The last twenty years have seen an increase in knowledge and an evolution of its branches so that the image of the arbor scientiarum is replaced rather by the open plurality of a series of luxuriant foliage - single and multiple according to the ways of referring to ever-changing objects. The forest of the sciences is opening up to the ocean of knowledge, which is advancing in an interdisciplinary manner. Today, more than ever, emergency of new paradigmas need for an overview of the development of the scientific disciplines, more in order to observe their boundaries, their lability, their permeability and to understand their overall direction, than to subject them to a single foundation. If all positions, be they historical, ontological, epistemological, computational are presented as systematic and hegemonic, are loosing. The book Digital Philosophy welcomes the hoped-for emergence of a change of perspective: a pragmatic-critical reflection on the digitisation of knowledge and the practices of knowledge representation. This book opens up different ways for philosophical research: abandoned the metaphysical throne, philosophy has rediscovered itself in the trivium. She has returned to the public square to reckon with the procedures of the digital and documentalist revolution underway, being able to dispose of a vast, and articulated, conceptual and methodological set with the aim, if not to understand, at least to define the procedures to renegotiate the conceptual boundaries of the new plural, multidisciplinary and multilingual reality.
Gli ultimi venti anni hanno visto un incrementarsi delle conoscenze e un evolversi dei rami del sapere, così che l'immagine dell'arbor scientiarum è sostituita piuttosto dalla pluralità aperta di una serie di chiome rigogliose, singole e molteplici a seconda dei modi di riferirsi a oggetti in continua trasformazione. Nello svilupparsi in maniera sempre più specifica, i singoli rami si infittiscono e si intrecciano sempre più l'uno con l'altro; la foresta delle scienze si apre all'oceano del sapere che avanza in maniera interdisciplinare e, oggi più che mai, è urgente uno sguardo d'insieme dello sviluppo delle discipline scientifiche, più per osservarne i confini, la loro labilità, permeabilità e comprendere l'indirizzo complessivo, che non per assoggettarle a un solo fondamento. Se si presenta come egemone ogni rendita di posizione, sia essa storica, ontologica, epistemologica, informatica e ideologica, la riflessione critica è perdente. Il volume Filosofia Digitale accoglie Oggi l'auspicata emergenza di un cambio di prospettiva, di una riflessione pragmatico-critica sulla digitalizzazione del sapere e sulle pratiche di rappresentazione delle conoscenze apre strade diverse alla ricerca filosofica: abbandonato a se stesso lo scranno metafisico, la filosofia si è riscoperta nel trivio, è tornata in piazza per fare i conti con le procedure della rivoluzione digitale e documentale in atto, potendo disporre di un vasto e articolato bagaglio concettuale e metodologico con il fine, se non di comprendere, quantomeno di definire le procedure per rinegoziare i confini concettuali della nuova realtà plurale, multidisciplinare e multilingue.
Filosofia Digitale
Cristina Marras
The last twenty years have seen an increase in knowledge and an evolution of its branches so that the image of the arbor scientiarum is replaced rather by the open plurality of a series of luxuriant foliage - single and multiple according to the ways of referring to ever-changing objects. The forest of the sciences is opening up to the ocean of knowledge, which is advancing in an interdisciplinary manner. Today, more than ever, emergency of new paradigmas need for an overview of the development of the scientific disciplines, more in order to observe their boundaries, their lability, their permeability and to understand their overall direction, than to subject them to a single foundation. If all positions, be they historical, ontological, epistemological, computational are presented as systematic and hegemonic, are loosing. The book Digital Philosophy welcomes the hoped-for emergence of a change of perspective: a pragmatic-critical reflection on the digitisation of knowledge and the practices of knowledge representation. This book opens up different ways for philosophical research: abandoned the metaphysical throne, philosophy has rediscovered itself in the trivium. She has returned to the public square to reckon with the procedures of the digital and documentalist revolution underway, being able to dispose of a vast, and articulated, conceptual and methodological set with the aim, if not to understand, at least to define the procedures to renegotiate the conceptual boundaries of the new plural, multidisciplinary and multilingual reality.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.