Istituto di Geoscienze e Georisorse - IGG - Sede Secondaria Torino
Micro-PIXE and micro-IBIL characterization of lapis lazuli samples from Myanmar mines and implications for provenance study
2023 Laura Guidorzi; Alessandro Re; ; Marta Magalini; Debora Angelici; Alessandro Borghi; Gloria Vaggelli; Fulvio Fantino; Valentino Rigato; Leonardo La Torre; Quentin Lemasson; Claire Pacheco; Laurent Pichon;Brice Moignard; Alessandro Lo Giudice
STONE Pietre Egizie: a Free Mobile Application for Promoting the Scientific Research on Ornamental Stones of Museo Egizio of Torino, Italy
2020 Valentino, D; Borghi, A; D'Atri, A; Gambino, F; Martire, L; Perotti, L; Vaggelli, G
The "Stella Polare" Expedition (1899-1900): Study and Enhancement of the Rock Collection
2020 Borghi A.; Vignetta E.; Ghignone S.; Gallo M.; Vaggelli G.
Improvements to the analytical protocol of lapis lazuli provenance: First study on Myanmar rock samples
2019 Vaggelli, G; Es Sebar, L; Borghi, A; Cossio, R; Re, A; Fantino, F; Lo Giudice, A
Composition and microstructure of maiolica from the museum of ceramics in Ascoli Piceno (Italy): evidences by electron microscopy and microanalysis
2015 Gulmini, M; Scognamiglio, F; Roselli, G; Vaggelli, G
Micro-XRF Analysis of Trace Elements in Lapis Lazuli-Forming Minerals for a Provenance Study
2015 Angelici, Debora; Borghi, Alessandro; Chiarelli, Fabrizia; Cossio, Roberto; Gariani, Gianluca; Lo Giudice, Alessandro; Re, Alessandro; Pratesi, Giovanni; Vaggelli, Gloria
Stone materials used for monumental buildings in the historical centre of Turin (NW Italy): architectonical survey and petrographic characterization of Via Roma
2015 Borghi, A; Berra, V; D'Atri, A; Dino, Ga; Gallo, Lm; Giacobino, E; Martire, L; Massaro, G; Vaggelli, G; Bertok, C; Castelli, D; Costa, E; Ferrando, S; Groppo, C; Rolfo, F
The stones of the statuary of the Egyptian Museum of Torino (Italy): geologic and petrographic characterization
2015 Borghi, A; Angelici, D; Borla, M; Castelli, D; D'Atri, A; Gariani, G; Lo Giudice, A; Martire, L; Re, A; Vaggelli, G
A new approach for provenance studies of archaeological finds: Inferences from trace elements in carbonate minerals of Alpine white marbles by a...
2014 Vaggelli G.; Serra M.; Cossio R.; Borghi A.
Archeologia rupestre nelle Alpi Cozie: sondaggi geoarcheologici a Roccho Vélho (Pramollo, Torino). Nuovi approfondimenti analitici.
2014 Gattiglia, A; Rossetti, P; Rossi, M; Vaggelli, G
Fragments of the Western Alpine chain as historic ornamental stones in Turin (Italy): a new geotouristic approach for the enhancement of urban ....
2014 Borghi, A; D'Atri, A; Martire, L; Castelli, D; Costa, E; Dino, G; Favero Longo, S; Ferrando, S; Gallo, L; Giardino, M; Groppo, C; Piervittori, R; Rolfo, F; Rossetti, P; Vaggelli, G
Sulfur isotope evolution in sulfide ores from Western Alps: assessing the influence of subduction-related metemorphism
2014 Giacometti, F; Evans, K; Rebay, G; Cliff, J; Tomkins, A; Rossetti, P; Vaggelli, G; Adams, D
Tectonostratigraphy of the northern Monviso Meta-ophiolite Complex (Western Alps).
2014 Balestro, G; Lombardo, B; Vaggelli, G; Borghi, A; Festa, A; Gattiglio, M
Arsenic-bearing calcite in natural travertines: Evidence from sequential extraction, ?XAS, and ?XRF.
2013 Costagliola, P; Bardelli, F; Benvenuti, M; Di Benedetto, F; Lattanzi, P; Romanelli, M; Paolieri, M; Rimondi, V; Vaggelli, G
Islamic glass weights from Egypt a systematic study by non-destructive ?-XRF technique.
2013 Vaggelli G.; Lovera V.; Cossio R.; Mirti P.
Islamic glass weights from Egypt a systematic study by non-destructive µ-XRF technique
2013 Vaggelli, G; Lovera, V; Cossio, R; Mirti, P
Historic stones from the Western Alps and their use in Cultural heritage.
2012 Borghi A.; Castelli D.; Costa E.; d'Atri A.; Favero S.; Ferrando S.; Forno M.G.; Gianotti F.; Groppo C.; Martire L.; Piervittori R.; Rolfo F.; Rossetti P.;Vaggelli G
µ-XRF analysis of glasses: a non-destructive utility for Cultural Heritage Applications.
2012 Vaggelli, G; Cossio, R
Micro-XRF trace element quantification in calcite: a contribution to white marble provenance determination. Proocedings of Microscopy & Microanalysis 2011, Nashville, Tennessee, USA, Microscopy & Microanalysis Vol. 17, Suppl. S2, pp 1808-1809. doi:10.1017/S1431927611009913.
2011 Serra, M; Borghi, A; R, Cabella; Gallo, Lm; Vaggelli, G
Black and red granites in the Egyptian antiquity museum of Turin, a minero-petrographic and provenance study.
2010 Serra M.; Borghi A.; D'Amicone E.; Fiora L.; Mashaly O.; Vigna L.; Vaggelli G.