Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 516
AS - Asia 178
EU - Europa 31
Totale 725
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 516
SG - Singapore 155
IT - Italia 15
FI - Finlandia 12
CN - Cina 11
KR - Corea 11
DE - Germania 1
GB - Regno Unito 1
JP - Giappone 1
NL - Olanda 1
SE - Svezia 1
Totale 725
Città #
Santa Clara 494
Singapore 123
Helsinki 12
Seoul 11
Ashburn 1
Avellino 1
Falkenstein 1
Prineville 1
Sala Baganza 1
Spoltore 1
Tokyo 1
Totale 647
Nome #
Utilizzo di piattaforme HAPS e HALE per osservazione della Terra 12
Il telerilevamento lidar a immagini di fluorescenza 12
Automated Underwater Object Recognition by Means of Fluorescence LIDAR 11
Swedish-Italian joint project on: "House of Augustus: non invasive multispectral imaging of interior walls for sustainable preservation and risk assessment" 11
The fluorescence lidar technique for Cultural Heritage 11
Campagna internazionale di misura "Casa Di Augusto" 11
The fluorescence lidar technique for the cultural heritage 11
Il lidar a fluorescenza per il controllo del processo di trattamento in impianti di riciclo delle acque reflue ad uso industriale 11
The Moon as a Platform for Whole-Disk Perspective Ocean and Vegetation Observation with Optical Hyperspectral Radiometers 11
Autofluorescence spectral features of fungal strains at different observational scales and their exploitation for the diagnostics of paper biodeterioration 11
Prototipo di lidar a fluorescenza compatto per l'analisi spettrale della colonna d'acqua 11
A spectroscopic study of ancient Roman fresco fragments from Casa di Augusto at the Palatino: towards an on-site multidisciplinary project 11
Prototipo di un Lidar-profiler a fluorescenza per l analisi di bersagli di volume in ambiente marino 11
Hyperspectral fluorescence lidar imaging at the Colosseum, Rome: Elucidating past conservation interventions 11
Non - Invasive Diagnostics and Laser Restoration of Works of Art 11
A feasibility study for the remote sensing of biodeteriogens on mural paintings 11
Fluorescence explorer (FLEX): An optimised payload to map vegetation photosynthesis from space 10
Sviluppo di un prototipo di lidar a fluorescenza a scansione automatica per l'analisi superficiale di oggetti artistici 10
Passive remote sensing of solar-induced fluorescence spectra of crude oil 10
CEFLES2: the remote sensing component to quantify photosynthetic efficiency from the leaf to the region by measuring sun-induced fluorescence in the oxygen absorption bands 10
Prototipo di LIDAR iperspettrale a fluorescenza, imaging e con risoluzione temporale 10
Lithotypes Characterization with a Fluorescence Lidar Imaging System Using a Multi-wavelength Excitation Source 10
A Method for the Retrieval of PSI and PSII Photosystems Contribution to in Vivo Fluorescence Spectra 10
Remote detection of laser-induced autofluorescence on pure cultures of fungal and bacterial strains and their analysis with multivariate techniques 10
A Fluorescence LIDAR For Land And Sea Remote Sensing 10
The F685/F730 chlorophyll fluorescence ratio as indicator of chilling stress in plants 10
Oil spill monitoring from space by solar induced fluorescence spectra 10
The fluorescence lidar technique for the remote sensing of photoautotrophic biodeteriogens in the outdoor cultural heritage: A decade of in situ experiments 9
A Method for the Retrieval of PSI and PSII Photosystems Contribution to in Vivo Fluorescence Spectra of Vegetation 9
In vivo real-time recording of photoxidation-induced autofluorescence in a melanin-containing fungus using a micro-spectrofluorimeter and a low-cost webcam 9
The CFS-FUNGI-1 experiment: preliminary tests towards a comprehensive characterisation of the fluorescence properties of four fungal strains selected for ISS on-board mission 9
Fluorescence lidar remote investigations of artworks 9
Experiments on stony monument monitoring by laser-induced fluorescence 9
Yellow substance and chlorophyll monitoring in the Venice Lagoon using remote laser induced fluorescence 9
Feasibility of fluorescence lidar remote sensing on frescoed surfaces: test studies 9
Lidar measurement of the attenuation coefficient of natural waters 9
CTOTUS Report conclusivo 9
A study to investigate the potential of hyperspectral fluorescence lidar imaging of biodeteriogens on mural paintings 9
CEFLES2: the remote sensing component to quantify photosynthetic efficiency from the leaf to the region by measuring sun-induced fluorescence in the oxygen absorption bands 9
Phytoplankton monitoring by laser induced fluorescence 8
The TDT-BioART project: innovative techniques for the diagnostics and treatment of biodeteriogens in artistic and archaeological assets 8
Effects of low-fluence laser irradiation on mural paintings: test studies on a fresco and a secco model samples 8
A fluorescence LIDAR sensor for hyper-spectral time-resolved remote sensing and mapping 8
Test of proposed algorithms against experimental data already available at the leaf level: SIF and photosynthesis: peak ratio 8
Ctotus Obbiettivi e Risultati 8
Lidar field experiments for monitoring sea water column temperature 8
Spectral calibration of optical multichannel detectors used with grating monochromators 8
Measurement of water column temperature by Raman scattering 8
A fluorescence imaging lidar for the control of cultural heritage 7
Remote sensing of coastal waters: The IROE activity in the PRISMA project 7
Fluorescence lidar imaging as a remote diagnostic tool for the in situ monitoring of monumental surfaces 7
Design and development of a new high speed performance fluorescence imaging lidar for the diagnostics of indoor and outdoor cultural heritage 7
Effetti da radiazione laser a bassa fluenza su pitture murali 7
Il controllo della qualità delle acque nella Laguna Veneta mediante LIDAR a fluorescenza 7
The fluorescence technique as a powerful tool for the characterisation of ancient books and paper documents 7
Fluorescence Lidar Imaging of the Parma Cathedral and Baptistery 7
Fluorescence lidar technique for the remote sensing of stone monuments 7
Fluorescence lidar imaging oa a remote diagnostic tool for the in situ monitoring of monumental surfaces 7
Three-Dimensional Auto-Fluorescence Imaging of Phytoplanktonic Cells by Using a Low-Cost Optical Microscope-Based Technique 7
A High Spectral Resolution Sensor for Active and Passive Remote Sensing of Vegetation Fluorescence 7
The fluorescence LIDAR technique for the remote sensing of photoautotrophic biodeteriogens on outdoor cultural heritage: a decade of in situ experiments 7
SIF and photosynthesis: peak ratio 7
Documentation of soiled and biodeteriorated facades: A case study on the Coliseum, Rome, using hyperspectral imaging fluorescence lidars 7
Design, development and validation of a compact fluorescence lidar profiler for marine applications 7
Capacità Tecnologica e Operativa della Toscana per l'Utilizzo dello Spazio (CTOTUS) 7
Fluorescence lidar imaging of historical monuments 7
Immagini tridimensionali in autofluorescenza di cellule fitoplanctoniche per il controllo ambientale 7
Rapporto finale su studio "'In-situ sensing di strumentazione installabile sulla superficie lunare" 7
The MINERalogy Venture Analyser MINERVA : a Compact, Low-Weight Payload for in Situ Sensing of Lunar Rocks with Integrated Optical Spectroscopic Techniques 6
Un metodo per l analisi automatica di dati FLIDAR per il monitoraggio ambientale 6
Fluorescence Lidars and their Potentials for the Remote Sensing of the Marine Environment 6
WP3.3 Algorithms for the derivation of chlorophyll content 6
Phytoplankton monitoring and characterisation by chlorophyll fluorescence spectra 6
High-resolution Lidar Fluorescence Spectra for the Characterization of Phytoplankton 6
Laser-induced fluorescence for assessment of cultural heritage 6
Investigation of the fluorescence spectral features of fungal strains: from the microscopic scale to the remote sensing 6
Probing the Marine Environment with Fluorescence Lidars - Evaluation of three Fluorosensors in a Field Campaign 6
Fluorescence lidar monitoring of historic buildings 6
High resolution chlorophyll fluorescence determination in leaves under solar illumination 6
High Spectral Resolution Fluorescence LIDAR Technique and its Applications to the Monitoring of the Environment 6
Remote sensing of chlorophyll a fluorescence of vegetation canopies: 2. Physiological significance of fluorescence signal in response to enviromental stresses 6
Remote fluorescence lidar imaging of monuments: the Coliseum and the Lateran baptistery in Rome 6
Misure in fluorescenza su biodeteriogeni 6
Metodo e dispositivo per l'analisi spettrale di reperti cartecei e pergamenacei 6
Definizione di scenari tipici per la diagnostica di biodeteriogeni su pareti d'interesse artistico con tecnica LIF 6
Review of parameters that can be extracted from modelled canopy fluorescence, based on (i) empirical comparison of modelled GPP and SIF and (ii) literature data 6
Totale 725
Categoria #
all - tutte 2.781
article - articoli 877
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 108
Totale 3.766

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/202430 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 26 2
2024/2025695 5 7 123 60 402 96 2 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 725