55 246 40 2 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 494