Istituto di Scienze Neurologiche - ISN - Sede Mangone (attivo dal 18/11/1923 al 31/12/2021)
Huperzine A Restores Cortico-Hippocampal Functional Connectivity after Bilateral AMPA Lesion of the Nucleus Basalis of Meynert
2013 Rispoli, Vincenzo; Ragusa, Salvatore; Nistico, Robert; Marra, Rosario; Russo, Emilio; Leo, Antonio; Felicita, Vera; Rotiroti, Domenicantonio
Choline pivaloyl ester enhances brain expression of both nerve growth factor and high-affinity receptor TrkA, and reverses memory and cognitive deficits, in rats with excitotoxic lesion of nucleus basalis magnocellularis.
2008 Rispoli, V; Marra, R; Costa, N; Rotiroti, D; Tirassa, P; Scipione, L; De Vita, D; Liberatore, F; Carelli, V
Modulation of pro-survival and death-associated pathways under retinal ischemia/reperfusion: effects of NMDA receptor blockade.
2008 Russo, R; Cavaliere, F; Berliocchi, L; Nucci, C; Gliozzi, M; Mazzei, C; Tassorelli, C; Corasaniti, Mt; Rotiroti, D; Bagetta, G; Morrone, La
The protective effect of bergamot oil extract on lecitine-like oxyLDL receptor-1 expression in balloon injury-related neointima formation.
2008 Mollace, V; Ragusa, S; Sacco, I; Muscoli, C; Sculco, F; Visalli, V; Palma, E; Muscoli, S; Mondello, L; Dugo, P; Rotiroti, D; Romeo, F
N-acetylcysteine prevents HIV gp 120-related damage of human cultured astrocytes: correlation with glutamine synthase dysfunction.
2007 Visalli, V; Muscoli, C; Sacco, I; Sculco, F; Palma, E; Costa, N; Colica, C; Rotiroti, D; Mollace, V
Choline pivaloyl ester strengthened the benefit effects of Tacrine and Galantamine on electroencephalographic and cognitive performances in nucleus basalis magnocellularis-lesioned and aged rats
2006 Rispoli, V; Marra, R; Costa, N; Scipione, L; Rotiroti, D; De Vita, D; Liberatore, F
Electrocortical effects of MDMA are potentiated by acoustic stimulation in rats
2006 Iannone, M; Bulotta, S; Paolino, D; Zito, Mc; Gratteri, S; Costanzo, Fs; Rotiroti, D
Endothelial nitric oxide synthase is segregated from caveolin-1 and localizes to the leading edge of migrating cells.
2006 Bulotta, S; Cerullo, A; Barsacchi, R; Palma, Cd; Rotiroti, D; Clementi, E; Borgese, N
17beta-estradiol protects SH-SY5Y Cells against HIV-1 gp120-induced cell death: evidence for a role of estrogen receptors.
2005 Russo R; Navarra M; Maiuolo J; Rotiroti D; Bagetta G; Corasaniti MT.
Amino acid levels in some lethargic mouse brain areas before and after pentylenetetrazole kindling.
2005 De Luca, G; Di Giorgio, Rm; Macaione, S; Calpona, Pr; Costantino, S; Di Paola, Ed; Costa, N; Rotiroti, D; Ibbadu, Gf; Russo, E; De Sarro, G
The effect of inflammatory stimuli on NMDA-related activation of glutamine synthase in human cultured astroglial cells
2005 Muscoli, Carolina; Visalli, Valeria; Colica, Carmela; Nisticò, Robert; Palma, Ernesto; Costa, Nicola; Rotiroti, Domenicantonio; Nisticò, Giuseppe; Mollace, Vincenzo
Cytotoxic effects of gemcitabine-loaded liposomes in human anaplastic thyroid carcinoma cells.
2004 Celano, M; Calvagno, Mg; Bulotta, S; Paolino, D; Arturi, F; Rotiroti, D; Filetti, S; Fresta, M; Russo, D
Electroencephalographic effects induced by choline pivaloyl esters in scopolamine-treated or nucleus basalis magnocellularis lesioned rats.
2004 Rispoli, V; Rotiroti, D; Carelli, V; Liberatore, F; Scipione, L; Marra, R; Tortorella, S; Di Rienzo, B
Seizure susceptibility to various convulsant stimuli in dystrophin-deficient mdx mice.
2004 De Sarro, G; Ibbadu, Gf; Marra, R; Rotiroti, D; Loiacono, A; Donato Di Paola, E; Russo, E
The protective effect of superoxide dismutase mimetic M40401 on balloon injury-related neointima formation: role of the lectin-like oxidized low-density lipoprotein receptor-1.
2004 Muscoli, C; Sacco, I; Alecce, W; Palma, E; Nisticò, R; Costa, N; Clementi, F; Rotiroti, D; Romeo, F; Salvemini, D; Mehta, Jl; Mollace, V
The role of nitrinergic connections in central cardiovascular responses mediated by physostigmine infused into posterior hypothalamus.
2004 Palma, E; Muscoli, C; Mancuso, E; Sculco, F; Sacco, I; Alecce, W; Costa, N; Colica, C; Cristiano, D; Rotiroti, D; Mollace, V
Tolerability and improved protective action of idebenone-loaded pegylated liposomes on ethanol-induced injury in primary cortical astrocytes.
2004 Paolino, D; Iannone, M; Cardile, V; Renis, M; Puglisi, G; Rotiroti, D; Fresta, M
Evidence for a role of protein tyrosine kinases in cell death induced by gp120 in CHP100 neuroblastoma cells
2003 Russo, R; Navarra, M; Rotiroti, D; Di Renzo, G
Neurobiological mediators of neuronal apoptosis in experimental neuroAIDS
2003 Corasaniti, Mt; Rotiroti, D; Nappi, G; Bagetta, G