Istituto di Scienza e Tecnologie dell'Informazione "Alessandro Faedo" - ISTI
Formal methods for industrial critical systems: 30 years of railway applications
2024 ter Beek, M. H.; Fantechi, A.; Gnesi, S.
Nuts and Bolts of Extracting Variability Models from Natural Language Requirements Documents
2020 Arganese, E; Fantechi, A; Gnesi, S; Semini, L
From the Archives of the Formal Methods and Tools Lab: Axiomatising and Contextualising ACTL
2019 Gnesi, S; ter Beek, M H
On quantitative assessment of reliability and energy consumption indicators in railway systems
2019 Basile D.; Di Giandomenico F.; Gnesi S.
States and Events in KandISTI: A Retrospective
2019 ter Beek, M H; Fantechi, A; Gnesi, S; Mazzanti, F
A refinement approach to analyse critical cyber-physical systems
2018 Basile D.; Di Giandomenico F.; Gnesi S.
Applications of formal methods, modeling, and testing strategies for safe software development
2018 Fantechi A.; Ferrari A.; Gnesi S.
Model-based evaluation of energy saving systems
2017 Basile D.; Di Giandomenico F.; Gnesi S.
2016 TER BEEK, MAURICE HENRI; Gnesi, S; Knapp, A
Refinement of behavioural models for variability description
2016 Fantechi, A; Gnesi, S
From EU projects to a family of model checkers. From Kandinsky to KandISTI
2015 Ter Beek M. H.; Gnesi S.; Mazzanti F.
Model checking value-passing modal specifications
2015 Ter Beek, M H; Gnesi, S; Mazzanti, F
Towards automatic decision support for bike-sharing system design
2015 Ter Beek M. H.; Gnesi S.; Latella D.; Massink M.
An application of stochastic model checking in the industry: user-centered modeling and analysis of collaboration in thinkteam
2013 Ter Beek, Mh; Gnesi, S; Latella, D; Massink, M; Sebastianis, M; Trentanni, G
Families of dependable systems:a model checking approach
2013 Gnesi, S
An abstract, on the fly framework for the verification of service-oriented systems
2011 Gnesi, S; Mazzanti, F
Introduction to the Sensoria Case Studies
2011 Elgner, J; Gnesi, S; Koch, N; Mayer, P
Specification and implementation of demonstrators for the case studies
2011 Elgner, J; Gnesi, S; Koch, N; Mayer, P
The Sensoria approach applied to the finance case study
2011 Gnesi, S; Pugliese, R; Tiezzi, F
A uniform approach to security and fault-tolerance specification and analysis
2009 Lenzini G.; Martinelli F.; Matteucci I.; Gnesi S.