The electrical energy from renewable sources has the advantage of being able to be generated in situ, i.e. on board of the ship, without requiring a connection with any infrastructure on the mainland. For this reasons, they are already commonly used on some ship, although they are not fully exploited. Nowadays, electrical system on ships don't permit an easy cooperation between various electrical generator that operate at the same time. These are often used only to keep on trickle charging lead batteries and not for long time. Manufacturers have an increasing interest in producing generators that can be used on ships, e.g. reducing the noise from wind turbines or producing solar panels that can be adapted to the shape of the boat; but no improvement has been made to ensure that such generators can be harmoniously integrated with each other and with the ship itself. In this technical report, we will examine the main types of renewable energy electric generators. Features that they must have in order to be profitably employed in the marine environment will be highlighted and some possible commercial solutions will be shown. Future research goals will be also presented, in order to increase the renewable energy percentage of energy installed on board. Finally, experimental results of some innovative control techniques for maximizing the power generated will be shown and discussed.
L'energia elettrica proveniente da sorgenti rinnovabili ha il vantaggio di potere essere generata in situ, ossia anche a bordo di ciascuna imbarcazione, senza richiedere un collegamento con infrastrutture sulla terraferma. Per questo motivo, gi`a allo stato dell'arte, esse sono impiegate su alcune imbarcazioni, sebbene non siano sfruttate al meglio. Le imbarcazioni odierne, infatti, non sono spesso dotate di un sistema elettrico in grado di ospitare agevolmente diversi generatori elettrici che sfruttino le energie rinnovabili. Molto spesso, questi sono utilizzati per mantenere in carica tampone gli accumulatori al piombo e solo in determinati momenti. Mentre si nota un interesse sempre maggiore dei costruttori nel realizzare generatori che possano essere utilizzati in ambito marino, riducendo e.g. la rumorosit`a dei generatori eolici o producendo pannelli fotovoltaici che possano adattarsi alle forme delle imbarcazioni, non si nota alcun miglioramento affinch´e detti generatori possano essere armonicamente integrati fra loro e con l'imbarcazione stessa. In questo rapporto tecnico saranno esaminate le principali tipologie di generatori elettrici che sfruttino le energie rinnovabili, alcune in uso, altre ancora in via di sviluppo. Si evidenzieranno le caratteristiche che devono avere per potere essere proficuamente impiegate in ambito marino e saranno mostrate alcune possibili soluzioni commerciali. Sar`a dedicata attenzione a futuri obiettivi della ricerca affinch´e le energie rinnovabili possano costituire una sempre maggiore percentuale dell'energia installata a bordo e saranno mostrati i risultati sperimentali di alcune innovative tecniche di controllo per la massimizzazione della potenza generata.
Energie rinnovabili per ambito marino: energy harvesting e MPPT
Angelo Accetta;Graziella Giglia;MC Di Piazza;Marcello Pucci;Antonio Sauro;
The electrical energy from renewable sources has the advantage of being able to be generated in situ, i.e. on board of the ship, without requiring a connection with any infrastructure on the mainland. For this reasons, they are already commonly used on some ship, although they are not fully exploited. Nowadays, electrical system on ships don't permit an easy cooperation between various electrical generator that operate at the same time. These are often used only to keep on trickle charging lead batteries and not for long time. Manufacturers have an increasing interest in producing generators that can be used on ships, e.g. reducing the noise from wind turbines or producing solar panels that can be adapted to the shape of the boat; but no improvement has been made to ensure that such generators can be harmoniously integrated with each other and with the ship itself. In this technical report, we will examine the main types of renewable energy electric generators. Features that they must have in order to be profitably employed in the marine environment will be highlighted and some possible commercial solutions will be shown. Future research goals will be also presented, in order to increase the renewable energy percentage of energy installed on board. Finally, experimental results of some innovative control techniques for maximizing the power generated will be shown and discussed.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.