Istituto per le Risorse Biologiche e le Biotecnologie Marine - IRBIM
Fishery Discard as a Source of Food for Reared or Wild Fish? The Bottom Trawling in the Mediterranean Sea as a Case Study
2018 Gasco L.; Gai F.; Maricchiolo G.; Genovese L.; Ragonese S.; Bottari T. ; Caruso G.
Fishmeal Alternative Protein Sources for Aquaculture Feeds
2018 Gasco, L; Gai, F; Maricchiolo, G; Genovese, L; Ragonese, S; Bottari, T; Caruso, G
Supplementation of Vitamins, Minerals, Enzymes and Antioxidants in Fish Feeds
2018 Gasco L.; Gai F.; Maricchiolo G.; Genovese L.; Ragonese S.; Bottari T.; Caruso G.
Sustainable Alternatives for Dietary Fish Oil in Aquafeeds: Actual Situation and Future Perspectives
2018 Gasco, L; Gai, F; Maricchiolo, G; Genovese, L; Ragonese, S; Bottari, T; Caruso, G
A multimarker approach to assess the environmental pollution on biological resources subject of commercial fishing: the case of Mullus barbatus (Linnaeus, 1758) in the southern Tyrrhenian Sea
2011 Micale, V; Pirrera, L; Bottari, T; Busalacchi, B; Perdichizzi, A; Perdichizzi, F; Profeta, A; Rinelli, P; Corsi, I
Evaluation of Demersal Resources as Essential Tool for a Long Term Common Fisheries Policy (CFP): the Role of the Scientific Research
2011 Rinelli, P; Bottari, T; Busalacchi, B; Giordano, D; Perdichizzi, F; Aperdichizzi, ; Pirrera, L; Profeta, A