Istituto di Geoscienze e Georisorse - IGG - Sede Pisa  

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Water isotope analyses and fow measurements for understanding the stream and meteoric recharge contributions to the Poiano evaporite karst spring in the North Apennines, Italy 1-gen-2023 Ronchetti, F; Deiana, M; Lugli, S; Sabattini, M; Critelli, V; Aguzzoli, A; Mussi, M
Hydrogeochemical surveys of shallow coastal aquifers: A conceptual model to set-up a monitoring network and increase the resilience of a strategic groundwater system to climate change and anthropogenic pressure 1-gen-2022 Nisi, B; Vaselli, O; Taussi, M; Doveri, M; Menichini, M; Cabassi, J; Raco, B; Botteghi, S; Mussi, M; Masetti, G
Contribution of water geochemistry and isotopes (delta18O, delta2 H, 3 H, 87Sr/86Sr and delta11B) to the study of groundwater fow properties and underlying bedrock structures of a deep landslide 1-gen-2020 Deiana, M; Mussi, M; Pennisi, M; Boccolari, M; Corsini, A; Ronchetti, F
Estimating the isotopic altitude gradient for hydrogeological studies in mountainous areas: Are the low-yield springs suitable? Insights from the northern Apennines of Italy 1-gen-2019 Tazioli, A; Cervi, F; Doveri, M; Mussi, M; Deiana, M; Ronchetti, F
Chemical and isotopic investigations (delta18O, delta2H, 3H, 87Sr/86Sr) to define groundwater processes occurring in a deep-seated landslide in flysch 1-gen-2018 Deiana, M; Cervi, F; Pennisi, M; Mussi, M; Bertrand, C; Tarzioli, A; Corsini, A; Ronchetti, F
Circulation path of thermal waters within the Laga foredeep basin inferred from chemical and isotopic (d18O, dD, 3H, 87Sr/86Sr) data 1-gen-2017 Alessandro Fusari; Michael R. Carroll; Stefano Ferraro; Rita Giovannetti; Geoffrey Giudetti; Chiara Invernizzi; ; Mario Mussi; Maddalena Pennisi
The Mt Conero limestone ridge: The contribution of stable isotopes to the identification of the recharge area of aquifers 1-gen-2017 Mussi M.; Nanni T.; Tazioli A.; Vivalda P.M.
L'utilizzo degli isotopi stabili da reti pluviometriche per la definizione degli areali di ricarica delle acque sorgive: problemi e possibili soluzioni da casi di studio nell'Appennino settentrionale 1-gen-2016 Cervi, F; Ronchetti, F; Doveri, M; Mussi, M; Marcaccio, M; Tazioli, A
Water isotopes as environmental tracers for conceptual understanding of groundwater flow: An application for fractured aquifer systems in the "Scansano-Magliano in Toscana" area (Southern Tuscany, Italy) 1-gen-2014 Doveri M.; Mussi M.
Aspetti geologici e idrogeologici del peculiare acquifero dell'Isola di Pianosa (archipelago Toscano). 1-gen-2012 Doveri M. ; Giannecchini R. ; Mussi M. ; Nicotra I. ; Puccinelli A.
Conditions for veining and origin of mineralizing fluids in the Alpi Apuane (NW Tuscany, Italy): Evidence from structural and geochemical analyses on calcite veins hosted in Carrara marbles 1-gen-2012 Vaselli, L; Cortecci, G; Tonarini, S; Ottria, G; Mussi, M
Fault zone structure and fluid-rock interaction of a high angle normal fault in Carrara marble (NW Tuscany, Italy) 1-gen-2010 Molli, G; Cortecci, G; Vaselli, L; Ottria, G; Cortopassi, A; Dinelli, D; Mussi, M; Barbieri, M
Pianosa Island (Tuscan Archipelago, Italy) groundwater: hydrogeological and hydrogeochemical features of a very peculiar aquifer. 1-gen-2010 Doveri, M; Giannecchini, R; Mussi, M; Nicotra, I; Puccinelli, A
Definizione delle condizioni ambientali di una discarica per rifiuti urbani e assimilabili: Il caso di Literno (Isola d Elba, Toscana). 1-gen-2008 Raco B.; Doveri M.; Lelli M.; Leone G.; Lippo G.; Mussi M.
Indagini sulla composizione isotopica e chimica delle acque di stillicidio dell'Antro del Corchia (Lucca) 1-gen-2008 Regattieri, E; Mussi, M; Leone, G; Mantelli, F; Doveri, M; Roncioni, A; Piccini, L; Drysdale, R; Zanchetta, G; Isola, I
Isotopic composition and secondary evaporation effects on precipitation from the urban centre of Bologna, Italy. 1-gen-2008 Gianni Cortecci ; Enrico Dinelli ;Mario Mussi
Le analisi isotopiche come strumento per la valutazione dell impatto delle discariche RSU sui corpi idrici. 1-gen-2008 Doveri, M; Lelli, M; Mussi, M; Raco, B
The environmental features of the Monte Corchia cave system (Apuan Alps, central Italy) and their effects on speleothem growth. 1-gen-2008 Piccini, L; Zanchetta, G; Drysdal, R; Hellstrom, J; Isola, I; Fallick, A; Leone, G; Doveri, M; Mussi, M; Mantelli, F; Molli, G; Lotti, L; Roncioni, A; Regattieri, E; Meccheri, M; Vaselli, L
The Serchio River catchment, northern Tuscany: Geochemistry of stream waters and sediments, and isotopic composition of dissolved sulphate 1-gen-2008 Cortecci G.; Dinelli E.; Boschetti T.; Arbizzani P.; Pompilio L.; Mussi M.
New and past geochemical data on fresh to brine waters of the Salar de Atacama and Andean Altiplano, northern Chile 1-gen-2007 Boschetti T.; Cortecci G.; Barbieri M.; Mussi M.