Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 443
AS - Asia 95
EU - Europa 8
Totale 546
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 443
SG - Singapore 90
IT - Italia 5
FI - Finlandia 3
KR - Corea 3
CN - Cina 2
Totale 546
Città #
Santa Clara 422
Singapore 68
Helsinki 3
Seoul 3
Milan 2
Pisa 2
Bologna 1
Guangzhou 1
Phoenix 1
Totale 503
Nome #
New composites of hydroxyapatite and bioresorbable macromolecular material 15
COMATCOMP'09 - Proc. V Int. Conf. on Science and Technology of Composite Materials 12
Multifunctional scaffolds for myocardial tissue engineering 11
Composites between alumina and an ester-ether-ester bioresorbable copolymer 11
Composites between hydroxyapatite and poly(epsilon-caprolactone) synthesized in open system at room temperature 11
Compositi idrossiapatite-poli(epsilon-caprolattone) sintetizzati in sistema aperto a temperatura ambiente 11
Poli(stirene-alt-acido maleico)-cross-poliossietilene: un possibile impiego come mezzo per il rilascio di farmaci 10
Preparazione e caratterizzazione di sistemi intelligenti per la rigenerazione tissutale costituiti da polimeri ad impronta molecolare 10
Hydroxyapatite as a polymerisation initiator for epsilon-caprolactone at room temperature in open system 10
Bioartificial materials for tissue engineering: comparison with natural tissues. 10
A hydroxyapatite-collagen composite useful to make bioresorbable scaffolds for bone reconstruction 10
Compatibilization and property control of polyolefin and polyester composites containing natural fibres 10
Synthesis of hydroxyapatite/poly(epsilon-caprolactone) composite in open system at room temperature 10
Synthesis and characterization of a novel thermosensitive and biodegradable PNIPAAm-based copolymer to use as injectable scaffold for cardiac tissue engineering 9
Drug-delivering Ability of a Poly(styrene-alt-maleic anhydride)-cross-polyoxyethylene Tested using Methylene Blue 9
Polymerization of epsilon-caprolactone initiated through powders of biological and nonbiological glasses 9
Poly(vinyl alcohol)-chitosan blends modified by means of a dehydrothermal treatment 9
Reticolazione del poli(stirene-alt-anidride maleica) con polietilenglicol per l ottenimento di nuovi materiali per uso biomedico 9
Cross-linking poly(styrene-alt-maleic anhydride) with poly(ethylene glycol), to obtain new materials for biomedical use 9
Preparation and functional characterization of a polysaccharidic matrix microsphere-shaped for controlled drug release 9
Biodegradable bioartificial materials made by chitosan and poly(vinyl alcohol). Part II: Enzymatic degradability and drug-releasing ability 9
Multifunctional scaffolds for myocardial tissue engineering. 9
A hydroxyapatite-collagen composite useful to make bioresorbable scaffolds for bone reconstruction. 9
Composite biomaterials for bioresorbable bone prostheses 9
Composites between collagen and hydroxyapatite 9
Cross-linked hydroxyapatite-collagen composites as biomaterials for tissue engineering 9
Composites between hydroxyapatite and bioresorbable macromolecules as scaffolds for bone reconstruction 8
Biomimetic three-layer polymeric systems for heart valve tissue engineering. 8
Cross-linked ionomeric materials from poly(styrene-alt-maleic anhydride) and poly(ethylene glycol) for biomedical applications: A preliminary investigation 8
Composite biomaterials obtained from hydroxyapatite and gellan gum, cross-linked with adipic acid 8
Hydroxyapatite as a polymerisation initiator for epsilon-caprolactone at room temperature in open system 8
Molecularly imprinted polymeric nanospheres for the controlled localized drug release and targeting 8
Enzymatically cross-linked hydroxyapatite-collagen composites for bone tissue reconstruction 8
Poly(vinyl alcohol)-chitosan blends modified by means of a dehydrothermal treatment. 8
Gellan-adipic acid blends cross-linked by means of a dehydrothermal treatment 8
Composites of ceramics and glasses with synthetical and biological macromolecules 8
Composite biomaterials for bioresorbable prostheses 8
In vitro and in vivo strategies for myocardial regeneration 8
Biodegradable bioartificial materials made by chitosan and poly(vinyl alcohol). Part III: Materials toughened by means of a dehydrothermal treatment. 8
Polymeric supports in polysulfone functionalized by molecular imprinting technology for protein recognition 8
Chitosan-poly(vinyl alcohol) films for biodegradable food packaging 8
Biodegradabile bioartificial materials made by chitosan and poly(vinyl alcohol). Part I: Physicochemical characterization 8
Nanocomplessi polimerici intelligenti ottenuti per polimerizzazione su matrice per il drug targeting 7
Biomateriali compositi per protesi ossee bioriassorbibili 7
Preparation of temporary structures based on gellan/adipic acid materials for tissue engineering 7
Bioartificial chitosan-poly(vinyl alcohol) blends as biomaterials 7
Drug Delivery by Biodegradable Poly(Ester-Ether-Ester)s: a Tentative Theoretical Evaluation of the Interactions between Drug and Macromolecular Matrix 7
Preparation of temporary structures based on gellan/adipic acid materials for tissue engineering 7
Composites between hydroxyapatite and bioresorbable macromolecules as scaffolds for bone reconstruction 7
Hydroxyapatite/Collagen interactions: a preliminary study for bone reconstruction nanocomposite scaffolds 7
Strategie in vitro e in vivo per la rigenerazione del miocardio 7
Physicochemical interactions between collagen and hydroxyapatite 7
Preparazione e caratterizzazione funzionale di matrici polisaccaridiche in forma di microsfere per il rilascio controllato di farmaci 7
Smart polymer nanocomplexes obtained by template polymerization for drug targeting 7
Gellan gum-hydroxyapatite composites for the fabrication of scaffolds to be used in bone reconstruction 7
Drug-delivering Ability of a Poly(styrene-alt-maleic anhydride)-cross-polyoxyethylene Tested using Methylene Blue 7
Gellan/hydroxyapatite composites for preparation of temporary structures for bone reconstruction 7
A novel thermosensitive and bioresorbable copolymer for bioengineering applications 7
Gellan-hydroxyapatite composites for the fabrication of scaffolds to be used in bone reconstruction 7
Compositi fra gellano e idrossiapatite per la preparazione in situ di strutture temporanee per la ricrescita ossea 7
Spotlight FT-IR chemical imaging: an advanced technique for the characterization of macromolecular matrices 7
Gellan gum-hydroxyapatite composites for the fabrication of scaffolds to be used in bone reconstruction 7
Cross-linked materials from poly(styrene-alt-maleic anhydride) and poly(ethylene glycol) for biomedical applications 7
Poly(styrene-alt-maleic anhydride)-cross-polyoxyethylene: a possible use as a drug-release device 7
Totale 549
Categoria #
all - tutte 1.864
article - articoli 604
book - libri 125
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 57
Totale 2.650

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/20248 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 4 0
2024/2025541 1 9 77 35 397 22 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 549