Istituto di Matematica Applicata e Tecnologie Informatiche - IMATI - Sede Secondaria Milano
An empirical model for predicting insects' diapause termination and phenology: An application to Cydia pomonella
2024 Sperandio, Giorgio; Pasquali, Sara; Pradolesi, Gianfranco; Baiocco, Serena; Cavina, Federico; Gilioli, Gianni
A stage structured demographic model with "no-regression" growth: The case of temperature-dependent development rate
2023 Pasquali, Sara; Trivellato, Barbara
Mortality estimate driven by population abundance field data in a stage-structured demographic model. The case of Lobesia botrana
2022 Pasquali, S; Soresina, C; Marchesini, E
Non-linear physiological responses to climate change: the case of Ceratitis capitata distribution and abundance in Europe
2022 Gilioli, G; Sperandio, G; Colturato, M; Pasquali, S; Gervasio, P; Wilstermann, A; Dominic, Ar; Schrader, G
Underdetection in a stochastic SIR model for the analysis of the COVID-19 Italian epidemic
2022 Bodini, A; Pasquali, S; Pievatolo, A; Ruggeri, F
A stage structured demographic model with "no-regression" growth: The case of constant development rate
2021 Pasquali, Sara
A stochastic SIR model for the analysis of the COVID-19 Italian epidemic
2021 Pasquali, S; Pievatolo, A; Bodini, A; Ruggeri, F
How does the Emerald Ash Borer (Agrilus planipennis) affect ecosystem services and biodiversity components in invaded areas?
2021 Schrader, G; Baker, R; Baranchikov, Y; Dumouchel, L; Knight, Ks; Mccullough, Dg; Orlovabienkowskaja, Mj; Pasquali, S; Gilioli, G
Development and calibration of a model for the potential establishment and impact of Aedes albopictus in Europe
2020 Pasquali, S; Mariani, L; Calvitti, M; Moretti, R; Ponti, L; Chiari, M; Sperandio, G; Gilioli, G
The effects of fecundity, mortality and distribution of the initial condition in phenological models
2019 Pasquali, S; Soresina, C; Gilioli, G
Tracking the Spread of Sneaking Aliens by Integrating Crowdsourcing and Spatial Modeling: The Italian Invasion of Halyomorpha halys
2018 Maistrello, L; Dioli, P; Dutto, M; Volani, S; Pasquali, S; Gilioli, G
A Bayesian estimation approach for the mortality in a stage-structured demographic model
2017 Lanzarone, E; Pasquali, S; Gilioli, G; Marchesini, E
A non-Gaussian option pricing model based on Kaniadakis exponential deformation
2017 Moretto, E; Pasquali, S; Trivellato, B
A temperature-dependent physiologically based model for the invasive apple snail Pomacea canaliculata
2017 Gilioli, G; Pasquali, S; Martin, Pr; Carlsson, N; Mariani, L
EBHS in European brown hares (Lepus europaeus): disease dynamics and control
2017 Salvioli, M; Pasquali, S; Lavazza, A; Zanoni, M; Guberti, V; Chiari, M; Gilioli, G
Environmental risk assessment for invasive alien species: A case study of apple snails affecting ecosystem services in Europe
2017 Gilioli, G; Schrader, G; Carlsson, N; van Donk, E; van Leeuwen, Cha; Martín, Pr; Pasquali, S; Vilà, M; Vos, S
A modelling framework for pest population dynamics and management: An application to the grape berry moth
2016 Gilioli, G; Pasquali, S; Marchesini, E
Option pricing under deformed Gaussian distributions
2016 Moretto, E; Pasquali, S; Trivellato, B
Analysis and constrained optimal impulsive control of a Holling-II type trophic system with two sources
2015 Galbusera, L; Pasquali, S
Dai sensori al raccolto con la matematica
2015 Bodini, A; Marchesini, E; Pasquali, S