e-START is a Network of key players for promoting Digital Literacy in Primary and Lower Secondary (K-9) education in Europe adn beyond. The mission of the e-START Network is to provide a universal communication base to support Digital Literacy Policies and Actions in compulsory education. Objectives -To offer a sustainable, single-point-of-access, high-quality information service on Digital Literacy in Primary and Lower Secondary (K-9) education, which will enhance the Eurydice network and service, and inform as well as transform the School Education Policies in the EU Member States (with regard to Digital Literacy), towards closer collaboration, interoperability, harmonisation, and synergy amongst them, and ultimately towards higher overall quality. -To build consent towards a common framework of ICT education in the National Curricula of Primary and Lower Secondary (K-9) education across Europe, which will help to achieve Digital Literacy for all and according to pupilsâEUR(TM) individual needs. -To provide a discussion and policy advice/consultative forum on Teachers' Training needs (both initial/pre-service and continuous/in-service) in order to meet the Digital Literacy Challenge.
e-START è una Network di istituzioni che svolge un ruolo chiave per la promozione della Digital Literacy nelle scuole primarie e secondarie di primo grado (k-9) in Europa. La Network di e-START mira infatti a divenire un punto di riferimento per la promozione e la diffusione di politiche e azioni relative alla Digital Literacy nella scuola dell'obbligo. Obiettivi -fornire servizi informativi sulla Digital Literacy per la scuola primaria e secondaria di I grado volti a monitorare le politiche educative sulla digital literacy degli stati dell'Unione Europea, e a orientare queste politiche verso una maggiore armonizzazione e l'attivazione di nuove sinergie; -costruire un consenso verso un quadro di riferimento comune sull'educazione nelle ICT per i curricula nazionali delle scuole dell'obbligo; -avviare un forum europeo di discussione sui bisogni degli insegnanti nella formazione iniziale e continua e su quelli degli alunni per accogliere le sfide poste dalla Digital Literacy.
Vittorio Midoro;Manuela Repetto
e-START is a Network of key players for promoting Digital Literacy in Primary and Lower Secondary (K-9) education in Europe adn beyond. The mission of the e-START Network is to provide a universal communication base to support Digital Literacy Policies and Actions in compulsory education. Objectives -To offer a sustainable, single-point-of-access, high-quality information service on Digital Literacy in Primary and Lower Secondary (K-9) education, which will enhance the Eurydice network and service, and inform as well as transform the School Education Policies in the EU Member States (with regard to Digital Literacy), towards closer collaboration, interoperability, harmonisation, and synergy amongst them, and ultimately towards higher overall quality. -To build consent towards a common framework of ICT education in the National Curricula of Primary and Lower Secondary (K-9) education across Europe, which will help to achieve Digital Literacy for all and according to pupilsâEUR(TM) individual needs. -To provide a discussion and policy advice/consultative forum on Teachers' Training needs (both initial/pre-service and continuous/in-service) in order to meet the Digital Literacy Challenge.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.