Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 397
AS - Asia 170
EU - Europa 66
SA - Sud America 1
Totale 634
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 397
SG - Singapore 158
IT - Italia 40
FI - Finlandia 18
CN - Cina 10
GB - Regno Unito 3
GR - Grecia 2
KR - Corea 2
BR - Brasile 1
DE - Germania 1
ES - Italia 1
SE - Svezia 1
Totale 634
Città #
Santa Clara 367
Singapore 90
Helsinki 18
Rome 18
Milan 5
Naples 3
Phoenix 3
Ashburn 2
Kingston upon Thames 2
Matelica 2
Novellara 2
Seoul 2
Spring Branch 2
Athens 1
Boardman 1
Bologna 1
Forest City 1
Guangzhou 1
Padova 1
Reston 1
Seville 1
Springfield 1
Tresigallo 1
Totale 526
Nome #
Performance indicators for portable X-ray fluorescence devices 16
Treatments with self-cleaning products for the maintenance and conservation of stone surfaces. 15
A Technical Examination of the Great Bronzes of the Museo Nazionale Romano 14
Quantitative analysis of copper alloys by means of portable X-ray fluorescence: A comparison between analysis of shavings and surfaces 12
Micro X-ray fluorescence analysis of Roman Imperial coins from Nero 12
Principi e applicazioni dell'analisi XRF con strumentazione portatile 12
An archaeometric contribution to the interpretation of blue-green glass beads from Iron age Central Italy 11
Infrared thermography for the thermal diffusivity evaluation in Sn-Pb bronze alloys: a tool for the investigation of ancient statuary 10
Interface thermal conductance characterization by infrared thermography: A tool for the study of insertions in bronze ancient Statuary 10
Ring-eye blue beads in Iron Age central Italy - Preliminary discussion of technology and possible trade connections 10
Il restauro del rivestimento argenteo del "Trittico del SS. Salvatore": ricerca e innovazione 9
Analisi delle leghe 9
Characterization of Castellani nineteenth-century gold jewellery by in situ micro-XRF spectroscopy 9
Obsidians from Latium Settlements: Preliminary Study on Provenance and Supplying Dynamics Indexes 9
Caratterizzazione elementare delle leghe 9
The Boxer at Rest and the Hellenistic Prince: A comparative thermographic study 9
Computational analyses for the interaction between aspartic acid and iron 9
Elsevier's Dictionary of Archaeological Materials and Archaeometry in English with translations in German, Spanish, French, Italian and Portuguese 9
Data from Multiple Portable XRF Units and Their Significance for Ancient Glass Studies 9
X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis of XII-XIV Century Italian Gold Coins 8
La spada dell'ipogeo R: analisi archeometriche 8
Comparison of the analytical performances of X-ray fluorescence devices 8
Analytical and computational study of three coptic icons in Saint Mercurius Monastery, Egypt 8
The production of metal artefacts in Southern Etruria (Central Italy): case studies from copper to Iron Age 8
Thermographic Investigation of Bronze Artefacts: Characterization of Structure Elements and Casting Faults in Masterpieces of the Bronze Statuary of Rome 8
Analytical and microstructural aspects related to the production of the follis-type roman coins 7
La problemática de conservación y restauración de los metales dorados arqueológicos 7
The use of a European coinage alloy to compare the detection limits of mobile XRF systems. A feasibility study 7
Il Pugile del Museo Nazionale Romano: risultanze conoscitive dell'intervento di manutenzione 7
Technische unter-suchung der beiden grossbronzen im Museo Nazionale Romano 7
X-ray fluorescence-based methods to measure the thickness of protective organic coatings on ancient silver artefacts 7
Lo studio della qualificazione superficiale con la fluorescenza a raggi X, appendice in Due piedini di bronzo argentato dal Colle Aventino 7
On, under and beneath the patina: Evaluation of micro energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence quantitative data on the classification of archaeological c 7
A non-quantitative approach to the XRF analysis of archaeological and historical bronzes 6
Complementary use of the Raman and XRF techniques for non-destructive analysis of historical paint layers 6
Fluorescence from the collimator in Si-PIN and Si-Drift detectors: problems and solutions for the XRF analysis of archaeological and historical materials 6
Analisi elementare delle leghe 6
Il Tesoro di Misurata: un cantiere permanente di ricerca sulla monetazione del Tardo Impero Romano 6
Caratterizzazione dei materiali costitutivi e dei prodotti di corrosione di alcuni oggetti provenienti dalla tomba 101 6
Gammagraphic Investigations 6
A compositional study of the Porticello Bronzes by portable x-ray fluorescence and laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy 6
L'occhio pesto del pugile - Indagini archeometriche sulla statua in bronzo del Museo Nazionale Romano 6
Scientific Investigations of Works of Art 6
Le ossidiane di Palmarola: i marker di provenienza 6
Portable X-ray fluorescence and its applications to the investigation of ancient metal artefacts 6
David di Donatello: indagine sul procedimento esecutivo 6
Objects from the ancient site of Qalat Rabah (Calatrava la Vieja): a case study on the characterization and conservation of Islamic gilded bronzes from Spain 6
X-ray fluorescence and laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy analysis of Roman silver denarii 5
Le leghe: il metodo e i risultati 5
Le Tavole Eugubine: analisi elementare delle leghe con il metodo della fluorescenza X 5
The Presence of Antimony in Some Grey Colours of Three Paintings by Correggio 5
Non-destructive Approach to Multilayer Objects: XRF Analysis of Gilt and Enamelled Metals of the Medieval Cross of Rosciolo 5
X-ray fluorescence applications for the study and conservation of cultural heritage 5
The Calibration of Cylindrical Rem Meters in Highly Scattering Environments 5
Opacizzanti, coloranti e decoloranti nelle paste vitree di San Vincenzo al Volturno 5
Spettrometro portatile per analisi di fluorescenza X 5
Reconsidering the accuracy of X-ray fluorescence and ion beam based methods when used to measure the thickness of ancient gildings 5
The medieval silver cross of Rosciolo: an XRF approach to the non-destructive investigation of gilt and enamelled metals 5
A software tool for correlating different features in metal archaeological artifacts 5
Analisi stratigrafiche al microscopio elettronico a scansione 5
La fluorescencia de rayos X 5
The use of a european coinage alloy to compare the detection limits of portable xrf system, a feasibility study 5
Indagini non distruttive di fluorescenza X sull'Afrodite-Vittoria ed altri oggetti di bronzo al Museo di santa Giulia a Brescia 5
Analysis of Silver Objects by Scattering and by X-Ray Fluorescence of Monoenergetic Gamma-Rays 5
Analisi XRF 5
Experimental study for the feasibility of using hard x-rays for micro-XRF analysis of multilayered metals 5
The gilded bronze panels of the Porta del Paradiso by Lorenzo Ghiberti: non-destructive analyses using portable XRF 4
Studio della composizione delle lamine metalliche e degli elementi decorativi del Trittico del Salvatore di Tivoli 4
Study of ancient Islamic gilded pieces combining PIXE-RBS on external microprobe with sem images 4
Multi-technique characterization of gold electroplating on silver substrates for cultural heritage applications 4
In situ study of the Porticello Bronzes by portable X-ray fluorescence and laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy 4
Esame dei pigmenti con la tecnica della fluorescenza X 4
An Approach to the conservation of deeply corroded archaeological Silver. The polos from Crucinia 4
A Multigamma Attenuation Technique for the Quantitative Characterization of Archaeological Metal Alloys 4
Principi e applicazioni dell'analisi XRF con strumentazione portatile 4
X-ray fluorescence investigation of gilded and enamelled silver: The case study of four medieval processional crosses from central Italy 4
The Bizantine door in the basilica of St. Paul Out of the Walls in Rome: compositional study of the alloys and interpretation of the results in view of its restoration 4
Evidence of re-use in a group of pre-historical knives from Ripatransone (Ascoli Piceno, Italy) 4
Studio dei pigmenti di alcuni dipinti del Correggio 4
The Corrosion of Archaeological Copper Alloys. The Case Study of a Coin Hoard From the Tenuta Radicicoli-del Bene, Rome. 4
Proposal for a prototype of portable micro-XRF spectrometer 4
The gilded bronze panels of the Porta del Paradiso by Lorenzo Ghiberti: non-destructive analyses using X-ray fluorescence 4
Study of the conservation problems of the archaeological gilded metals from the Islamic site of Qalat Rabah 4
Indagini su manufatti di bronzo del V sec. a.C. provenienti dalla necropoli di Vaglio, in Italia Meridionale 4
In situ XRF study of the XV C. mural paintings in the Town Hall of Gdansk 4
Interacción entre Ciencia de los materiales culturales y Restauración: un beneficio mutuo 4
Non-destructive investigations on metal objects from a proto-historic tomb in Lazio 4
The effect of tin on dezincification of archaeological copper alloys 4
Conservacion & restauracion del patrimonio arqueologico e innovacion tecnologica: los metales arqueoloicos sobredorados de Edad Media en Espagna 4
The use of portable XRF systems for preliminary compositional surveys on large bronze objects: a critical review after some years' experience 4
XRF analysis of Roman Imperial Coins 4
A Comparative Calibration of a Single and a Double Sphere Neutron Dose Equivalent Meter 4
Análisis mediante XRF de una cruz procesional medieval de plata originaria de Italia central 4
Non-destructive investigations of the copper-alloy artefacts 4
The Analysis of Bronze Alloys from the Equestrian Statue of Marco Aurelio by Means of a Thin Sample XRF Technique 4
Analisi di fluorescenza a raggi X (XRF) delle monete di Augusto 4
Spatial distribution of cadmium in leaves and its impact on photosynthesis: examples of different strategies in willow and poplar clones 4
Princípios e aplicações de espectroscopia de fluorescência de Raios X (FRX) com instrumentação portátil para estudo de bens culturais 4
La Loggia di Psiché à la Farnesina: anciennes restaurations et études interdisciplinaires en vue d'une intervention de conservation 4
XRF Analysis of Archaeological and Historical Bronzes by means of Portable Equipment 4
Totale 622
Categoria #
all - tutte 3.160
article - articoli 1.670
book - libri 72
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 550
Totale 5.452

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/202422 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 0 11 5
2024/2025617 0 7 92 80 269 125 35 9 0 0 0 0
Totale 639