Istituto per le Risorse Biologiche e le Biotecnologie Marine - IRBIM  

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When the Trawl Ban Is a Good Option: Opportunities to Restore Fish Biomass and Size Structure in a Mediterranean Fisheries Restricted Area 1-gen-2023 Pipitone, C; Agnetta, D; Zenone, A; Giacalone, Vm; Badalamenti, F; Fiorentino, F; Rinelli, P; Sinopoli, M; Vega Fernández, T; D'Anna, G
Comparing life-history traits in two contiguous stocks of the deep-water rose shrimp Parapenaeus longirostris (H. Lucas, 1846) (Crustacea: Decapoda) in the Southern Tyrrhenian Sea (Central Mediterranean Sea) 1-gen-2022 Perdichizzi, A; D'Iglio, C; Giordano, D; Profeta, A; Ragonese, S; Rinelli, P
Ontogenetic shift and feeding habits of the European hake (Merluccius merluccius L., 1758) in Central and Southern Tyrrhenian Sea (Western Mediterranean Sea): A comparison between past and present data 1-gen-2022 D'Iglio, Claudio; Porcino, Nunziatina; Savoca, Serena; Profeta, Adriana; Perdichizzi, Anna; Minicante, Enrico Armeli; Salvati, Davide; Soraci, Francesco; Rinelli, Paola; Giordano, Daniela
Biological and ecological aspects of the blackmouth catshark, Galeus melastomus Rafinesque, 1810, from the Southern Tyrrhenian Sea 1-gen-2021 D'Iglio, C; Albano, M; Tiralongo, F; Famulari, S; Rinelli, P; Savoca, S; Spanò, N; Capillo, G
Diet of the Deep-Sea Shark Galeus melastomus Rafinesque, 1810, in the Mediterranean Sea: What We Know and What We Should Know 1-gen-2021 D'Iglio, C; Savoca, S; Rinelli, P; Spanò, N; Capillo, G
Intra- and interspecific variability among congeneric Pagellus otoliths 1-gen-2021 D'Iglio C.; Albano M.; Famulari S.; Savoca S.; Panarello G.; Di Paola D.; Perdichizzi A.; Rinelli P.; Lanteri G.; Spano N.; Capillo G.
Gonadal macrophage aggregates in fish: A preliminary quantitative study in red mullet 1-gen-2019 Micale, Valeria; Perdichizzi, Anna; Muglia, Ugo; Rinelli, Paola; Cosenza, Alessandro; Mita Damiano, Gustavo
Il divieto di strascico nel Golfo di Castellammare (Sicilia N-O): uno strumento di successo per la gestione sostenibile della pesca demersale 1-gen-2019 PIPITONE C.; D'ANNA G.; BADALAMENTI F.; ANDALORO F.; FALAUTANO M.; FIORENTINO F.; GIANGUZZA P.; RINELLI P.;SPANÒ N.
Investigating gear and seasonal effects in experimental trawl surveys: the case of Galeus melastomus Rafinesque, 1810 (Chondrichthyes, Scyliorhinidae) in the South of Sicily (Central Mediterranean) 1-gen-2017 Bottari T.; Rinelli P.; Ragonese S.
On the presence of Pontobdella muricata (Hirudinea: Piscicolidae) on some elasmobranchs of the Tyrrhenian Sea (Central Mediterranean) 1-gen-2017 Bottari, Teresa; Profeta, Adriana; Rinelli, Paola; Gaglio, Gabriella; La Spada, Gina; Smedile, Francesco; Giordano, Daniela
The effectiveness of fish feeding behaviour in mirroring trawling induced patterns 1-gen-2017 Mangano, M C; Bottari, T; Caridi, F; Porporato, E M D; Rinelli, P; Spano, N; Johnson, M; Sara, G
TRANSPLANT TRIALS OF THE FAN MUSSEL PINNA NOBILIS INSIDE THE COASTAL LAGOON OF CAPO PELORO (CENTRAL MEDITERRANEAN, ITALY) 1-gen-2017 Bottari, Teresa; Spinelli, Andrea; Busalacchi, Barbara; Rinelli, Paola; Giacobbe, Salvatore
Epidemiology of gnathiid isopods on red mullet (Mullus barbatus barbatus) along the Tyrrhenian Sicilian coast (Mediterranean Sea) 1-gen-2016 Bottari, Teresa; Rinelli, Paola; Garofalo, Germana; Spano, Nunziacarla; Mangano Maria, C; Porporato Erika, M D; Mobilia, Valeria; Fiorentino, Fabio
Occurrence and prevalence of Philometra filiformis (Stossich, 1896) on Pagellus erythrinus (Linnaeus, 1758) in the Southern Tyrrhenian Sea 1-gen-2016 Marino, F.; Busalacchi, B.; Bottari, T.; Rinelli, P.; Gaglio, G.
Comparison between Otoliths and Length Based Ageing and Growth of African Armoured Searobin (Peristedion cataphractum L. 1758; Teleostei, Peristediidae) off the Southern Coasts of Sicily (Mediterranean Sea) 1-gen-2015 Bottari, T; Gancitano, S; Rinelli, P; Ragonese, S
Is square-mesh better selective than larger mesh? A perspective on the management for Mediterranean trawl fisheries 1-gen-2015 Sala, A; Lucchetti, A; Perdichizzi, A; Herrmann, B; Rinelli, P
Distribution and biological features of the common pandora, Pagellus erythrinus (Linnaeus, 1758), in the southern Tyrrhenian Sea (Central Mediterranean) 1-gen-2014 Busalacchi B.; Bottari T.; Giordano D.; Profeta A.; Rinelli P.
Elasmobranch distribution and assemblages in the Southern Tyrrhenian Sea (Central Mediterranean) 1-gen-2014 Bottari, T; Busalacchi, B; Profeta, A; Mancuso, M; Giordano, D; Rinelli, P
Infaunal community responses to a gradient of trawling disturbance and a long-term Fishery Exclusion Zone in the Southern Tyrrhenian Sea 1-gen-2014 Mangano, Mc; Kaiser, Mj; Porporato, Emd; Lambert, Gi; Rinelli, P; Spano, N
The reproductive biology of Boops boops (Linnaeus, 1758) (Teleostei: Sparidae) in the southern Tyrrhenian Sea (Central Mediterranean) 1-gen-2014 Bottari, Teresa; Micale, Valeria; Liguori, Marilia; Rinelli, Paola; Busalacchi, Barbara; Bonfiglio, Rossella; Ragonese, Sergio