Istituto di Matematica Applicata e Tecnologie Informatiche - IMATI -  

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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autore(i) File
Connection between variations of the probability distribution of the recurrence time and phases of the seismic activity 1-gen-2023 E. Varini;R. Rotondi
The attenuation of macroseismic intensity in the volcanic island of Ischia (Gulf of Naples, Italy): comparison between deterministic and probabilistic models and application to seismic scenarios 1-gen-2023 R. Azzaro; S. D'Amico; R. Rotondi;E. Varini
Analysis of temporal variations of seismicity through non-extensive statistical physics 1-gen-2022 R. Rotondi; G. Bressan;E. Varini
Temporal variations of the probability distribution of voronoi cells generated by earthquake epicenters 1-gen-2022 Rotondi, R; Varini, E
Earthquake rupture forecasts for the MPS19 seismic hazard model of Italy 1-gen-2021 F. Visini; B. Pace; C. Meletti; W. Marzocchi; A. Akinci; R. Azzaro; S. Barani; G. Barberi; G. Barreca; R. Basili; P. Bird; M. Bonini; P. Burrato; M. Busetti; M.M. Cosimo Carafa; O. Cocina; R. Console; G. Corti; N. D'Agostino; S. D'Amico; V. D'Amico; M. Dal Cin; G. Falcone; U. Fracassi; R. Gee; V. Kastelic; C.G. Lai; H. Langer; F.E. Maesano; A. Marchesini; L. Martelli; C. Monaco; M. Murru; L. Peruzza; M.E. Poli; S. Pondrelli; A. Rebez; R. Rotondi; A. Rovida; F. Sani; M. Santulin; D. Scafidi; J. Selva; D. Slejko; D. Spallarossa; A. Tamaro; G. Tarabusi; M. Taroni; M.M. Tiberti; G. Tusa; T. Tuvè; G. Valensise; P. Vannoli; E. Varini; A. Zanferrari;E. Zuccolo
Ground motion models for the new seismic hazard model of Italy (MPS19): selection for active shallow crustal regions and subduction zones 1-gen-2020 Lanzano, G; Luzi, L; D'Amico, V; Pacor, F; Meletti, C; Marzocchi, W; Rotondi, R; Varini, E
Failure models driven by a self-correcting point process in earthquake occurrence modeling 1-gen-2019 R. Rotondi;E. Varini
Analysis of macroseismic fields using statistical data depth functions: considerations leading to attenuation probabilistic modelling 1-gen-2016 Agostinelli, C; Rotondi, R
Probabilistic modelling of macroseismic attenuation and forecast of damage scenarios 1-gen-2016 Rotondi, R; Varini, E; Brambilla, C
Stress release model and proxy measures of earthquake size. Application to Italian seismogenic sources 1-gen-2016 Varini, E; Rotondi, R; Basili, R; Barba, S
The role of the urban system dysfunction in the assessment of seismic risk in the Mt. Etna area (Italy) 1-gen-2016 Meroni, F; Zonno, G; Azzaro, R; D'Amico, S; Tuvè, T; S Oliveira, C; A Ferreira, M; Mota de Sá, F; Brambilla, C; Rotondi, R; Varini, E
Probability distribution of the waiting time in the stress release model: the Gompertz distribution 1-gen-2015 E. Varini;R. Rotondi
Forecasting seismic scenarios on Etna volcano (Italy) through probabilistic intensity attenuation models: A Bayesian approach 1-gen-2013 Azzaro, R; D'Amico, S; Rotondi, R; Tuvè, T; Zonno, G
Retrospective validation of renewal-based, medium-term earthquake forecasts 1-gen-2013 Rotondi, R
Global statistical tests for clustered earthquake pattern discovery in Italy 1-gen-2012 Rotondi, R; Varini, E
Sul contributo della statistica nello studio dei terremoti 1-gen-2012 Rotondi, R
Bayesian nonparametric inference for earthquake recurrence time distributions in different tectonic regimes 1-gen-2010 Rotondi, R
Mining Macroseismic Fields to Estimate the Probability Distribution of the Intensity at Site 1-gen-2009 Zonno, G; Rotondi, R; Brambilla, C
Statistical identification of seismicity phases 1-gen-2008 A. Pievatolo;R. Rotondi
The intensity attenuation of Colfiorito and other strong earthquakes: the viewpoint of forecasters and data gatherers 1-gen-2008 Rotondi, R; Tertulliani, A; Brambilla, C; Zonno, G