Istituto di informatica e telematica - IIT
The comma sequence: a simple sequence with bizarre properties
2024 Angelini, E.; Branicky, M. S.; Resta, G.; Sloane, N. J. A.; Wilson, D. W.
The cost of non-coordination in urban on-demand mobility
2022 Kondor, D; Bojic, I; Resta, G; Duarte, F; Santi, P; Ratti, C
Locality Filtering for Efficient Ride Sharing Platforms
2021 Tosoni, F; Ferragina, P; Marino, A; Resta, G; Santi, P
Home-work Carpooling for Social Mixing
2020 Librino, F.; Renda, M. E.; Santi, P.; Martelli, F.; Resta, G.; Duarte, F.; Ratti, C.; Zhao, J.
Addressing the minimum fleet problem in on-demand urban mobility
2018 Vazifeh, M. M.; Santi, P.; Resta, G.; Strogatz, S. H.; Ratti, C.
Scaling law of urban ride sharing
2017 Tachet R.; Sagarra O.; Santi P.; Resta G.; Szell M.; Strogatz S.H.; Ratti C.
IEEE 802.11p VANets: Experimental evaluation of packet inter-reception time
2015 Renda M.E.; Resta G.; Santi P.; Martelli F.; Franchini A.
Flooding time in opportunistic networks under power law and exponential intercontact times
2014 Becchetti, Luca; Clementi, Andrea; Pasquale, Francesco; Resta, Giovanni; Santi, Paolo; Silvestri, Riccardo
Quantifying the Benefits of Taxi Trips Sharing in New York through Shareability Networks
2014 Santi, P; Resta, G; Ratti, C
Quantifying the benefits of vehicle pooling with shareability networks
2014 Santi P.; Resta G.; Szell M.; Sobolevsky S.; Strogatz S.H.; Ratti C.
Reply to Lopez et al.: Sustainable implementation of taxi sharing requires understanding systemic effects
2014 Santi, P; Resta, G; Szell, M; Sobolevsky, S; Strogatz, Sh; Ratti, C
The Random Waypoint Model with Uniform Node Spatial Distribution
2014 Dieter Mitsche; Giovanni Resta; Paolo Santi
Early Detection of Central Visual Function Decline in Cone-RodDystrophy by the use of Macular Focal Cone Electroretinogram
2013 Lucia GalliResta; Marco Piccardi; Lucia Ziccardi; Antonello Fadda; Angelo Minnella; Dario Marangoni; Giorgio Placidi; Giovanni Resta; Benedetto Falsini
The Random Waypoint Model with Uniform Node Spatial Distribution
2013 Mitsche, Dieter; Resta, Giovanni; Santi, Paolo
A Framework for Routing Performance Analysis in Delay Tolerant Networks with Application to Non Cooperative Networks
2012 Resta, Giovanni; Santi, Paolo
Load Balancing Hashing for Geographic Hash Tables
2012 Renda Elena; Resta Giovanni; Santi Paolo
The Fundamental Limits of Broadcasting in Dense Wireless Mobile Networks
2012 Resta Giovanni; Santi Paolo
Latency and Capacity Optimal Broadcasting in Wireless Multi-Hop Networks with Arbitrary Number of Sources
2011 Resta G. ; Santi P.
A Framework for Routing Performance Analysis in Delay Tolerant Networks with Application to Non Cooperative Networks
2010 Resta, G; Santi, P
Approximation Algorithms for Wireless Link Scheduling with SINR-based Interference
2010 Resta, G; Santi, P; Blough, D