The efforts made so far to make sustainable the fishing activities in the Mediterranean Sea, did not give the expected results. The way suggested by biologists, aiming at keeping down the fishing effort, clashed with the positions taken up by the fishermen based on the illusion to be able to establish a lasting wealth thanks to the open-ended growth in catches. In this context, a not yet followed way to reduce the exploitation of the resources without drawing on the gains of those who live on fish could be to shift the fishermen's attention towards methods based on the maximization of the catch's value. It could be done by importing manufacturing and storing processes on board that, on one hand, would increase the quality and safety of the product, on the other hand, would decrease the fishing effort. This new approach to the management of the fishing resources was at the base of the above mentioned research project, the purpose of which was to cut the use of the chemical preservatives widely used to prevent the blackspotting (melanosis) of valued crustaceans. As an alternative to the current recourse to sulphites, the project examined the joint effect of the modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) and of the freezing on shelf-life of the Parapenaeus longirostris (deep-water rose shrimp), dell'Aristaomorpha foliacea (giant red shrimp) and Nephrops norvegicus (norway lobster). Therefore, directly on board a deep-sea motor trawler, a congruous number of samples of all of the three species were packed according to different protocols foreeing: (1) the vacuum-packaging, (2) the packaging by a gas mixture constituted by 50% by nitrogen (N2) and 50 % by carbon dioxide (CO2), (3) the packaging only by nitrogen (al 100%), (4) the packaging by sodium bisulphite (following the procedures adopted by the trade fishery) and lastly (5) the preparing of a control sample without any packaging treatment but freezing it according to the same protocol of the previous 4 samples. Later, all the samples were frozen at -20°C and submitted to chemical, microbiological, physical and organoleptic tests for a total period of 1 year. The results of the total volatile base (TVB), thiobarbituric acid-reactive substance (TBARS), microbiological analysis and the sensorial estimations (colour, smell, taste, texture) showed that the modified atmosphere packaging technologies in, joint to the low storage temperatures, can be recommended to prolong the crustaceans' shelf-life without the necessity to use chemical additives.
Gli sforzi fin ora fatti per rendere sostenibili le attività di pesca praticate nel Mediterraneo non hanno fornito i risultati desiderati. La via suggerita dai biologi, orientata a contenere lo sforzo di pesca, si è infranta contro le posizioni assunte dai pescatori fondate sull'illusione di potere costruire una duratura ricchezza basata sull'incremento indefinito delle catture. In questo contesto, una via non ancora percorsa per ridurre il prelievo delle risorse senza intaccare i profitti di coloro che vivono di pesca, potrebbe essere quella di spostare l'attenzione dei pescatori su modelli organizzativi basati sulla massimizzazione del valore del pescato. Come? Introducendo processi di lavorazione e conservazione a bordo del pescato che, da un lato, aumentino la qualità e la sicurezza del prodotto, dall'altro determinino una riduzione dello sforzo di pesca. Questo nuovo approccio alle problematiche della gestione delle risorse pescabili è alla base del presente progetto di ricerca il cui obiettivo è quello di eliminare l'uso dei conservanti chimici largamente impiegati per prevenire l'annerimento (melanosi) dei crostacei pregiati. In alternativa all'attuale ricorso ai solfiti, il progetto esamina l'effetto combinato delle tecnologie di confezionamento in atmosfera modificata e del congelamento sulla shelf-life del Parapenaeus longirostris (gambero rosa), dell'Aristaomorpha foliacea (gambero rosso) e del Nephrops norvegicus (scampo). Così, direttamente a bordo di un motopesca d'altura, un congruo numero di campioni di tutte e tre le specie sono stati confezionati secondo differenti protocolli che prevedevano: (1) la conservazione sottovuoto, (2) la conservazione con una miscela di gas composta per il 50% da azoto (N2) e il 50 % da anidride carbonica (CO2), (3) la conservazione con solo azoto (al 100%), (4) la conservazione con bisolfito di sodio (secondo le procedure adottate dalla pesca commerciale) e, infine, (5) la preparazione di un campione di controllo senza alcun trattamento conservativo ma congelato secondo il medesimo protocollo dei primi 4 campioni. Successivamente, tutti i campioni sono stati congelati a -20°C e sottoposti a controllo chimico, microbiologico, fisico e organolettico per un periodo complessivo di un anno. I risultati delle analisi chimiche (ABVT e TBA), microbiologiche e le valutazioni sensoriali (colore, odore, sapore, consistenza) hanno mostrato che le tecnologie di confezionamento in atmosfera modificata, combinate con le basse temperature di stoccaggio, possono essere raccomandate per estendere la shelf-life dei crostacei senza la necessità di fare ricorso agli additivi di natura chimica.
Tecnologie innovative di conservazione del gambero rosa (Parapenaeus longirostris), del gambero rosso (Aristaeomorpha foliacea) e dello scampo (Nephrops norvegicus)
Bono G;Badalucco C;Cusumano S;
The efforts made so far to make sustainable the fishing activities in the Mediterranean Sea, did not give the expected results. The way suggested by biologists, aiming at keeping down the fishing effort, clashed with the positions taken up by the fishermen based on the illusion to be able to establish a lasting wealth thanks to the open-ended growth in catches. In this context, a not yet followed way to reduce the exploitation of the resources without drawing on the gains of those who live on fish could be to shift the fishermen's attention towards methods based on the maximization of the catch's value. It could be done by importing manufacturing and storing processes on board that, on one hand, would increase the quality and safety of the product, on the other hand, would decrease the fishing effort. This new approach to the management of the fishing resources was at the base of the above mentioned research project, the purpose of which was to cut the use of the chemical preservatives widely used to prevent the blackspotting (melanosis) of valued crustaceans. As an alternative to the current recourse to sulphites, the project examined the joint effect of the modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) and of the freezing on shelf-life of the Parapenaeus longirostris (deep-water rose shrimp), dell'Aristaomorpha foliacea (giant red shrimp) and Nephrops norvegicus (norway lobster). Therefore, directly on board a deep-sea motor trawler, a congruous number of samples of all of the three species were packed according to different protocols foreeing: (1) the vacuum-packaging, (2) the packaging by a gas mixture constituted by 50% by nitrogen (N2) and 50 % by carbon dioxide (CO2), (3) the packaging only by nitrogen (al 100%), (4) the packaging by sodium bisulphite (following the procedures adopted by the trade fishery) and lastly (5) the preparing of a control sample without any packaging treatment but freezing it according to the same protocol of the previous 4 samples. Later, all the samples were frozen at -20°C and submitted to chemical, microbiological, physical and organoleptic tests for a total period of 1 year. The results of the total volatile base (TVB), thiobarbituric acid-reactive substance (TBARS), microbiological analysis and the sensorial estimations (colour, smell, taste, texture) showed that the modified atmosphere packaging technologies in, joint to the low storage temperatures, can be recommended to prolong the crustaceans' shelf-life without the necessity to use chemical additives.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.