Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 287
AS - Asia 173
EU - Europa 78
Totale 538
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 286
SG - Singapore 168
IT - Italia 48
FI - Finlandia 16
DE - Germania 7
CN - Cina 4
AT - Austria 2
IE - Irlanda 2
NL - Olanda 2
CA - Canada 1
EE - Estonia 1
JP - Giappone 1
Totale 538
Città #
Santa Clara 259
Singapore 90
Helsinki 16
Aversa 15
Naples 10
Falkenstein 6
Marigliano 6
Mariglianella 4
Phoenix 3
Bologna 2
Dublin 2
Guangzhou 2
Rome 2
Turin 2
Vienna 2
Amsterdam 1
Boardman 1
Catania 1
Los Angeles 1
Newark 1
Ottawa 1
Tallinn 1
Tokyo 1
Totale 429
Nome #
Nutrient Dependent Signaling Pathways Controlling the Symbiotic Nitrogen, Fixation Process 39
The tonoplast localized protein PtNPF1 participates in the regulation of nitrogen response in diatoms 29
The functional characterization of LjNRT2.4 indicates a novel, positive role of nitrate for an efficient nodule N2- fixation activity 24
Nutrient Dependent Signaling Pathways Controlling the Symbiotic Nitrogen Fixation Process 23
The Lotus japonicus NPF4.6 gene, encoding for a dual nitrate and ABA transporter, plays a role in the lateral root elongation process and is not involved in the N2-fixing nodule development 21
The Lotus japonicus AFB6 Gene Is Involved in the Auxin Dependent Root Developmental Program 19
LjNRT2.3 plays a hierarchical role in the control of high affinity transport system for root nitrate acquisition in Lotus japonicus 17
" Regulation of Nitrogen Metabolism in Rhizobium" 15
Disruption of the Lotus japonicus transporter LjNPF2.9 increases shoot biomass and nitrate content without affecting symbiotic performances 14
Use of halotolerant Bacillus amyloliquefaciens RHF6 as a bio-based strategy for alleviating salinity stress in Lotus japonicus cv Gifu 14
The Lotus japonicus NPF3.1 Is a Nodule-Induced Gene That Plays a Positive Role in Nodule Functioning 13
Disruption of the Lotus japonicus transporter LjNPF2. 9 increases shoot biomass and nitrate content without affecting symbiotic performances 12
Integrative omics identification, evolutionary and structural analysis of low affinity nitrate transporters in diatoms, diNPFs 11
Down-regulated Lotus japonicus GCR1 plants exhibit nodulation signalling pathways alteration 8
Nitrate Transport and Signaling 8
Meta-omics reveals genetic flexibility of diatom nitrogen transporters in response to environmental changes 8
PII overexpression in Lotus japonicus affects nodule activity in permissive low-nitrogen conditions and increases nodule numbers in high nitrogen treated plants 8
Functional characterisation of an ammonium transporter gene from Lotus japonicus 8
The nitrate transporter family protein LjNPF8.6 controls the N-fixing nodule activity 7
The diatom molecular toolkit to handle nitrogen uptake 7
Nitrate transport and signaling 7
The nitrate transporter family protein NPF8.6 controls the N-fixing nodule activity 7
Phenotype of a Rhizobium leguminosarum ntrC mutant 7
Ectopic expression of PII induces stomatal closure in Lotus Japonicus 7
L'idrofobina Hytra1 secreta dal fungo di biocontrollo Trichoderma attiva una via di segnalazione mediata dal calcio e geni di difesa in Lotus japonicus 6
Procedure for Lotus japonicus in vitro nodulation studies. 6
The effects of salt stress cause a diversion of basal metabolism in barley roots: Possible different roles for glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase isoforms 6
The hydrophobin HYTLO1 secreted by the biocontrol fungus Trichoderma longibrachiatum triggers a NAADP-mediated calcium signalling pathway in Lotus japonicus 6
Activation of the Rhizobium leguminosarum glnII gene by NtrC is dependent on upstream DNA sequences 6
Nitrogen metabolism and symbiosis. Effects of different combined N sources on the early steps of the Nod factor induced pathway. 5
Comparison of nodule induction in legume and actinorhizal symbioses: The induction of actinorhizal nodules does not involve ENOD40 5
Characterisation of three functional high affinity ammonium transporters in Lotus japonicus with differential transcriptional regulation and spatial expression 5
The diatom toolkit to handle nitrogen uptake 5
Molecular characterization of the Lotus japonicus NRT1(PTR) and NRT2 families 5
Nitrogen-dependent regulation of the nodule organogenesis program in the model plant Lotus japonicus 5
Activation of the Rhizobium leguminosarum glnII gene by NtrC is dependent on upstream DNA sequences. 5
A unified nomenclature of Nitrate Transporter 1/Peptide transporter family members in plants 5
N metabolism and symbiosis 5
Symbiotic competence in Lotus japonicus is affected by plant nitrogen status: transcriptomic identification of genes affected by a new signalling pathway 5
Procedures for Agrobacterium mediated Lotus japonicus in vitro transformation. 5
AMT1;1 promoter region 5
N signalling pathway in NSF. Analysis of the interference with the Nod factor induced pathway 5
Lotus japonicus ammonium transporter (Amt1;2) mRNA, complete cds 4
Tissue-specific down-regulation of LjAMT1;1 compromises nodule function and enhances nodulation in Lotus japonicus 4
Molecular characterization of the Lotus japonicus NRTR1(PTR) and NRT2 families 4
A new transformation-regeneration procedure in the model legume Lotus japonicus. Root explants as a source of large numbers of cells susceptible to Agrobacterium mediated transformation. 4
Lotus japonicus ammonium transporters involvement in symbiotic performance and root developmental program 4
A variety of regulatory mechanisms are involved in the nitrogen-dependent modulation of the nodule organogenesis program in legume roots 4
Positive-Negative Selection for homologous recombination in Arabidopsis. 4
PII overexpression in Lotus japonicus affects nodule activity in permissive low nitrogen conditions and increases nodule numbers in high nitrogen treated plants 4
Identification and preliminary characterization of the Lotus japonicus G-protein coupled receptor, LjGPCR1 4
Establishment of a T-DNA Tagging Program in Lotus Japonicus . Expression patterns and potential for insertional mutagenesis 4
The glutamine synthetases of Rhizobium leguminosarum and their regulatory genes 4
Characterization of a developmental root response caused by external ammonium supply in Lotus japonicus 4
A Lotus japonicus transgenic plant silenced in a key enzyme of proline synthesis 4
Salicylic acid differentially affects suspension cell cultures of Lotus japonicus and one of its non-symbiotic mutants 4
AMT1;3 gene; high affinity ammonium transporter 4
Regulation of glutamine synthetase isozymes in Rhizobium leguminosarum biovarviciae. 4
Recent progress in Lotus transformation 4
Lotus japonicus Amt1;2, promoter region 4
The soybean ENOD40(2) promoter is active in Arabidopsis thaliana and is temporally and spatially regulated 4
Characterisation of the bacteriophage T4 comC and ComCJ mutants. A possible role in an antitermination process. 4
Functional characterization of members of the L. japonicus NPF and NRT2 families. What's their role on nodule formation and functioning? 4
The Rhizobium Leguminosarum biovar phaseoli glnT gene, encoding glutamine synthetase III. 4
Colloqui molecolari tra radici e azoto fissatori 4
Nitrate control of nodule formation in Lotus japonicus: functional characterization of a low affinity nitrate transporter. 4
Differential Effects of Combined N Sources on Early Steps of the Nod Factor-Dependent Transduction Pathway in Lotus japonicus 4
Molecular characterization of the Lotus japonicus NRT1/PTR NRT2 families 4
Lotus japonicus Amt1;3, promoter region 4
Nitrogen Status amd symbiotic competence, a transcriptomic analysis in Lotus japonicus 4
Termini and telomeres in T-DNA integration 4
Regulation of glutamine synthetase isozymes in Rhizobium leguminosarum biovar viceae 4
Molecular characterization of the Lotus japonicus NRT1(PTR) and NRT2 families 3
Functional characterization of the Lotus japonicus AMT1 family 3
Development of Ectopic Roots from Abortive Nodule Primordia 3
Transcriptional analysis of the glnB-glnA region of Rhizobium leguminosarum biovar viciae 3
Trichoderma MAMPs affect plant resistance against pathogens, promote plant growth and interactions with nitrogen-fixing bacteria 3
Arabidopsis mutant deficient in T-DNA integration 3
A survey of P2-G6PDH in barley roots: a biochemical and molecular approach 3
Photorespiratory metabolism and nodule function: behaviour of Lotus japonicus mutants deficient in plastid glutamine synthetase 3
Systematic characterization of members of the L. japonicus NPF family up-regulated in symbiotic nitrogen fixation nodules. What's their role on nodule functioning 3
Early signalling pathways in Nitrogen Fixing Symbiosis 3
New transformation/regeneration protocols and perspectives of insertional mutagenesis in Lotus japonicus. 3
The multiple plant response to high ammonium conditions: The Lotus japonicus AMT1; 3 protein acts as a putative transceptor. 3
Improved procedures for in vitro regeneration and for phenotypic analysis in the model legume Lotus japonicus 3
Phenotype of a Rhizobium leguminosarum ntrC mutant. 3
Photorespiratory Metabolism and Nodule Function: Behavior of Lotus japonicus Mutants Deficient in Plastid Glutamine Synthetase 3
G-protein coupled receptor; gcr1 gene 3
Rhodes, XVI International Congress on Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 3
Intrachromosomal homologous recombination in Arabidopsis is enhanced by HO endonuclease 3
The effects of salt stresscause a diversion of basal metabolism in barley roots: possible different roles for glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase isoforms 3
The Rhizobium leguminosarum glnB gene is down-regulated during symbiosis 3
Applicazioni di tecniche di immunofluorescenza ed istochimica per la ricerca di batteri manipolati geneticamente 2
Totale 614
Categoria #
all - tutte 2.768
article - articoli 1.926
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 178
Totale 4.872

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/202472 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 63 7
2024/2025542 3 8 83 66 257 23 34 68 0 0 0 0
Totale 614