In 2016 the research group Social Studies of Science, Education and Communication (COMESE) of the Institute of Research on Population and Social Policy of the National Research Council of Italy, together with a multidisciplinary community of social players and the Ministry of University and Research, organized the first Officina "Alternating Training", two days of studies dedicated to debating and exchanging experiences in the educational field. The project "Officina" ideally follows "Ethics and Polemics" project, that since 2001 produced a series of annual participatory events, organized by CNR with schools, scientists and social actors. During the Officina 2016, first results of the project Developing and Evaluating Skills for Creativity and Innovation (DESCI), financed by the Erasmus+ Program, were proposed and submitted to the community of school and research professionals, policy makers and companies. The event was aimed at developing a model of inclusive and participated Alternating Training, capable of stimulating the Key Competences indicated by the European Commission in 2018, suggested as prerequisite for an active citizenship, the development of the individuals and a chance for students to become knowledgeable and enhance their capacity of taking part responsibly in the process of decision making. The community born around the "Officine" tried to fathom the targets, methodologies and the conceptual and cultural framework in order to understand the value and the return of the proposed DESCI approach. From that moment on, the "Officine" have continued to represent, for the community born with the first event and expanded during several years, a space for co-creation of knowledge and debate about education and competences for society and social inclusiveness; a reflection chance which is proposed every year according to different keys and perspectives, in order to provide the community with new insights. The last "Officina", entitled "Curriculum and Competence", was organized in 2019 in partnership with the General Directorate for School Regulations and the Evaluation of the National Education System of the Ministry of Education University and Research - now Ministry of Public Education -, the national network of Vocational Schools for the Water Management and Environmental Rehabilitation (GARA) and the Higher Institute of the Environment Agency (ISPRA). It stimulated reflection on the relationship between curricular innovation and development of competences and skills. This report aims to provide an overview of the shared experiences and practices and of the proposals that emerged at the working tables within the Officina 2019. This report is divided into two principal sections and a conclusion. The first chapter, "The Book of Good Practices", collects the practices shared at the "Officine". The second chapter presents the considerations that emerged from the five working tables, where the protagonists of the different practices had a chance to discuss and reflect individually and collectively. The last section offers a final thought about the data/inputs emerged from the tables.
Nel 2016 il gruppo Studi Sociali sulla Scienza, Educazione, Comunicazione (COMESE) dell'Istituto di Ricerche sulla Popolazione e le Politiche Sociali del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche insieme a una comunità multidisciplinare di attori sociali e al Ministero dell'Istruzione, dell'Università e della Ricerca (attualmente Ministero dell'Istruzione) ha dato vita alla prima Officina "Alternanza Scuola - Lavoro", due giornate di studi dedicate al confronto, al dibattito e allo scambio di esperienze maturate in ambito educativo sui temi dell'Alternanza Scuola Lavoro. Il progetto "Officina" segue idealmente "Ethics and Polemics", che ha prodotto una serie annuale di eventi partecipati organizzati dal CNR a partire dal 2001 con istituti scolastici, scienziati ed attori sociali. Durante le due giornate di lavoro sono stati proposti e sottoposti alla comunità di operatori del mondo della scuola e della ricerca, alle imprese, ai policy makers, i risultati della prima fase del Progetto DESCI - Developing and Evaluating Skills for Creativity and Innovation (finanziato dal programma Erasmus +), finalizzato a sviluppare un modello di Alternanza Scuola - Lavoro inclusivo e partecipato, in grado di promuovere quelle Competenze Chiave indicate dalla Commissione Europea (Council of the European Union, 2018) come presupposto per una cittadinanza attiva, il pieno sviluppo della persona e accrescere la capacità degli studenti di partecipare in modo responsabile e consapevole ai processi decisionali. Obiettivi, metodologie, riferimenti concettuali e culturali sono stati scandagliati dalla comunità nata intorno all'Officina, allo scopo di comprenderne la validità e restituire la misura dell'approccio proposto dal progetto. A partire da quel momento le Officine continuano a rappresentare, per la comunità di pratica nata intorno al primo evento ed ampliatasi nel corso degli anni, un periodico spazio di co-creazione di conoscenza, di confronto e di dibattito sui temi dell'educazione e delle competenze per la società e per l'inclusone sociale; una riflessione partecipata che annualmente viene rinnovata secondo chiavi di lettura e prospettive sempre diverse, per fornire alla comunità tutta nuovi spunti di riflessione. L'Officina 2019 "Curriculum e Competenze", l'ultima edizione delle Officine organizzata in collaborazione con la Direzione Generale per gli Ordinamenti Scolastici e la Valutazione del Sistema Nazionale di Istruzione del Ministero dell'Istruzione, la rete nazionale degli istituti professionali per la Gestione delle Acque e Risanamento Ambientale (GARA) e con l'Istituto Superiore per la Protezione e la Ricerca Ambientale (ISPRA), ha proposto una riflessione focalizzata sul rapporto tra le innovazioni curriculari e lo sviluppo di competenze. Questo Rapporto Finale vuole fornire uno sguardo d'insieme sulle esperienze e le pratiche condivise e dare conto delle proposte emerse da questa condivisione, a partire proprio da queste narrazioni. Il Rapporto si articola in due sezioni principali ed una sezione conclusiva. Nel primo capitolo "Il libro delle buone pratiche" vengono raccolte in modo ragionato le pratiche presentate nel corso dell'Officina. Il secondo capitolo esplora invece le riflessioni emerse dai cinque tavoli di lavoro, dedicati al confronto e alla riflessione individuale e collettiva di respiro più ampio a partire da quelle pratiche. Nell'ultima sezione, vene proposta una riflessione conclusiva su dati e input emersi dai tavoli.
Officina Curriculum e Competenze. Giornata di studi su innovazioni curricolari e sviluppo di competenze
C Pennacchiotti;V Tudisca;
In 2016 the research group Social Studies of Science, Education and Communication (COMESE) of the Institute of Research on Population and Social Policy of the National Research Council of Italy, together with a multidisciplinary community of social players and the Ministry of University and Research, organized the first Officina "Alternating Training", two days of studies dedicated to debating and exchanging experiences in the educational field. The project "Officina" ideally follows "Ethics and Polemics" project, that since 2001 produced a series of annual participatory events, organized by CNR with schools, scientists and social actors. During the Officina 2016, first results of the project Developing and Evaluating Skills for Creativity and Innovation (DESCI), financed by the Erasmus+ Program, were proposed and submitted to the community of school and research professionals, policy makers and companies. The event was aimed at developing a model of inclusive and participated Alternating Training, capable of stimulating the Key Competences indicated by the European Commission in 2018, suggested as prerequisite for an active citizenship, the development of the individuals and a chance for students to become knowledgeable and enhance their capacity of taking part responsibly in the process of decision making. The community born around the "Officine" tried to fathom the targets, methodologies and the conceptual and cultural framework in order to understand the value and the return of the proposed DESCI approach. From that moment on, the "Officine" have continued to represent, for the community born with the first event and expanded during several years, a space for co-creation of knowledge and debate about education and competences for society and social inclusiveness; a reflection chance which is proposed every year according to different keys and perspectives, in order to provide the community with new insights. The last "Officina", entitled "Curriculum and Competence", was organized in 2019 in partnership with the General Directorate for School Regulations and the Evaluation of the National Education System of the Ministry of Education University and Research - now Ministry of Public Education -, the national network of Vocational Schools for the Water Management and Environmental Rehabilitation (GARA) and the Higher Institute of the Environment Agency (ISPRA). It stimulated reflection on the relationship between curricular innovation and development of competences and skills. This report aims to provide an overview of the shared experiences and practices and of the proposals that emerged at the working tables within the Officina 2019. This report is divided into two principal sections and a conclusion. The first chapter, "The Book of Good Practices", collects the practices shared at the "Officine". The second chapter presents the considerations that emerged from the five working tables, where the protagonists of the different practices had a chance to discuss and reflect individually and collectively. The last section offers a final thought about the data/inputs emerged from the tables.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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Descrizione: Officina Curriculum e Competenze. Giornata di studi su innovazioni curricolari e sviluppo di competenze
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