Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 910
AS - Asia 264
EU - Europa 37
SA - Sud America 3
Totale 1.214
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 910
SG - Singapore 250
IT - Italia 17
KR - Corea 10
FI - Finlandia 8
DE - Germania 3
AT - Austria 2
NL - Olanda 2
RO - Romania 2
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 1
AR - Argentina 1
BR - Brasile 1
CN - Cina 1
CO - Colombia 1
EE - Estonia 1
ID - Indonesia 1
IE - Irlanda 1
LK - Sri Lanka 1
PT - Portogallo 1
Totale 1.214
Città #
Santa Clara 840
Singapore 170
Seoul 10
Helsinki 8
Montesilvano Marina 6
Rome 6
Ashburn 3
Albanella 2
Boardman 2
Los Angeles 2
Reston 2
Amsterdam 1
Bogotá 1
Buenos Aires 1
Colombo 1
Dubai 1
Dublin 1
Edison 1
Falkenstein 1
Forest City 1
Fort Worth 1
Lisbon 1
Phoenix 1
Seriate 1
Springfield 1
Tallinn 1
Totale 1.066
Nome #
An ontology design pattern for supporting behaviour arbitration in cognitive agents 16
The ITALK Project: A Developmental Robotics Approach to the Study of Individual, Social, and Linguistic Learning 12
Developing a Robot able to Follow a Human Target in a Domestic Environment 12
Mutual Information As a Task-Independent Utility Function for Evolutionary Robotics 11
Two examples of active categorisation processes distributed over time 11
Favoring the Evolution of Adaptive Robots Through Environmental Differentiation 11
Evolving communication in embodied agents: Assessment and open challenges 11
Selective attention enables action selection: Evidence from evolutionary robotics experiments 11
Robust optimization through neuroevolution 11
Developing a Robot able to Follow a Human Target in a Domestic Environment. 11
Development of Abstract Categories in Embodied Agents 10
Synchronization and gait adaptation in evolving hexapod robots. 10
A case study of the evolution of modularity: Towards a bridge between evolutionary biology, artificial life, neuro- and cognitive science 10
Environmental Variations Promotes Adaptation in Artificial Evolution 10
Maximizing adaptive power in neuroevolution 10
Robustness, evolvability and phenotypic complexity: insights from evolving digital circuits 10
Breedbot: an evolutionary robotics application in digital content 10
La psicologia degli automi 10
Breedbot: An Edutainment Robotics System to Link Digital and Real World 10
Making the environment an informative place: A conceptual analysis of epistemic policies and sensorimotor coordination 10
Categorisation through Evidence Accumulation in an Active Vision System 10
Evolving robots able to integrate sensory-motor information over time 10
Who is the leader? Dynamic role allocation through communication in a population of homogeneous robots 9
From solitary to collective behaviors: decision making and cooperation. 9
Active perception: A sensorimotor account of object categorization 9
Evolution of Communication and Language in Embodied Agents 9
Transition from Imperatives to Declaratives in Artificial Communicating Systems 9
From animals to animats 9: Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Simulation of Adaptive Behaviour 9
Robustness to Faults Promotes Evolvability: Insights from Evolving Digital Circuits 9
On the dynamics of active categorisation of different objects shape through tactile sensors 9
Strengths and synergies of evolved and designed controllers: a study within collective robotics 9
MARIO Project: Experimentation in the Hospital Setting 9
Learning to manipulate and categorize in human and artificial agents 9
Achieving Long-Term Progress in Competitive Co-Evolution 9
Efficacy of Modern Neuro-Evolutionary Strategies for Continuous Control Optimization 9
Communication based dynamic role allocation in a group of homogeneous robots 9
Evolving a Simulated Robotic Arm Able to Grasp Objects 9
Emergence of communication in embodied agents evolved for the ability to solve a collective navigation problem 9
Moderate Environmental Variation Across Generations Promotes the Evolution of Robust Solutions 9
Special Issue on Evolutionary Robotics: Looking Forward 9
Communication in Natural and Artificial Organisms Experiments in evolutionary robotics 9
Designing adaptive humanoid robots through the FARSA open-source framework 9
Studying the emergence of grounded representations: exploiting the power and the limits of sensory-motor coordination 9
Developing a reaching behaviour in a simulated anthropomorphic robotic arm through an evolutionary technique 9
Long-Term Progress and Behavior Complexification in Competitive Coevolution 9
Behavioural plasticity in evolving robots 9
Evolving Robust Solutions for Stochastically Varying Problems 9
Co-development of linguistic and behavioural skills: compositional semantics and behaviour generalisation 9
Evolution of Prehension Ability in an Anthropomorphic Neurorobotic Arm 9
Evolving robots able to visually discriminate between objects with different sizes 9
An Experiment on Behavior Generalization and the Emergence of Linguistic Compositionality in Evolving Robots 9
Self-Organization of Communication in Evolving Robots 9
Evolving coordinated group behaviours through maximization of mean mutual information 9
Active categorical perception of object shapes in a simulated anthropomorphic robotic arm 9
Communication in Natural and Artificial Organisms: Experiments in evolutionary robotics 9
The Evolution of behavioural and linguistic skills to execute and generate two-word instructions in agents controlled by dynamical neutral networks 9
An artificial life model for predicting the tertiary structure of unknown proteins that emulates the folding process 9
The importance of viewing cognition as the result of emergent processes occurring at different time scales. 9
Diploid Robots Adapting to Fast Changing Environments 9
Human and Artificial Agents Learning Categories in Interaction 9
Coordination and behavior integration in cooperating simulated robots. 9
A synthetic approach to the study of the evolution of communication and language 9
Embodied and communicating agents: Towards the establishment of a solid theoretical and methodological framework 9
From Animals to Animats 9: Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on the Simulation of Adaptive Behavior (SAB-2006). 9
Self-organised path formation in a swarm of robots 9
Evolving communication in embodied agents: Theory, methods, and evaluation 9
The Role of Social and Cognitive Factors in the Emergence of Communication: Experiments in Evolutionary Robotics. 9
Bottom-Up Learning of Feedback in a Categorization Task 9
Synchronization within homogeneous neural modules controlling a simulated hexapod robot. 8
Sciami di robot che esplorano un ambiente collinoso 8
Formazione di rappresentazioni spaziali dinamiche in robot mobili 8
Distributed coordination of simulated robots based on self-organization 8
Language as a cognitive and social tool at the time of large language models 8
Swarmanoid: A novel concept for the study of heterogeneous robotic swarms 8
Sociality in embodied neural agents. 8
Artificial life models of neural development. 8
Evolution of self-organised path formation in a swarm of robots 8
Percezione attiva: strategie senso-motorie per la discriminazione di oggetti 8
Cyclic Incrementality in Competitive Coevolution: Evolvability through Pseudo-Baldwinian Switching-Genes 8
Investigating the Role of Diploidy in Simulated Populations of Evolving Individuals 8
Selection-for-action emerges in neural networks trained to learn spatial associations between stimuli and actions 8
Emergenza della comunicazione in robot mobili 8
Evolving self-organizing behaviors for a swarmbot 8
Self-organized coordinated motion in groups of physically connected robots 8
Evolutionary Robotics 8
Category learning through action: A study with human and artificial agents 8
The Facilitatory Role of Linguistic Instructions on Developing Manipulation Skills 8
Social facilitation on the development of foraging behaviours in a population of autonomous robots 8
Selection-for-action emerges in neural networks trained to learn spatial associations between stimuli and actions 8
Origins of Communication in Evolving 8
Emergence of Communication in Embodied Agents: Co-Adapting Communicative and Non-Communicative Behaviours. 8
Active categorical perception in an evolved anthropomorphic robotic arm 8
Evolution of implicit and explicit communication in a group of mobile robots 8
The Emergence of Selective Attention through Probabilistic Associations between Stimuli and Actions 8
Embodied Language Learning and Cognitive Bootstrapping: Methods and Design Principles 8
Emergence of communication in teams of embodied and situated agents 8
Cooperation in collective systems 8
Learning processes in artificial neural networks: Implications for the neuro-rehabilitation | PROCESSI DI APPRENDIMENTO IN RETI NEURALI ARTIFICIALI: IMPLICAZIONI PER LA NEURO-RIABILITAZIONE 8
Cognitive Offloading Does Not Prevent but Rather Promotes Cognitive Development 8
Integration of action and language knowledge: A roadmap for development robotics 8
Totale 907
Categoria #
all - tutte 5.667
article - articoli 2.640
book - libri 285
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 1.709
Totale 10.301

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/202416 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 10 3
2024/20251.227 4 7 181 109 794 62 15 55 0 0 0 0
Totale 1.243