Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 543
AS - Asia 430
EU - Europa 77
AF - Africa 1
OC - Oceania 1
Totale 1.052
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 531
SG - Singapore 368
CN - Cina 31
KR - Corea 29
IT - Italia 26
FI - Finlandia 19
CA - Canada 12
DE - Germania 11
GB - Regno Unito 9
LT - Lituania 5
FR - Francia 2
AT - Austria 1
BE - Belgio 1
EE - Estonia 1
JP - Giappone 1
MA - Marocco 1
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 1
SE - Svezia 1
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 1
VN - Vietnam 1
Totale 1.052
Città #
Santa Clara 448
Singapore 238
Seoul 29
Guangzhou 19
Helsinki 19
Boardman 10
Toronto 10
Frankfurt am Main 9
London 5
Palermo 4
Phoenix 4
Ashburn 3
Milan 3
Los Angeles 2
Ottawa 2
Sala Baganza 2
Bratislava 1
Brussels 1
Fort Worth 1
Genoa 1
Mulhouse 1
Newark 1
Osoppo 1
Paraparaumu 1
Tallinn 1
Terrasini 1
Tokyo 1
Vienna 1
Totale 819
Nome #
Moringa oleifera leaf powder as functional additive in cookies to protect sh-sy5y cells 19
Multi-scale structural analysis of xyloglucan colloidal dispersions and hydro-alcoholic gels 16
Hsp60 as a novel inhibitor of Amyloid beta misfolding. 14
Effect of HSP60 on fibrillogenesis of A-beta amyloid peptide 14
Effect of chaperones with intrinsically disordered regions (IDRs) on the fibrillogenesis of A? amyloid peptide 13
Stability and disassembly properties of human naïve Hsp60 and bacterial GroEL chaperonins 13
Recombinant mussel protein Pvfp-5beta: a potential tissue bioadhesive 12
Amyloid beta-peptide insertion in liposomes containing GM1-cholesterol domains 12
Deposito della beta-amiloide sulla membrana cellulare: ruolo degli ioni metallici e dei radicali liberi 12
Oligonucleotides-Decorated-Poly(N-vinyl pyrrolidone) Nanogels for Gene Delivery 11
alpha-Casein Inhibits Insulin Amyloid Formation by Preventing the Onset of Secondary Nucleation Processes 11
Quantitative analysis of the impact of a human pathogenic mutation on the CCT5 chaperonin subunit using a proxy archaeal ortholog 11
Hsp60, amateur chaperone in amyloid-beta fibrillogenesis 11
Recombinant mussel protein Pvfp5? enhances cell adhesion of poly(vinyl alcohol)/k-carrageenan hydrogel scaffolds 11
Oligomeric State and Holding Activity of Hsp60 10
Photo-inhibition of Ab fibrillation mediated by a newly designed fluorinated oxadiazole 10
Human Hsp60 with Its Mitochondrial Import Signal Occurs in Solution as Heptamers and Tetradecamers Remarkably Stable over a Wide Range of Concentrations 10
Curcumin-like compounds designed to modify amyloid beta peptide aggregation patterns 10
Biochemical and biophysical characterization of water-soluble pectin from Opuntia ficus indica and its potential biological activity 10
Temperature-induced self-assembly of degalactosylated xyloglucan at low concentration 10
Chaperonin of Group I: Oligomeric spectrum and biochemical and biological implications 10
Radiation engineering of xyloglucan hydrogels 9
Different effects of Alzheimer's peptide A beta(1-40) oligomers and fibrils on supported lipid membranes 9
alpha-Casein Inhibition Mechanism in Concanavalin A Aggregation Process 9
From Small Peptides to Large Proteins against Alzheimer'sDisease. 9
Entrapment of A Beta 1-40 peptide in unstructured aggregates 9
Alpha-casein protein stabilizing effects under aggregation-prone conditions 9
Synaptosomes: new vesicles for neuronal mitochondrial transplantation 8
Data concerning the rheological behavior of high methoxyl pectin during gelation process 8
Intrinsic disorder and chaperon-like activity of different caseins 8
Influence of Exogenous and Endogenous Ions on the Gelation of BSA 8
The inhibitory effect of Hsp60 on amyloid beta aggregation: A biophysical study 8
Recovery from Food Waste-Biscuit Doughs Enriched with Pomegranate Peel Powder as a Model of Fortified Aliment 8
High-energy radiation processing, a smart approach to obtain PVP-graft-AA nanogels. 8
Slaved spin transition in Hb3+ - H2O at low temperature detected by optical absorption and EPR spectroscopy 7
Corrigendum to: Kinetics of Different Processes in Human Insulin Amyloid Formation [J. Mol. Biol. 366/1 (2007) 258-274] 7
Immunomorphological Pattern of Molecular Chaperones in Normal and Pathological Thyroid Tissues and Circulating Exosomes: Potential Use in Clinics 7
Structural disorder and chaperon-like activity of different casein 7
Temporal control of xyloglucan self-assembly into layered structures by radiation-induced degradation 7
Influence of gamma-irradiation on thermally-induced mesoscopic gelation of degalactosylated xyloglucans 7
Liquid formulation useful for treating cartilage disorders e.g. osteoarthritis and cartilage injury, comprises fibroblast growth factor (FGF)-18, xyloglucan and buffer 7
Minimalism in Radiation-synthesis of Biomedical Functional Nanogels 7
Applications of optical sensors to the detection of light scattered from gelling systems 7
Interaction between conformational transition and aggregation of K-carrageenan in presence of KCL 7
Study of differential effect of beta amyloid (1-40) monomers, oligomers and fibrils on lipid bilayers monitored by Atomic force microscopy and spectroscopy 7
Intrinsic disorder and chaperon-like activity in different caseins 7
Studies of network organization and dynamics of e-beam crosslinked PVPs: From macro to nano 7
The role of sucrose concentration in self-assembly kinetics of high methoxyl pectin 7
Formation and texture of agarose hydrogels: new developments in solute correlation and kinetics competition studies 6
FGF-18 formulation in xyloglucan gels 6
A multipronged method for unveiling subtle structural-functional defects of mutant chaperone molecules causing human chaperonopathies 6
Structure of e-beam sculptured poly(N-vinylpyrrolidone) networks across different length-scales, from macro to nano 6
Structure and biological evaluation of amino-functionalized PVP nanogels for fast cellular internalization 6
The degree of compactness of the incipient High Methoxyl Pectin networks. A rheological insight at the sol-gel transition 6
Stabilizing effects of as1-casein, a natively unfolded protein, on the aggregation of biomolecules 6
Degalactosilated Xyloglucan Hydrogels: Influence of irradiation conditions on physico-chemical properties and structure 6
Physico-chemical and mechanical characterization of in-situ forming xyloglucan gels incorporating a growth factor to promote cartilage reconstruction 6
Studies of Biologically Significant Solvent Induced Forces 6
Structural disorder and chaperon-like activity of different caseins 6
Synthesis and preliminary evaluation of 1,2,4-oxadiazoles as new A-Beta peptide aggregation inhibitors 6
Transputer-based upgrading of a differential scanning calorimeter 6
Biophysical inquiry into protein aggregation and amyloid diseases 6
Diffusion of polystyrene latex spheres in mesoscopic gels of agarose 5
Studio di proprietà conformazionali di polimeri semiflessibili con metodi di Dinamica Molecolare 5
Thermodynamic instability in super saturated lysozyme solutions: effect of salt and role o concentration fluctuation 5
On the self-assembly of biopolymeric networks 5
Multidisciplinary viewpoint on neurodegenerative diseases 5
Solvent-perturbation by simple model solutes: the puzzle of TMAO 5
A statistical light scattering approach to separating fast and slow dynamics 5
Synergistic interaction of Locust Bean Gum and Xanthan investigated by rheology and light scattering 5
Gelation threshold measured by different light scattering techniques and rheology 5
K+ and Na+ effects on the gelation properties of k-Carrageenan. 5
Multiple-path interactions and fractal structure kinetics in supramolecular self-assembly 5
Interaction between conformational transition and aggregation of k-carrageenan in presence of KCL 5
Thermal irreversible unfolding and aggregation of lysozyme 5
Microscopic and Large-Scale Effects of Solvent-Induced Forces on Human Hemoglobins 5
Physical origin and biological significance of solvent induced forces 5
Pectin from Opuntia ficus indica: Optimization of microwave-assisted extraction and preliminary characterization 5
Effects of as1-casein on the thermal aggregation of biomolecules 5
Interaction between conformational transition and aggregation of k-carrageenan in presence of KCL 5
Stable nanovesicles formed by intrinsically planar bilayers 5
Micro- and Mesoscopic Process Interactions in Protein Coagulation. 5
A statistical light scattering approach to separating fast and slow dynamics. 5
Sweet apolar/ionic hydration 5
Inhibiting effect of alpha(s1)-casein on A beta(1-40) fibrillogenesis 5
Collective properties of hydration: long range and specificity of hydrophobic interaction 5
Extensions of parallel approaches to intensive computing and in instrumentation upgrading 5
Large-scale and specific site effects of solvent induced forces: symmetry breaking and self-assembly 5
A sweet way to jamming: Structural arrest in sugar-pectin systems. 5
Relation between structural and release properties in a polysaccharide gel system. 5
Interdependence between conformational change and aggregation of k-carrageenan 5
Discrimination of three Citrus paradisi Macf. cultivars by Electronic NoseDiscrimination of three Citrus paradisi Macf. cultivars by Electronic Nose 5
Density, Structural Life-time and Entropy of H-bond Cages Promoted by Monohydric Alcohols in Normal and Supercooled Water 5
Sucrose Pectin Interaction from Solution to Gels 5
Sucrose effects on solvent mediated interactions. 4
Study of the inhibitory effect of 1,2,4-oxadiazole on the A-beta peptide fibrillation 4
Quantification of underivatized fatty acids from vegetable oils by HPLC with UV Detection 4
Light scattering experiments on polyglutamine aggregation 4
Modulation of hydrophobic interaction by electric charges 4
Rugged configurational energy landscape due only to the solvent: an elementary example 4
Totale 726
Categoria #
all - tutte 6.718
article - articoli 3.192
book - libri 58
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 534
Totale 10.502

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/202475 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 59 10
2024/2025986 21 19 219 134 440 89 22 42 0 0 0 0
Totale 1.061