Istituto di Metodologie per l'Analisi Ambientale - IMAA
The Ancient Nasca World New Insights from Science and Archaeology
2017 Lasaponara, Rosa; Masini, Nicola; Orefici, Giuseppe
Earth Observation and Social Perspectives. Towards Horizon 2020
2013 Lasaponara, R; Masini, N; Biscione, M
Satellite Remote Sensing: a new tool for Archaeology
2012 Lasaponara, R; Masini, N
EARSEL Newsletters
2010 Lasaponara, Rosa; Lanorte, Antonio; Coluzzi, Rosa; Afflitto, Nicola
Advances in Remote Sensing and GIS applications in Forest Fire Management- Towards an operational use of remote sensing in forest fire management
2009 Chuvieco, Emilio; Lasaponara, Rosa
An Integrated Methodology for Medieval Landscape Reconstruction: The Case Study of Monte Serico
2009 Danese Maria; Biscione Marilisa; Coluzzi Rossella; Lasaponara Rosa; Murgante Beniamino; Masini Nicola
Assessing critical fuel parameters using airborne full waveform lidar: the case study of Bosco dell Incoronata (Puglia Region)
2009 Lanorte, A; Coluzzi, R; Lasaponara, R; Guariglia, A
Cyberpark project: Multitemporal satellite data set for pre-operational fire susceptibility monitoring and post fire recovery estimation
2009 Lanorte, A; DE SANTIS, Fortunato; Coluzzi, R; Lasaponara, R; Tmontesano, ; Monteleone, M
Daily monitoring of pre-fire vegetation conditions using satellite MODIS data: the experience of FIRE-SAT in the Basilicata Region
2009 Lanorte, A; Coluzzi, R; Lasaponara, R; Basile, G; Gloperte, ; Antonucci, F
Multiscale characterization of spatial pattern over 1996-2006 wildland fire events in the Basilicata Region
2009 M, Danese; Murgante, B; Lanorte, A; Coluzzi, R; Lasaponara, R
Post fire vegetation recovery estimation using satellite VEGETATION time series
2009 Lanorte A.; R. Coluzzi; R. Lasaponara; F. De Santis; L.Telesca
Remote sensing based Mapping of fuel types using Multisensor, Multiscale and Multitemporal data set
2009 Lanorte, A; Coluzzi, R; Lasaponara, R
A review of satellite data processing methods applied in archaeological context
2008 Lasaponara, R; Nmasini,
Advances in Remote Sensing for Archaeology and Cultural Heritage Management
2008 Lasaponara, R; Masini, N
Airborne and satellite multispectral imagery at the Etruscan site of San Giovenale, Blera (Lazio)-Preliminary results
2008 Backe Forsberg, Y; Holmgren, R; Lanorte, A; Lasaponara, R; Masini, N
Evaluation of urban shape variability in Southern Italy by using LANDSAT data
2008 Lasaponara, R; Coluzzi, R; Telesca, L
Ground-based, aerial and satellite remote sensing to investigate archaeological and palaeoenvironmental featuters: the study case of Tavoliere (Apulia, Italy)
2008 Ciminale, M; Gallo, D; Lasaponara, R; Masini, N
Integrated and multiscale NDT for the study of architectural heritage
2008 Nuzzo Luigia; Masini Nicola; Rizzo Enzo; Lasaponara Rosa
Integrated Remote Sensing techniques for the detection of buried archaeological adobe structuress:Preliminary results in Cahuachi
2008 Masini N.; E. Rizzo; Lasaponara R.; G. Orefici
New perspectives for archaeological research by satellite imagery in Cahuachi (Peru)
2008 Masini N.; Lasaponara R.; Coluzzi R.; Orefici G.