Istituto di Scienze dell'Atmosfera e del Clima - ISAC - Sede Secondaria Lecce
Employing Eddy Diffusivities to Simulate the Contaminants Dispersion for a Shear Dominated-Stable Boundary Layer
2015 G. A. Degrazia; S. Maldaner ; C. P. Ferreira; V. C. Silveira; U. Rizza; V. S. Moreira; D. Buske
Analytical formulation for the radioactive contaminant release from nuclar power plants
2012 Bodmann, B; Rizza, U; Buske, D; T Vilhena, M; Ttirabassi,
On an Analytical Model for the Radioactive Contaminant Release in the Atmosphere from Nuclear Power Plants
2012 Túllio Vilhena, Marco; Bodmann, Bardo; Rizza, Umberto; Buske, Daniela
Atmospheric Dispersion with a Large-Eddy Simulation: Eulerian and Lagrangian Perspectives
2010 Rizza, U; Ggioia, ; Glacorata, ; Cmangia, ; Gpmarra,
Atmospheric dispersion with a large-eddy simulation: Eulerian and lagrangian perspectives
2009 Rizza, Umberto; Gioia, Giulia; Lacorata, Guglielmo; Mangia, Cristina; Marra, Gian Paolo
A study of SO2 dispersion around a thermoelectric power plant in the south of Brazil
2004 L Moraes, Osvaldo L; M Alves, Rita C; Silva, Rodrigo; C Siqueira, Adriano; D Borges, Patrícia; Tirabassi, Tiziano; Rizza, Umberto
On the relationship between the lagrangian and eulerian time scale: a prelimanry evaluation with LES data
2004 U. Rizza; D. Anfossi; C.Mangia; G. A.Degrazia
Large eddy simulations of planetary boundary layer: A tool for the study of its turbulent characteristics
2001 Rizza, U; Mangia, C; Malfetti, P
new eddy diffusivity parameterisation for dispersion models: Evaluation in different atmospheric conditions
2001 Mangia, C; Schipa, I; Moreira, Dm; Tirabassi, T; Degrazia, Ga; Rizza, U
Statistics of temperature fluctuactions in a buoyancy dominated boundary layer flow simulated by a large-eddy simulation model
2001 Antonelli, M; Mazzino, A; Rizza, U
A Method to calculate dispersion parameters in a shear-dominated stable boundary layer
1997 G.A.Degrazia; RIZZA U.; C.Mangia; T.Tirabassi; H.F. de Campos Velho; O.L.L. Moraes
SPM:An operative model for the dispersion of skewed puffs
1997 S. Malta; RIZZA U.; T.Tirabassi
Virtual height dispersion model: evaluation against tracer data in different turbulent regime
1997 Cmangia, ; Rizza, U; Ttirabassi,