Istituto di Scienze delle Produzioni Alimentari - ISPA - Sede Secondaria di Sassari
Synergic interactions between 2-deoxy-d-glucose and Candida saitoana enhances citrus green mould control.
2010 Arras G.; Pani G.; Molinu M.G.; Dore A.; Venditti T.; Petretto A.; Marceddu S.; D'hallewin G.
Host-Pathogen-Biocontrol Agent Interaction as Affected by Sequential Application of Na2CO3 and CaCl2
2009 Molinu G.M.; Arras G.; Dore A.; Venditti T.; Petretto A.;D'hallewin G.
Host-Pathogen-Biocontrol Agent Interaction as Affected by Sequential Application of Na2CO3 and CaCl2
2009 Molinu, Gm; Arras, G; Dore, A; Venditti, T; Petretto, A; Dhallewin, G
Enzimatic activity and sequencing of beta-1,3-glucanase gene in biocontrol yeast COST action 924
2008 Arras G.; Fois M.; D'hallewin G.
Influence of postharvest wound repair on susceptibility of several citrus species to Penicillium digitatum.
2008 Arras G.; Fois M.; Rosas G.; Petretto A.; Dore A.; D'hallewin G.
Effects of UV-C lightening on decay and postharvest quality of four table grapes cultivars
2007 Dhallewin G; Arras G; Dore A; Lovicu G; Farci M; Molinu; M G; Venditti; T
Effetti sulle caratteristiche qualitative e sui marciumi postraccolta di quattro cultivar di uva da tavola trattati con vapori di acido acetico
2007 Tullio Venditti; Antonio Dore; Giovanni Lovicu; Massimino Farci; Alessandra Bosu; Giovanni Arras
Enzymatic activity and sequencing of ß-1,3-glucanase gene in biocontrol yeasts
2007 Arras, G; Fois, M; Dhallewin, ; G,
Influence of postharvest wound repair on susceptibility of several citrus species to Penicillium digitatum
2007 Arras G; Fois M; Rosas G; Petretto A; Dore A; Dhallewin; G
Combined effect of curing followed by acetic acid vapours treatments improved postharvest control of Penicillium digitatum
2006 Venditti, T; Arras, G; Dhallewin, G; Dore, A; Molinu, Mg; M, Agabbio
Controllo biologico e meccanismi d'azione degli antagonisti di funghi in postraccolta
2006 Arras G.; Loche M.; Petretto A.
Enzymatic activity and sequencing of ß-1,3-glucanase gene in biocontrol yeasts
2006 Arras, G; Fois, M; Dhallewin, G; De Curtis, F; Lima, G
Induction of phytoalexins biosynthesis in orange fruit by the biocontrol yeast Rhodotorula glutinis.
2006 Arras, G; Dhallewin, G; Molinu, Mg; Dore, A; Venditti, T; Fois, M; Lima, G; Agabbio, M
Inhibitory activity of 2-deoxy-d-glucose and Candida Saitoana against Penicillium digitatum
2006 Arras, G; Molinu, M G; Dore, A; Venditti, T; Fois, M; Petretto, A; D'Hallewin, G
Na2CO3 and CaCl2 applied together exert a synergistic activity in controlling Penicillium digitatum
2006 Dhallewin G.; Arras G.; M.G. Molinu; A. Dore; T. Venditti
Oxydative enzymes and PAL activity in Ficus carica and Citrus fruit following UV-C treatment: Fruit quality and resistance considerations
2006 Dhallewin G.; Molinu M.G.; Dore A.; Venditti T.; Arras G.; Agabbio M. BenYehoshua S.; Rodov V.
Oxydative enzymes and PAL activity in Ficus carica and Citrus fruit following UV-C treatment: Fruit quality and resistance considerations
2006 Dhallewin, G; Molinu, Mg; Dore, A; Venditti, T; Arras, G; Agabbio, M; Benyehoshua, S; Rodov, V
Biological and Physical approches to Improve Induced Resistance Against Green Mold of Stored Citrus Fruit
2005 Arras, G; D'Hallewin, G; Petretto, A; Loche, M; Agabbio, M
Combination of Ultraviolet-C Irradiation and Biocontrol Treatments to Control Decay Caused by Penicillium digitatum in 'Washington Navel' Orange Fruit
2005 D'Hallewin, G; Arras, G; Venditti, T; Rodov, V BenYehoshua S
Combination of Ultraviolet-C Irradiation and Biocontrol Treatments to Control Decay Caused by Penicillium digitatum in 'Washington Navel' Orange Fruit
2005 D'Hallewin, G; Arras, G; Venditti, T; Rodov, V; Benyehoshua, S