Istituto di biologia e biotecnologia agraria (IBBA)
Alternative splicing at the o2Italian locus in maize: one mutation, two proteins
2018 Mascheretti, I.; Grasso, A.; Viotti, A.; Lauria, M.
2015 Pirona, R; Manconi, A; Milanesi, L; Viotti, A; Lauria, M
Epigenetic Variation, Inheritance, and Parent-of-Origin Effects of Cytosine Methylation in Maize (Zea mays)
2014 Massimiliano Lauria; Sara Piccinini; Raul Pirona; Gertrud Lund; Angelo Viotti;Mario Motto
Indel and single nucleotide variations of zeins generate unique 2d-zein patterns and molecular markers useful in maize (zea mays) genotyping
2014 Piccinini, S; Negri, As; Lauria, M; Viotti, A
Identification of natural variation in dna methylation in maize inbred lines using a genome methylation analysis
2010 Piccinini S.; Pirona R.; Lund G.; Viotti A.; Motto M.; Lauria M.
Espressione di sequenze ingegnerizzate e mutagenizzate di Der p1 in Pichia pastoris e in cellule vegetali
2008 Viotti, Angelo; Fantacci, Monica
ESTuber db: an online database for Tuber borchii EST sequences
2007 Lazzari, Barbara; Caprera, Andrea; Cosentino, Cristian; Stella, Alessandra; Milanesi, Luciano; Viotti, Angelo
Wild-type Opaque2 and Defective o2 Polypeptides Form Complexes in Maize Endosperm Cells and Bind the O2-Zein Target Site
2007 Gavazzi, F; Lazzari, B; Ciceri, P; Gianazza, E; Viotti, A
2.389 sequenze EST da miceli di Tuber borchii coltivati in vitro
2006 Lazzari B.; Caprera A.; Cosentino C.; Stella A.; Milanesi L.; Viotti A.
Investigating truffle biology with the ESTuber database
2006 Lazzari, B; Caprera, A; Cosentino, C; Stella, A; Viotti, A
2005 Folci A.; Concia L.; Cesana E.; Longhi R.; Clivio A.; Viotti A.
Variation in the methylation profiles in maize, in particolar of tissue-specific hypomethylated
2005 Lauria, M; Zaina, S; Viotti, A; Lund, G
Extensive maternal DNA hypomethylation in the endosperm of Zea mays.
2004 Lauria, M; Rupe, M; Guo, M; Kranz, E; Pirona, R; Viotti, A; Lund, G
Characterisation of DNA episomes in Tuber species
2003 Ccosentino, ; Lazzari, B; Viotti, A
Methylation of the Opaque2 box in zein genes is parent dependent and affects O2 DNA binding activity, in vitro
2001 Sturaro M. ; Viotti A.
The nitrogen-induced recovery of ?-zein gene expression in in vitro cultured opaque2 maize endosperms depends on the genetic background
2001 Locatelli, F; Manzocchi, La; Viotti, A; Genga, A
VARIANTI DELL?ALLERGENE MAGGIORE Par j 2 di Parietaria judaica
2001 Sturaro M. ; Viotti A. ; Genga A. ; Mistrello G. ; Falagiani P. ; Roncarolo A.
Varianti di proteine allergeniche del gruppo 2 di Dermatophagoides
2001 Sturaro M. ; Viotti A. ; Mistrello G. ; Falagiani P. ; Roncarolo A. ; Zanotta S.
Varianti di proteine allergeniche di Phleum pratense
2001 Sturaro, M; Viotti, A; Mistrello, G; Falagiani, P; Roncarolo, A; Zanotta, S
Differential expression of chitin synthase III and IV mRNAs in ascomata of Tuber borchii Vittad
2000 Balestrini, R; Mainieri, D; Soragni, E; Garnero, L; Rollino, S; Viotti, A; Ottonello, S; Bonfante, P