Istituto Nazionale di Ottica - INO
Superfluidity and sound propagation in disordered Bose gases
2025 Geier, Kevin T.; Maki, Jeff; Biella, Alberto; Dalfovo, Franco; Giorgini, Stefano; Stringari, Sandro
Path-Integral Monte Carlo Worm Algorithm for Bose Systems with Periodic Boundary Conditions
2022 Spada, Gabriele; Giorgini, Stefano; Pilati, Sebastiano
Thermodynamics of a dilute Bose gas: A path-integral Monte Carlo study
2022 Spada, G.; Pilati, S.; Giorgini, S.
Quantum droplets in one-dimensional Bose mixtures: A quantum Monte Carlo study
2020 Parisi, L; Giorgini, S
Thermodynamics of dilute Bose gases: Beyond mean-field theory for binary mixtures of Bose-Einstein condensates
2020 Ota M.; Giorgini S.
Analyzing a Bose polaron across resonant interactions
2019 Ardila L, A Pena; Jorgensen, N B; Pohl, T; Giorgini, S; Bruun, G M; Arlt, J J
Liquid State of One-Dimensional Bose Mixtures: A Quantum Monte Carlo Study
2019 Parisi, L; Astrakharchik, G E; Giorgini, S
Magnetic Phase Transition in a Mixture of Two Interacting Superfluid Bose Gases at Finite Temperature
2019 Ota, Mild; Giorgini, Stefano; Stringari, Sandro
Fixed-node diffusion Monte Carlo study of the BCS-BEC crossover in a bilayer system of fermionic dipoles
2014 Matveeva, Natalia A.; Giorgini, Stefano
Many-body Bose systems and the hard-sphere model: dynamic properties from the weak to the strong interaction regime
2014 Rota, R; Tramonto, F; Galli, D E; Giorgini, S
Single-particle versus pair superfluidity in a bilayer system of dipolar bosons
2014 Macia, A; Astrakharchik, G E; Mazzanti, F; Giorgini, S; Boronat, J
Impurity Problem in a Bilayer System of Dipoles
2013 Matveeva, N.; Giorgini, S.
Quantum Monte Carlo Study of a Resonant Bose-Fermi Mixture
2013 Bertaina, G; Fratini, E; Giorgini, S; Pieri, P
Quantum Monte Carlo study of the dynamic structure factor in the gas and crystal phase of hard-sphere bosons
2013 Rota, R; Tramonto, F; Galli, D E; Giorgini, S
Liquid and Crystal Phases of Dipolar Fermions in Two Dimensions
2012 Matveeva N. ; Giorgini S.
Stability of resonantly interacting heavy-light Fermi mixtures
2012 Astrakharchik G. E. ; Giorgini S. , ; Boronat J.
BCS-BEC Crossover in a Two-Dimensional Fermi Gas
2011 Bertaina G. ,, ; Giorgini S. ,
Fermi-liquid behavior of the normal phase of a strongly interacting gas of cold atoms
2011 Nascimbene, S; Navon, N; Pilati, S; Chevy, F; Giorgini, S; Georges, A; Salomon, C
Critical temperature of interacting bose gases in two and three dimensions
2008 Pilati, S; Giorgini, S; Prokof'Ev, N
Phase separation in a polarized Fermi gas at zero temperature
2008 Pilati, S; Giorgini, S