Istituto di Scienze e Tecnologie per l'Energia e la Mobilità Sostenibili - STEMS
Model Selection For Bounded Transformed Gamma Processes: Bayesian Approach
2024 Giorgio, Massimiliano; Postiglione, Fabio; Pulcini, Gianpaolo
The effect of model misspecification of the bounded transformed gamma process on maintenance optimization
2024 Giorgio, M.; Pulcini, G.
A new Wiener process with bathtub-shaped degradation rate in the presence of random effects
2023 Giorgio, M; Piscopo, A; Pulcini, G
A transformed gamma process for bounded degradation phenomena
2023 Fouladirad, M; Giorgio, M; Pulcini, G
Discussion of "Specifying Prior Distributions in Reliability Applications"
2023 Pulcini, G
A Bounded Transformation of the Gamma Degradation Process
2022 Pulcini, G; Giorgio, M
Remaining useful life estimation of units characterized by a bathtub-shaped degradation rate in the presence of random effects
2022 Giorgio, M; Piscopo, A; Pulcini, G
About Bounded Transformations of the Gamma Degradation Process
2021 Giorgio, M; Pulcini, G
The Folded Wiener Process for Non-negative Non-monotone Degradation Processes
2021 Giorgio, M; Pulcini, G
Bayesian Estimation and Prediction for the Transformed Wiener Degradation Process
2020 Giorgio, M; Postiglione, F; Pulcini, G
The Folded Wiener Process: main characteristics and properties
2020 Giorgio, M; Pulcini, G
A Bayesian approach for non-homogeneous gamma degradation processes
2019 Guida, M; Postiglione, F; Pulcini, G
A Bayesian estimation approach for the age- and state-dependent Transformed Wiener degradation process
2019 Giorgio, M; Postiglione, F; Pulcini, G
A new age- and state-dependent degradation process with possibly negative increments
2019 Giorgio M. ; Pulcini G.
A perturbed gamma degradation process with degradation dependent non-Gaussian measurement errors
2019 Giorgio M. ; Mele A. ; Pulcini G.
A new state-dependent degradation process and related model misidentification problems
2018 Giorgio M. ; Pulcini G.
Bayesian estimation and prediction for the transformed gamma degradation process
2018 Giorgio M. ; Guida M. ; Postiglione F. ; Pulcini G.
The transformed gamma process for degradation phenomena in presence of unexplained forms of unit-to-unit variability
2018 Giorgio M. ; Guida M. ; Pulcini G.
A noisy Gamma degradation process with degradation dependent non-Gaussian measurement error
2017 Giorgio, M; Mele, A; Pulcini, G
A perturbed Gamma process with non-Gaussian state-dependent errors
2017 Giorgio M. ; Mele A. ; Pulcini G.