Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 653
AS - Asia 199
EU - Europa 25
OC - Oceania 1
Totale 878
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 651
SG - Singapore 175
FI - Finlandia 11
CN - Cina 9
KR - Corea 9
IT - Italia 6
LV - Lettonia 2
AM - Armenia 1
AU - Australia 1
AZ - Azerbaigian 1
CR - Costa Rica 1
CY - Cipro 1
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 1
DE - Germania 1
DO - Repubblica Dominicana 1
EE - Estonia 1
GR - Grecia 1
HK - Hong Kong 1
ID - Indonesia 1
IE - Irlanda 1
NL - Olanda 1
SA - Arabia Saudita 1
Totale 878
Città #
Santa Clara 606
Singapore 107
Helsinki 10
Seoul 7
Guangzhou 6
Los Angeles 3
Riga 2
Ashburn 1
Athens 1
Baku 1
Dublin 1
Falkenstein 1
Hobart 1
Hong Kong 1
Massafra 1
New York 1
Nicosia 1
Phoenix 1
Prague 1
Riyadh 1
Rome 1
San José 1
Tallinn 1
Venice 1
Yerevan 1
Totale 759
Nome #
Horizontal Meandering as a Distinctive Feature of the Stable Boundary Layer 23
Influence of submeso motions on scalar oscillations and surface energy balance 21
Bollettino Geofisico 15
Turbulence closure models and their application in RAMS 15
Employing the Hilbert-Huang Transform to analyse observed natural complex signals: Calm wind meandering cases 13
Lagrangian simulations of the plume rise in strong capping inversion 13
Modelling the Dispersion of Ship Emissions in Different Scenarios and Sensitivity Analysis 13
Characterization of Wind Meandering in Low-Wind-Speed Conditions 12
Bollettino Geofisico 12
Proposal of an empirical velocity spectrum formula in low-wind speed conditions 12
Monitoring the micrometeorology of a coastal site next to a thermal power plant from the surface to 140 m 11
Atmospheric tracer experiment uncertainties related to model evaluation 11
Influence of wave-like structures on scalar fluxes 11
Development of an analytical Lagrangian model for passive scalar dispersion in low-wind speed meandering conditions 11
A wavelet analysis of low-wind-speed submeso motions in a nocturnal boundary layer 11
Atmospheric tracer experiment uncertainties related to model evaluation. 11
Temperature Auto-correlation and Spectra functions in low-wind meandering conditions 11
Interaction of turbulence and horizontal meandering in a low-wind stable boundary layer 11
Radiative forcing effect on the generation of submeso motions in a low-wind boundary layer 11
Proposal of a new autocorrelation function in low wind speed conditions 11
A new Lagrangian particle model for the simulation of dense gas dispersion. 10
Large-Eddy Simulation of Turbulence Decay in an Urban Area 10
Analysis of urban layer flo and turbulence parameters on the basis of an experimental campaign in Turin city 10
Bollettino Geofisico 10
Well mixed condition verification in windy and low wind speed conditions 10
Observations of submeso motions and intermittent turbulent mixing across a low level jet with a 132-m tower 10
Urban Turbulence Project. Analysis of the observed data 10
Effect of the Turbulence Parameterizations on the Simulation of Pollutant Dispersion with the RMS Modelling System 10
Lagrangian Particle Model Approach to Two-Phase Releases. The MicroSpray New Module 9
Modelling the meteorology and air pollution from regional to local scale in the Alpine area 9
Experimental investigation of the surface layer parameters in low wind conditions in a suburban area 9
Wind velocity autocorrelation functions in low-wind conditions. 9
Development of a Lagrangian particle model for dense gas dispersion in urban environment 9
Two-Phase Accidental Dense Gas Releases Simulations with the Lagrangian Particle Model Microspray 9
Assessment of dispersion parameterizations through wind data measured by three sonic anemometers in a urban canopy 9
PBL turbulence parameterization for all stability conditions 9
Urban Turbulence Project - The Field Experimental Campaign 9
Tracer dispersion simulation in low wind speed conditions with a new 2-D Langevin equation system 9
Atmospheric vertical profiles over the Ligurian sea: comparison between observations and models 9
Turbulence Closure Models and their Application in RAMS 9
Large-eddy simulation in low wind conditions 8
An Outline of Lagrangian Stochastic Dispersion Models 8
MICROSPRAY simulation of dense gas dispersion in complex terrain 8
Investigação Analítica Do Fenômeno De Oscilações De Baixas Frequências Do Vento Horizontal Pelo Emprego Das Equações De Navier-Stokes 8
Turbulence Statistics Estimation and Dispersion Simulation Scenarios in Urban Environment 8
Turbulence closure models and their application in RAMS 8
Turbulence fields for atmospheric dispersion models in horizontally non-homogeneous conditions 8
Simulation of transport and diffusion in complex terrain by an integrated modeling system 8
Inclusion of a turbulence parameterisation in a diagnostic mass consistent model driven by a prognostic model 8
Turbulence parameterizationfor PBL dispersion models in all stability conditions 8
Inclusion of a turbulence parameterisation in a diagnostic mass consistent model driven by a prognostic model 8
MicroSpray simulation of dense gas dispersion in complex situations 8
Simulating the characteristic patterns of the dispersion during sunset PBL 8
Lagrangian particle model simulation of tracer dispersion in stable low condition. 8
Intercomparison of 3-D turbulence parametrizations for dispersion models in complex terrain derived from a circulation model 8
Modelling the meteorology and traffic pollutant dispersion in highly complex terrain: the ALPNAP Alpine Space Project. 8
Development of the microscale Lagrangian particle dispersion model MicroSpray for the simulation of two-phase releases. 8
An intercomparison of two turbulence closure schemes and four parameterizations for stochastic dispersion models 8
Simulation of Dense and Light Gas Dispersion in Presence of Obstacles 8
Statistical analysis of three series of daily rainfall in North-Western Italy 8
Proposal of a new Lagrangian particle model for the simulation of dense gas dispersion. 8
Short term predictions of urban NO2 pollution by means of artificial neural networks 8
Numerical Study of Turbulence Closures in Boundary Layer Flows around a 3D Hill 8
Evaluation of the environmental impact of two different heating scenarios in urban area 8
Atmospheric dispersion in non-homogeneous conditions ? simulation of a wind tunnel tracer experiment 8
Influence of turbulence closure on the simulation of flow and dispersion in complex terrain 8
Circulation and relationship between pollutant sources and atmospheric composition in the Himalayan region 8
Review and Validation of MicroSpray, a Lagrangian Particle Model of Turbulent Dispersion 8
Turbulence parameterization for PBL dispersion models in all stability conditions 8
Short-term prediction of urban NO2 pollution by means of artificial neural networks 8
Intercomparison of two models, ETA and RAMS, with TRACT field campaign data 8
Development and application of the microscale Lagrangian particle dispersion model MicroSpray for the simulation of hydrogen accidental releases. 8
Simulations of the dispersion from a waste incinerator in the Turin area in three different meteorological scenarios. 8
MICROSPRAY simulation of dense gas dispersion in complex terrain 8
A dispersion study of the aerosol emitted by fertilizer plants in the region of Serra do Mar Sierra, Cubatão, Brazil 8
Estimation of Emission Rate from Experimental Data 7
Estimation of the ratio between the lagrangian and eulerian time scales in an atmospheric boundary layer generated by large eddy simulation 7
Modelling the meteorology and traffic pollutant dispersion in highly complex terrain: the ALPNAP alpine space project 7
Simulation of Dense and Light Gas Dispersion in Presence of Obstacles 7
Analisi di relazioni empiriche per la conversione delle concentrazioni medie annue di NOx in NO2 nell area urbana di Torino 7
Measurements of the Kolmogorov constant from laboratory and geophysical wind data 7
Parameterization of meandering phenomenon in a stable atmospheric boundary layer 7
A model based on Heisemberg's theory for the eddy diffusivity in decaying turbulence applied to the residual layer 7
Analysis of urban boundary-layer turbulence on the basis of an experimental campaign in Turin city - UTP Project. 7
Simulations of Atmospheric Dispersion in an Urban Stable Boundary Layer 7
On the relationship between the lagrangian and eulerian time scale: a prelimanry evaluation with LES data 7
Estimation of the Lagrangian structure function constant C0 from surface-layer wind data 7
Estimation of the ratio between the Lagrangian and Eulerian time scales in the Atmospheric Boundary Layer by Large Eddy Simulation 7
An eddy diffusivity derivation for the non-isotropic convective decaying turbulence in the residual layer 7
Lagrangian particle model simulation to assess air quality along the Brenner transit corridor through the Alps. 7
Turbulence fields for atmospheric dispersion models in horizontally non-homogeneous conditions 6
Intercomparison of 3D turbulence parameterizations for dispersion models in complex terrain derived from a circulation model 6
Estimation of the Lagrangian velocity structure function constant C0 by Large Eddy Simulation 6
Comparison among empirical probability density functions of the vertical velocity in the surface layer based on higher order correlations 6
Plume rise 6
Some aspects of turbulence and dispersion in low wind speed conditions 5
The role of wind field, mixing height and horizontal diffusivity investigated through two Lagrangian particle models 5
null 4
Totale 892
Categoria #
all - tutte 3.681
article - articoli 2.061
book - libri 147
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 427
Totale 6.316

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/202438 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 18 16 4
2024/2025860 2 5 87 70 543 80 2 55 16 0 0 0
Totale 898