Istituto Nanoscienze - NANO
Insights into the stability and reactivity of lithiated Si-binder interfaces for next generation lithium-ion batteries
2024 Maji, Rita; Salvador, Michele A.; Ruini, Alice; Magri, Rita; Taskin, Omer Suat; Yuca, Neslihan; Degoli, Elena
A first-principles study of self-healing binders for next-generation Si-based lithium-ion batteries
2023 Maji, R; M A, Salvador; Ruini, A; Magri, R; Degoli, E
Structural and Dynamic Characterization of Li-Ionic Liquid Electrolyte Solutions for Application in Li-Ion Batteries: A Molecular Dynamics Approach
2023 Salvador, M. A.; Maji, R.; Rossella, F.; Degoli, E.; Ruini, A.; Magri, R.
Interaction of Hydrogen with Cu-Modified Cerium Oxide Surfaces
2022 Vikatakavi, A.; Benedetti, S.; Righi, G.; Magri, R.; D'Addato, S.; Luches, P.; Selloni, A.
Investigation of the structural and electronic differences between silver and copper doped ceria using the density functional theory
2022 Righi, G; Benedetti, S; Magri, R
Increasing Optical Efficiency in the Telecommunication Bands of Strain-Engineered Ga (As,Bi) Alloys
2020 Tisbi, E; Placidi, E; Magri, R; Prosposito, P; Francini, R; Zaganelli, A; Cecchi, S; Zallo, E; Calarco, R; Luna, E; Honolka, J; Vondráek, M; Colonna, S; Arciprete, F
Methane Activation on Metal-Doped (111) and (100) Ceria Surfaces with Charge-Compensating Oxygen Vacancies
2020 Righi, G; Magri, R; Selloni, A
Reduced cerium configurations in CeO2/Ag inverse catalysis
2020 Righi, G; Anderlini, L; Magri, R
Surface Reactivity of Ag-Modified Ceria to Hydrogen: A Combined Experimental and Theoretical Investigation
2020 Benedetti, S.; Righi, G.; Luches, P.; D'Addato, S.; Magri, R.; Selloni, A.
Surface reducibility, reactivity, and stability induced by noble metal modifications on the ? -Fe2O3maghemite (001) surfaces
2020 Righi, G; Magri, R
Attractive interactions between like-oriented surface steps from an ab initio perspective: Role of the elastic and electrostatic contributions
2019 Righi, G; Franchini, A; Magri, R
Band folding, strain, confinement, and surface relaxation effects on the electronic structure of GaAs and GaP: from bulk to nanowires
2019 dos Santos C.L.; Piquini P.; Magri R.
H 2 Dissociation on Noble Metal Single Atom Catalysts Adsorbed on and Doped into CeO 2 (111)
2019 Righi G.; Magri R.; Selloni A.
Reduction and Oxidation of Maghemite (001) Surfaces: The Role of Iron Vacancies
2019 Righi, Giulia; Magri, Rita
Reduction Properties of (001) Maghemite Surfaces
2019 Righi G.; Magri R.
Strain-engineered arrays of InAs quantum dots on GaAs(001): epitaxial growth and modeling
2017 V. Latini; E. Placidi; R. Magri; E. Tisbi; F. Patella; F. Arciprete
Strain-engineered arrays of InAs quantum dots on GaAs(001): Epitaxial growth and modeling
2017 Latini, V; Placidi, E; Magri, R; Tisbi, E; Patella, F; Arciprete, F
Stress-determined nucleation sites above GaAs-capped arrays of InAs quantum dots
2016 V. Latini; E. Placidi; F. Arciprete; E. Tisbi; F. Patella;R. Magri
Stress-determined nucleation sites above GaAs-capped arrays of InAs quantum dots
2016 Latini, V; Placidi, E; Placidi, E; Arciprete, F; Tisbi, E; Patella, F; Magri, R
Manipulating surface diffusion and elastic interactions to obtain quantum dot multilayer arrangements over different length scales
2014 Placidi, E; Arciprete, F; Latini, V; Latini, S; Magri, R; Scuderi, M; Nicotra, G; Patella, F