Children involved in police interrogations as suspects and victims
2008 Redlich A.D.; Ghetti S.; Quas J.A.
Neurodevelopmental correlates of true and false recognition
2008 PazAlonso P.; Ghetti S.; Donohue S.; Goodman G.S.; Bunge S.
Perceptions of children during a police interview: guilt, confessions, and interview fairness
2008 Redlich A.D.; Quas J.A.; Ghetti S.
Processes underlying developmental reversals in false-memory formation
2008 Ghetti S.
Rejection of false events in childhood: a metamemory account
2008 Ghetti S.
The development of metamemory monitoring during retrieval: the case of memory strenght and memory absence
2008 Ghetti, S; Lyons, K; Lazzarin, F; Cornoldi, C
The development of recollection and familiarity in childhood and adolescence: evidence from the dual-process signal detection model
2008 Ghetti S.; Angelini L.
What are confabulators' memories made of? A study of subjective and objective measures of recollection in confabulation
2007 Ghetti, S; Ciaramelli, E
Developmental differences in false-event rejection: Effects of memorability-based warnings
2006 Ghetti, S; Castelli, P
The development of the memorability-based strategy: Evidence from a training study
2006 Ghetti, S; Papini, S; Angelini, L
What can subjective forgetting tell us about memory for childhood trauma?
2006 Ghetti, S; Edelstein, Rs; Goodman, Gs; Cordon, Im; Quas, Ja; Alexander KW Redlich, Ad; Jones, D
A Grotius project on Victim-Offender Mediation with youth offenders in Europe
2005 Mestitz, A; Ghetti, S
Childhood sexual assault victims: long-term outcomes after testifying in criminal court
2005 Quas, Ja; Goodman, Gs; Ghetti, S; Alexander, Kw; Edelstein, Rs; Redlich, Ad; Cordon, Im; Jones, D
Effects of age and interviewing style in perception of child's testimony
2005 P. Castelli; G.S. Goodman; S. Ghetti
Individual differences in emotional memory: adult attachment and long-term memory for child sexual abuse
2005 R.S. Edelstein; S. Ghetti; G.S. Goodman; J.A. Quas; K.W. Alexander; I.M. Cordon
Traumatic impact predicts long -term memory of documented child sexual abuse
2005 Alexander, Kw; Quas, Ja; Goodman, Gs; Ghetti, S; Edelstein, Rs; Redlich, Ad; Cordon, Im; Jones, D
Esperienze di mediazione penale: comunicazioni tra mediatori e magistrati minorili
2004 Mestitz A.; Ghetti S.
If it happened, I would remember it. Strategic use of event memorability in the rejection of false events
2004 Ghetti, S; Alexander, Kw
A perspective study of memory for child sexual abuse: new findings relevant to the repressed/lost memory controversy
2003 Goodman, Gs; Ghetti, S; Quas, Ja; Edelstein, Rs; Alexander, Kw; Redlich, Ad; Cordon, Im; Jones, Dp
Il coinvolgimento giudiziario dei bambini in caso di abuso sessuale: conseguenze ed interventi
2003 Ghetti, S; Alexander, Kw; Goodman, Gs