Istituto di Scienze Applicate e Sistemi Intelligenti "Eduardo Caianiello" - ISASI - Sede Secondaria Napoli
Implementation of a nonlinear microscope based on stimulated raman scattering
2019 Ranjan, R; Indolfi, M; Ferrara, Ma; Sirleto, L
Implementation of stimulated Raman losses and stimulated Raman gain microscopy using three femtosecond laser sources
2018 Ranjan, R; D'Arco, A; Ferrara, Ma; Indolfi, M; Larobina, M; Sirleto, L
Integration of stimulated Raman gain and stimulated Raman losses detection modes in a single nonlinear microscope
2018 Ranjan R.; D'Arco A.; Ferrara M.A.; Indolfi M.; Larobina M.; Sirleto L.
Label-free imaging of small lipid droplets by femtosecond-stimulated Raman scattering microscopy
2017 D'Arco A.; Ferrara M.A.; Indolfi M.; Tufano V.; Sirleto L.
Subcellular chemical and morphological analysis by stimulated Raman scattering microscopy and image analysis techniques
2016 D'Arco, Annalisa; Brancati, Nadia; Ferrara, MARIA ANTONIETTA; Indolfi, Maurizio; Frucci, Maria; Sirleto, Luigi
Structural health monitoring of metal components: A new approach based on electrochemical measurements
2013 Astarita; A. Scala; A. Paradiso; V. Squillace; A. Iodice; M. Indolfi; M. Monetta; T. Bellucci; F.
FBG read-out system based on a silicon based Fabry-Perot cavity
2006 Coppola, G; Zaccuri, Rc; Iodice, M; Indolfi, M; Rendina, I; Di Maio, A; Rocco, A; Ferraro, P
Fiber Bragg grating sensor monitoring with thermally tuned Fabry-Perot cavity integrated in an all-silicon rib waveguide
2005 Coppola, G; Iodice, M; Saffioti, N; Zaccuri, Rc; Indolfi, M; Rendina, I; Rocco, A; Ferraro, P