Istituto di Metodologie per l'Analisi Ambientale - IMAA
Effects of Biostimulant Foliar Applications on Morphological Traits, Yield, Antioxidant Capacity, and Essential Oil Composition of Thymus vulgaris L. Under Field Conditions
2025 Cardone, Loriana; Polito, Flavio; Michele, Denora; Casiello, Donato; Castronuovo, Donato; Cicco, Nunzia; Perniola, Michele; De Feo, Vincenzo; Candido, Vincenzo
Antioxidant Activity, Total Phenolic Content and Morphological Traits in 1 to 4-Year-Old Muscari comosum Bulbs Cultivated in Three Growing Environments
2024 Cicco, N.; Castronuovo, D.; Candido, V.
Morphological traits, yield, antioxidant activity and essential oil composition of oregano as affected by biostimulant foliar applications
2024 Amato, Giuseppe; Cardone, Loriana; Cicco, N.; Denora, M.; Perniola, M.; Casiello, D.; De Martino, Laura; De Feo, V.; Candido, V.
Saffron In Vitro Propagation: An Innovative Method by Temporary Immersion System (TIS), Integrated with Machine Learning Analysis
2024 Tarraf, W.; Izgu, T.; Simsek, O.; Cicco, N.; Benelli, C.
Crocus sativus (L.) Grown in Pots with High Volume Capacity: From a Case of Study to a Patent
2022 Cicco, Nunzia
Fabrication of a New, Low-Cost, and Environment-Friendly Laccase-Based Biosensor by Electrospray Immobilization with Unprecedented Reuse and Storage Performances
2022 Castrovilli, MATTEA CARMEN; Tempesta, Emanuela; Cartoni, Antonella; Plescia, Paolo; Bolognesi, Paola; Chiarinelli, Jacopo; Calandra, Pietro; Cicco, Nunzia; Verrastro, Maria; Centonze, Diego; Gullo, Ludovica; del Giudice, Alessandra; Galantini, Luciano; Avaldi, Lorenzo
Comparing annual and biennial crop cycle on the growth, yield and quality of saffron using three corm dimensions
2021 Cardone, L; Candido, V; Castronuovo, D; Perniola, M; Cicco, N
Crocus sativus l. Ecotypes from mediterranean countries: Phenological, morpho-productive, qualitative and genetic traits
2021 Cardone, L; Castronuovo, D; Perniola, M; Cicco, N; Molina, Rv; Renaumorata, B; Nebauer, Sg; Candido, V
Effect of geographical origin and dimension of corms on saffron production in Basilicata Region (southern Italy)
2021 Cardone L.; Candido V.; Perniola M.; Cicco N.; Castronuovo D.
Saffron (Crocus sativus L.), the king of spices: An overview
2020 Cardone, Loriana; Castronuovo, Donato; Perniola, Michele; Cicco, Nunzia; Candido, Vincenzo
The Influence of Soil Physical and Chemical Properties on Saffron (Crocus sativus L.) Growth, Yield and Quality
2020 Cardone, Loriana; Castronuovo, Donato; Perniola, Michele; Scrano, Laura; Cicco, Nunzia; Candido, Vincenzo
Dispositivo e metodo di trasformazione di fiori
2019 Cicco, Nunzia
Evaluation of corm origin and climatic conditions on saffron (Crocus sativus L.) yield and quality
2019 Cardone L.; Castronuovo D.; Perniola M.; Cicco N.; Candido V.
ElectroSpray Ionisation Deposition for biosensor application
2017 Chiarinelli, J; Castrovilli, Mc; Cicco, N; Bolognesi, P; Calandra, P; Centonze, D; Cartonia, A; Avaldi, L
Amperometric biosensor based on Laccase immobilized onto a screen-printed electrode by Matrix Assisted Pulsed Laser Evaporation
2016 Verrastro, M; Cicco, N; Crispo, F; Morone, A; Dinescu, M; Dumitru, M; Favati, F; Centonze, D
Deposition and Characterization of Laccase Thin Films Obtained by Matrix Assisted Pulsed Laser Evaporation
2015 Cicco; N.c; Morone; A.a; Verrastro; M.ab ; Dinescu; M.d; Matei; A.d; Mitu; B.d; Centonze; D.e
2015 Cicco, Nunzia; Morone, Antonio; Verrastro, Maria; Dinescu, Maria; Matei, Andrea; Favati, Fabio; Centonze, Diego
2014 Cicco, N; Morone, A; Verrastro, M; Dinescu, M; Matei, A; Mitu, B; Centonze, D
Laccase Thin Films Obtained By Pulsed Laser Deposition And Matrix Assisted Pulsed Laser Evaporation: A Comparative Study
2013 Cicco, N; Dinescu, M; Matei, A; Morone, A; Verrastro, M; Viggiano, V
Pulsed laser deposition and characterization of cellulase thin films
2013 Cicco; N.a ; Morone; A.b; Verrastro; M.b; Viggiano; V.b