This work aims to contribute to the project "Advanced Power Converters for Universal and FlexiblePower Management in Future Electricity Networks, UNIFLEX-PM", funded by the Europeancommunity. The objective of UNIFLEX-PM is to develop and experimentally verify new, innovativemodular power conversion architectures for universal application in the future European electricitynetwork. Power electronics, in particular, plays the most important role in this project. Also from theeconomic point of view UNIFLEX-PM and the European Union use a strategy in order to ensure theenergy supply security, the security of energy sourcing for the well-being of its citizens and for theproper functioning of the economy, the physical availability of energy products on the market, with aprice which is affordable for all consumers (private and industrial), for the respect of the environmentand looking towards sustainable development. An other aim of this EU project is to reduce the energydependence imported from other country. The final goal is to change the current electrical network withan innovative structure in which there are a lot of differences with the new distribution network. Todaythe power generation is centralised in large power plants and the distribution network is not allowed toinject power into the grid. The current electrical grid is based on a passive structure, with unidirectionalpower flow from large power plants to the end user. Then, the power is delivered to consumer viamedium and low-voltage distribution system. In opposition, the new structure is based on increasedinterconnection and represent an example of smart grid. The concept of a smart grid is defined,highlighting the importance of power electronics in its evolution. With increased distribution of powerinput nodes bi-directional energy flow is possible and new technologies are emerging for the directrouting of electricity. New power electronics systems offer ways of controlling the routing of electricityand also provide flexible interfaces to the network. In this way the grid will evolve from a passivestructure to an active one. In summary, the most important goals of UNIFLEX-PM are the powercontrol, the voltage control and advanced techniques for network monitoring, so in this work the designcontrol in C language of two ports and three ports system is treated.This scenario requires an increasing penetration of Distributed Generation (DG) systems. DGtechnologies can be divided into Renewable Energy Sources (RES) such as solar, wind, geothermal,ocean, and non-renewable sources such as internal combustion engines, combustion turbines, combinedcycle systems, micro turbines and fuel cells. This information is summarized in the first chapter of thework, while in the second one the main renewable energy sources are introduced and discussed, such asthe wind power, the solar power, the fuel cells and the energy storage. In particular the wind turbinesare used to take advantage of the wind power. The wind turbine, comprising a rotating blade (sail of thesystem), generates electricity through the power of the wind. The rotor blades are connected to the socalled"tree", and in particular the wind determines the movement of the rotating blades facilitating theproduction of kinetic energy. The rotor transfers the energy in such a way that this will come into anelectrical generator placed at the end of the tree. The generator for magnetic induction will generate anelectric voltage. The Power electronics configurations considered for the wind turbines are theunidirectional, bidirectional back to back and modular power converters. Solar energy is an unlimitedresource, so the photovoltaic (PV) has the highest potential among all renewable sources. Photovoltaic(PV) is a system of modular power generation that produces electricity directly and exclusively bysunlight. It can be installed in systems of small and large dimensions, and does not result in emissionsharmful to health. The principle of operation of photovoltaic panels is called "photovoltaic effect",which is a subcategory of the photoelectric effect. The photovoltaic effect occurs when anelectromagnetic radiation, hitting a particular semiconductor material, creates a movement of electronsthus generating an electric current and thus a potential difference. The photovoltaic (PV) applicationsare the Off Grid domestic, the Grid-Connected distributed and the Grid Connected centralized. A PVsystem consists of an array of photovoltaic panels, a power converter with a filter, a controller and thenetwork. Photovoltaic system can be a single panel, a string of photovoltaic panels or a multitude ofparallel strings of photovoltaic panels. The third renewable energy sources considered are the fuel cells.Fuel cells are electrochemical systems that convert the chemical energy of a fuel (typically hydrogen)directly into electrical energy, without the intervention of an intermediate thermal cycle. A fuel celloperates in a manner similar to a battery, because it produces electrical energy through anelectrochemical process. Finally there is the energy storage. The energy storage systems play animportant role to unify, distribute and improve the capabilities of the systems of generation andrenewable energy. The intelligent management of energy flows to and from a storage system has theadvantage of maximizing the use of the energy produced by system by the batteries.Energy storage technologies can improve, stabilize and achieve a constant and stable output.The third chapter provides an overview of the interconnection requirements for renewable energysources (RES) in several European countries based on network codes, in particular in this chapter thecountries Great Britain and Italy are treated.In the fourth chapter there is the description of UNIFLEX system. In the first figure the general systemis shown, while in the second there is the UNIFLEX prototype, built at Nottingham University.
3-Port intelligent power flow control in the UNIFLEX-PM converter / Città, Alberto; Vitale, Gianpaolo; Zanchetta, Pericle. - ELETTRONICO. - (2015 Jul 10).
3-Port intelligent power flow control in the UNIFLEX-PM converter
Gianpaolo Vitale;
This work aims to contribute to the project "Advanced Power Converters for Universal and FlexiblePower Management in Future Electricity Networks, UNIFLEX-PM", funded by the Europeancommunity. The objective of UNIFLEX-PM is to develop and experimentally verify new, innovativemodular power conversion architectures for universal application in the future European electricitynetwork. Power electronics, in particular, plays the most important role in this project. Also from theeconomic point of view UNIFLEX-PM and the European Union use a strategy in order to ensure theenergy supply security, the security of energy sourcing for the well-being of its citizens and for theproper functioning of the economy, the physical availability of energy products on the market, with aprice which is affordable for all consumers (private and industrial), for the respect of the environmentand looking towards sustainable development. An other aim of this EU project is to reduce the energydependence imported from other country. The final goal is to change the current electrical network withan innovative structure in which there are a lot of differences with the new distribution network. Todaythe power generation is centralised in large power plants and the distribution network is not allowed toinject power into the grid. The current electrical grid is based on a passive structure, with unidirectionalpower flow from large power plants to the end user. Then, the power is delivered to consumer viamedium and low-voltage distribution system. In opposition, the new structure is based on increasedinterconnection and represent an example of smart grid. The concept of a smart grid is defined,highlighting the importance of power electronics in its evolution. With increased distribution of powerinput nodes bi-directional energy flow is possible and new technologies are emerging for the directrouting of electricity. New power electronics systems offer ways of controlling the routing of electricityand also provide flexible interfaces to the network. In this way the grid will evolve from a passivestructure to an active one. In summary, the most important goals of UNIFLEX-PM are the powercontrol, the voltage control and advanced techniques for network monitoring, so in this work the designcontrol in C language of two ports and three ports system is treated.This scenario requires an increasing penetration of Distributed Generation (DG) systems. DGtechnologies can be divided into Renewable Energy Sources (RES) such as solar, wind, geothermal,ocean, and non-renewable sources such as internal combustion engines, combustion turbines, combinedcycle systems, micro turbines and fuel cells. This information is summarized in the first chapter of thework, while in the second one the main renewable energy sources are introduced and discussed, such asthe wind power, the solar power, the fuel cells and the energy storage. In particular the wind turbinesare used to take advantage of the wind power. The wind turbine, comprising a rotating blade (sail of thesystem), generates electricity through the power of the wind. The rotor blades are connected to the socalled"tree", and in particular the wind determines the movement of the rotating blades facilitating theproduction of kinetic energy. The rotor transfers the energy in such a way that this will come into anelectrical generator placed at the end of the tree. The generator for magnetic induction will generate anelectric voltage. The Power electronics configurations considered for the wind turbines are theunidirectional, bidirectional back to back and modular power converters. Solar energy is an unlimitedresource, so the photovoltaic (PV) has the highest potential among all renewable sources. Photovoltaic(PV) is a system of modular power generation that produces electricity directly and exclusively bysunlight. It can be installed in systems of small and large dimensions, and does not result in emissionsharmful to health. The principle of operation of photovoltaic panels is called "photovoltaic effect",which is a subcategory of the photoelectric effect. The photovoltaic effect occurs when anelectromagnetic radiation, hitting a particular semiconductor material, creates a movement of electronsthus generating an electric current and thus a potential difference. The photovoltaic (PV) applicationsare the Off Grid domestic, the Grid-Connected distributed and the Grid Connected centralized. A PVsystem consists of an array of photovoltaic panels, a power converter with a filter, a controller and thenetwork. Photovoltaic system can be a single panel, a string of photovoltaic panels or a multitude ofparallel strings of photovoltaic panels. The third renewable energy sources considered are the fuel cells.Fuel cells are electrochemical systems that convert the chemical energy of a fuel (typically hydrogen)directly into electrical energy, without the intervention of an intermediate thermal cycle. A fuel celloperates in a manner similar to a battery, because it produces electrical energy through anelectrochemical process. Finally there is the energy storage. The energy storage systems play animportant role to unify, distribute and improve the capabilities of the systems of generation andrenewable energy. The intelligent management of energy flows to and from a storage system has theadvantage of maximizing the use of the energy produced by system by the batteries.Energy storage technologies can improve, stabilize and achieve a constant and stable output.The third chapter provides an overview of the interconnection requirements for renewable energysources (RES) in several European countries based on network codes, in particular in this chapter thecountries Great Britain and Italy are treated.In the fourth chapter there is the description of UNIFLEX system. In the first figure the general systemis shown, while in the second there is the UNIFLEX prototype, built at Nottingham University.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.