Istituto di Biomembrane, Bioenergetica e Biotecnologie Molecolari (IBIOM)
Exploring the impact of flavin homeostasis on cancer cell metabolism
2024 Nisco, Alessia; Tolomeo, Maria; Scalise, Mariafrancesca; Zanier, Katia; Barile, Maria
Increased demand for FAD synthesis in differentiated and stem pancreatic cancer cells is accomplished by modulating FLAD1 gene expression: the inhibitory effect of Chicago Sky Blue
2023 Nisco, Alessia; Carvalho, Tiago M A; Tolomeo, Maria; Di Molfetta, Daria; Leone, Piero; Galluccio, Michele; Medina, Milagros; Indiveri, Cesare; Reshkin, Stephan Joel; Cardone, Rosa Angela; Barile, Maria
Micronutrient Deficiency in Inherited Metabolic Disorders Requiring Diet Regimen: A Brief Critical Review
2023 Tummolo, Albina; Carella, Rosa; De Giovanni, Donatella; Paterno, Giulia; Simonetti, Simonetta; Tolomeo, Maria; Leone, Piero; Barile, Maria
Combined isobutyryl-CoA and multiple acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency in a boy with altered riboflavin homeostasis
2022 Tummolo, Albina; Leone, Piero; Tolomeo, Maria; Solito, Rita; Mattiuzzo, Matteo; Lepri, Francesca Romana; Lorè, Tania; Cardinali, Roberta; De Giovanni, Donatella; Simonetti, Simonetta; Barile, Maria
Impact of natural mutations on the riboflavin transporter 2 and their relevance to human riboflavin transporter deficiency 2
2022 Console, Lara; Tolomeo, Maria; Cosco, Jessica; Massey, Keith; Barile, Maria; Indiveri, Cesare
Subcellular Localization of Fad1p in Saccharomyces cerevisiae: A Choice at Post-Transcriptional Level?
2021 Bruni, Francesco; Giancaspero, Teresa Anna; Oreb, Mislav; Tolomeo, Maria; Leone, Piero; Boles, Eckhard; Roberti, Marina; Caselle, Michele; Barile, Maria
Development of Novel Experimental Models to Study Flavoproteome Alterations in Human Neuromuscular Diseases: The Effect of Rf Therapy
2020 Tolomeo, Maria; Nisco, Alessia; Leone, Piero; Barile, Maria
Reconstitution in Proteoliposomes of the Recombinant Human Riboflavin Transporter 2 (SLC52A2) Overexpressed in E. coli
2019 Console, Lara; Tolomeo, Maria; Colella, Matilde; Barile, Maria; Indiveri, Cesare
A Novel Truncating FLAD1 Variant, Causing Multiple Acyl-CoA Dehydrogenase Deficiency (MADD) in an 8-Year-Old Boy
2018 Ryder, B.; Tolomeo, M.; Nochi, Z.; Colella, M.; Barile, M.; Olsen, R. K.; Inbar-Feigenberg, M.
Bacterial Production, Characterization and Protein Modeling of a Novel Monofuctional Isoform of FAD Synthase in Humans: An Emergency Protein?
2018 Leone, Piero; Galluccio, Michele; Barbiroli, Alberto; Eberini, Ivano; Tolomeo, Maria; Vrenna, Flavia; Gianazza, Elisabetta; Iametti, Stefania; Bonomi, Francesco; Indiveri, Cesare; Barile, Maria
The Expression of Riboflavin Transporters in Human Colorectal Cancer
2018 Tutino, Valeria; Defrancesco, Marianna Loredana; Tolomeo, Maria; DE Nunzio, Valentina; Lorusso, Dionigi; Paleni, Didier; Caruso, Maria Gabriella; Notarnicola, Maria; Barile, Maria
Studying interactions of drugs with cell membrane nutrient transporters: new frontiers of proteoliposome nanotechnology
2017 Scalise, M; Galluccio, M; Pochini, L; Console, L; Barile, M; Giangregorio, N; Tonazzi, A; Indiveri, C
A Regulatory Role of NAD Redox Status on Flavin Cofactor Homeostasis in S. cerevisiae Mitochondria.
2013 Giancaspero, TERESA ANNA; Locato, V; Barile, M
Biosynthesis of flavin cofactors in man: implications in health and disease.
2013 Barile, M; Giancaspero, T A; Brizio, C; Panebianco, C; Indiveri, C Galluccio M; Vergani, L; Eberini, I; Gianazza, E
Energy matters: mitochondrial proteomics for biomedicine.
2011 Gianazza, E; Eberini, I; Sensi, C; Barile, M; Vergani, L; Vanoni, Ma
Human fad synthase (isoform 2): a component of the machinery that delivers fad to apo-flavoproteins.
2011 Torchetti E.; Bonomi F.; Galluccio M.; Gianazza E.; Giancaspero T. A.; Iametti S.; Indiveri C.; Barile; M.
The antibiotics roseoflavin and 8-demethyl-8-amino-riboflavin from streptomyces davawensis are metabolized by human flavokinase and human fad synthetase.
2011 Pedrolli D.B.; Nakanishi S.; Barile M.; Mansurova M.; Carmona E.C.; Lux A.; Gartner W.; Mack M.
Mitochondrial localization of human FAD synthetase isoform 1
2010 Torchetti, Em; Brizio, C; Colella, M; Galluccio, M; Giancaspero, Ta; Indiveri, C; Roberti, M; Barile, M
The occurrence of riboflavin kinase and FAD synthetase ensures FAD synthesis in tobacco mitochondria and maintenance of cellular redox status
2009 Giancaspero, Ta; Locato, V; de Pinto, Mc; De Gara, L; Barile, M
Succinate dehydrogenase flavoprotein subunit expression in Saccharomyces cerevisiae- involvement of the mitochondrial FAD transporter, Flx1p.
2008 Giancaspero, Ta; Wait, R; Boles, E; Barile, M
Titolo | Data di pubblicazione | Autore(i) | File |
Exploring the impact of flavin homeostasis on cancer cell metabolism | 1-gen-2024 | Nisco, Alessia; Tolomeo, Maria; Scalise, Mariafrancesca; Zanier, Katia; Barile, Maria | |
Increased demand for FAD synthesis in differentiated and stem pancreatic cancer cells is accomplished by modulating FLAD1 gene expression: the inhibitory effect of Chicago Sky Blue | 1-gen-2023 | Nisco, Alessia; Carvalho, Tiago M A; Tolomeo, Maria; Di Molfetta, Daria; Leone, Piero; Galluccio, Michele; Medina, Milagros; Indiveri, Cesare; Reshkin, Stephan Joel; Cardone, Rosa Angela; Barile, Maria | |
Micronutrient Deficiency in Inherited Metabolic Disorders Requiring Diet Regimen: A Brief Critical Review | 1-gen-2023 | Tummolo, Albina; Carella, Rosa; De Giovanni, Donatella; Paterno, Giulia; Simonetti, Simonetta; Tolomeo, Maria; Leone, Piero; Barile, Maria | |
Combined isobutyryl-CoA and multiple acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency in a boy with altered riboflavin homeostasis | 1-gen-2022 | Tummolo, Albina; Leone, Piero; Tolomeo, Maria; Solito, Rita; Mattiuzzo, Matteo; Lepri, Francesca Romana; Lorè, Tania; Cardinali, Roberta; De Giovanni, Donatella; Simonetti, Simonetta; Barile, Maria | |
Impact of natural mutations on the riboflavin transporter 2 and their relevance to human riboflavin transporter deficiency 2 | 1-gen-2022 | Console, Lara; Tolomeo, Maria; Cosco, Jessica; Massey, Keith; Barile, Maria; Indiveri, Cesare | |
Subcellular Localization of Fad1p in Saccharomyces cerevisiae: A Choice at Post-Transcriptional Level? | 1-gen-2021 | Bruni, Francesco; Giancaspero, Teresa Anna; Oreb, Mislav; Tolomeo, Maria; Leone, Piero; Boles, Eckhard; Roberti, Marina; Caselle, Michele; Barile, Maria | |
Development of Novel Experimental Models to Study Flavoproteome Alterations in Human Neuromuscular Diseases: The Effect of Rf Therapy | 1-gen-2020 | Tolomeo, Maria; Nisco, Alessia; Leone, Piero; Barile, Maria | |
Reconstitution in Proteoliposomes of the Recombinant Human Riboflavin Transporter 2 (SLC52A2) Overexpressed in E. coli | 1-gen-2019 | Console, Lara; Tolomeo, Maria; Colella, Matilde; Barile, Maria; Indiveri, Cesare | |
A Novel Truncating FLAD1 Variant, Causing Multiple Acyl-CoA Dehydrogenase Deficiency (MADD) in an 8-Year-Old Boy | 1-gen-2018 | Ryder, B.; Tolomeo, M.; Nochi, Z.; Colella, M.; Barile, M.; Olsen, R. K.; Inbar-Feigenberg, M. | |
Bacterial Production, Characterization and Protein Modeling of a Novel Monofuctional Isoform of FAD Synthase in Humans: An Emergency Protein? | 1-gen-2018 | Leone, Piero; Galluccio, Michele; Barbiroli, Alberto; Eberini, Ivano; Tolomeo, Maria; Vrenna, Flavia; Gianazza, Elisabetta; Iametti, Stefania; Bonomi, Francesco; Indiveri, Cesare; Barile, Maria | |
The Expression of Riboflavin Transporters in Human Colorectal Cancer | 1-gen-2018 | Tutino, Valeria; Defrancesco, Marianna Loredana; Tolomeo, Maria; DE Nunzio, Valentina; Lorusso, Dionigi; Paleni, Didier; Caruso, Maria Gabriella; Notarnicola, Maria; Barile, Maria | |
Studying interactions of drugs with cell membrane nutrient transporters: new frontiers of proteoliposome nanotechnology | 1-gen-2017 | Scalise, M; Galluccio, M; Pochini, L; Console, L; Barile, M; Giangregorio, N; Tonazzi, A; Indiveri, C | |
A Regulatory Role of NAD Redox Status on Flavin Cofactor Homeostasis in S. cerevisiae Mitochondria. | 1-gen-2013 | Giancaspero, TERESA ANNA; Locato, V; Barile, M | |
Biosynthesis of flavin cofactors in man: implications in health and disease. | 1-gen-2013 | Barile, M; Giancaspero, T A; Brizio, C; Panebianco, C; Indiveri, C Galluccio M; Vergani, L; Eberini, I; Gianazza, E | |
Energy matters: mitochondrial proteomics for biomedicine. | 1-gen-2011 | Gianazza, E; Eberini, I; Sensi, C; Barile, M; Vergani, L; Vanoni, Ma | |
Human fad synthase (isoform 2): a component of the machinery that delivers fad to apo-flavoproteins. | 1-gen-2011 | Torchetti E.; Bonomi F.; Galluccio M.; Gianazza E.; Giancaspero T. A.; Iametti S.; Indiveri C.; Barile; M. | |
The antibiotics roseoflavin and 8-demethyl-8-amino-riboflavin from streptomyces davawensis are metabolized by human flavokinase and human fad synthetase. | 1-gen-2011 | Pedrolli D.B.; Nakanishi S.; Barile M.; Mansurova M.; Carmona E.C.; Lux A.; Gartner W.; Mack M. | |
Mitochondrial localization of human FAD synthetase isoform 1 | 1-gen-2010 | Torchetti, Em; Brizio, C; Colella, M; Galluccio, M; Giancaspero, Ta; Indiveri, C; Roberti, M; Barile, M | |
The occurrence of riboflavin kinase and FAD synthetase ensures FAD synthesis in tobacco mitochondria and maintenance of cellular redox status | 1-gen-2009 | Giancaspero, Ta; Locato, V; de Pinto, Mc; De Gara, L; Barile, M | |
Succinate dehydrogenase flavoprotein subunit expression in Saccharomyces cerevisiae- involvement of the mitochondrial FAD transporter, Flx1p. | 1-gen-2008 | Giancaspero, Ta; Wait, R; Boles, E; Barile, M |