Istituto di Ricerca sugli Ecosistemi Terrestri - IRET - Sede Secondaria Firenze
A light in the dark: DNA barcoding provides new data about the taxonomy of the Italian Luciola (Coleoptera, Lampyridae) fireflies
2025 Mori, Emiliano; Viviano, Andrea; Baratti, Mariella; Serafini, Elisa; Gabbrielli, Bianca; Picchi, MALAYKA SAMANTHA; Giannetti, Daniele; Mascalchi, Cristina; Ancillotto, Leonardo
A multidisciplinary approach unveils the distribution of the Alpine long-eared bat Plecotus macrobullaris (Vespertilionidae) in Italy
2024 Mori, Emiliano; Baratti, Mariella; Viviano, Andrea; Dondini, Gianna; Vergari, Simone; Patriarca, Elena; Debernardi, Paolo; Spada, Martina; Vergari, Sebastiano; Ancillotto, Leonardo
Genetic Assessment of a Captive Population of Eurasian Stone-Curlew (Burhinus oedicnemus), Source for the Reinforcement of Wild Populations
2024 Lesobre, Loïc; Ostolani, Alessia; Abi Hussein, Hiba; Giunchi, Dimitri; Aourir, Mohamed; Teyar, Yassine; Baratti, Mariella
Sika deer Cervus nippon out of the blue: a cryptic invasion in Italy
2024 Mori, E; Viviano, A; Ferri, M; Ancillotto, L; Grignolio, S; Merli, E; Ciuffardi, L; Baratti, M
Veterinary fluoroquinolones as emerging contaminants in marine environments: In vitro study of biochemical responses in subcellular fractions of the Mediterranean mussel (Mytilus galloprovincialis)
2024 Giannessi, J.; De Marchi, L.; Meucci, V.; Intorre, L.; Monni, G.; Baratti, M.; Pretti, C.
A multidisciplinary integrated approach using Pachygrapsus marmoratus to assess the impact of port activities on mediterranean marine protected areas
2023 Caliani, Ilaria; Cannicci, Stefano; Pretti, Carlo; Baratti, Mariella; Contini, Ginevra; Vitale, Matteo; Casini, Silvia; Fossi Maria, Cristina; Iannucci, Alessio; Fratini, Sara
Beavers are not alone: parasitic assessment of released Eurasian beavers in Central Italy
2023 Turillazzi, F; Mori, E; Viviano, A; Baratti, M; Pucci, C; Gobbi, M; Sassera, D; Bisaglia, B; Romeo, G; Lombardo, A; Mariacher, A; Domanico, Mg; Roversi, Pf; Mazza, G
Every branch in its niche: intraspecific variation in habitat suitability of a widely distributed small mammal, the harvest mouse Micromys minutus
2023 Ancillotto, L; Viviano, A.; Baratti, M.; Sogliani, D.; Ladurner, E.; Mori, E.
Gene expression and biochemical patterns in the digestive gland of the mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis (Lamarck, 1819) exposed to 17 ? -ethinylestradiol.
2023 Pretti, C; Aretini, P; Lessi, F; Freitas, R; Barata, C; De Marchi, L; Oliva, M; Cuccaro, A; Meucci, V; Baratti, Mariella; M,
Subcellular tissues-specific responses of Mytilus galloprovincialis to fluoroquinolone antibiotics.
2023 Giannessi, J; De Marchi, L; Meucci, V; Intorre, L; Monni, G; Baratti, M; Pretti, C
Ticks in the box: Argas persicus occurrence in nest boxes of secondary cavity-nesting bird species in Italy
2023 Monti, F; Baratti, M; Viviano, A; Mori, E
Aliens Coming by Ships: Distribution and Origins of the Ocellated Skink Populations in Peninsular Italy
2022 Mori, E.; Andreone, F.; Viviano, A.; Faraone, F. P.; Di Nicola, M. R.; Borri, B.; Bruni, G.; Mazza, G.; Banchi, R.; Zaccaroni, M.; Mezzadri, S.; Baratti, M.
Differential gene expression and chemical patterns of an intertidal crab inhabiting a polluted port and an adjacent marine protected area
2022 Baratti, M; Pinosio, S; Gori, M; Biricolti, S; Chini, G; Fratini, S; Cannicci, S; Caliani, I; Oliva, M; De Marchi, L; Pretti, C
Genetic insights into an Apennine population of the Italian red deer
2022 Giovannelli, F.; Mori, E.; Zaccaroni, M.; Dessì-Fulgheri, F.; Baratti, M.
Unveiling the Genetic Diversity of Declining Population of the Harvest Mouse Micromys minutus in Italy
2022 Mori, E; Viviano, A; Mazzotti, S; Sogliani, D; Bini, A; Baratti, M
De novo transcriptome assembly for Pachygrapsus marmoratus, an intertidal brachyuran crab
2021 Pinosio, S; Fratini, S; Cannicci, S; Oliva, M; Pretti, C; Baratti, M
Does the breeding biology of the Eurasian Stone-curlew Burhinus oedicnemus in south-western Morocco differ between grazed steppe and irrigated farmland?
2021 Teyar, Y; Giunchid, ; Baratti, M; Falchi, V; Znari, M; Aourir, M
Four scenarios of environmental risk of diclofenac in European groundwater ecosystems
2021 Di Lorenzo, T.; Cifoni, M.; Baratti, M.; Pieraccini, G.; Di Marzio, W. D.; Galassi, D. M. P.
Phylogenetic relationships of Sphaeromides Dollfus, 1897 (Crustacea: Isopoda: Cirolanidae) and some related taxa, with new considerations about Trogloaega Brian, 1923
2021 Sket, Boris; Baratti, Mariella
Atlantic and Mediterranean populations of the widespread serpulid Ficopomatus enigmaticus: Developmental responses to carbon nanotubes
2020 Oliva, M; De Marchi, L; Sanches, ; M, Vieira; Pires, A; Cuccaro, A; Baratti, M; Chiellini, F; Morelli, A; Freitas, R; Pretti, ; C,