Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 668
AS - Asia 140
EU - Europa 11
Totale 819
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 667
SG - Singapore 125
CN - Cina 9
KR - Corea 5
FI - Finlandia 4
NL - Olanda 3
DE - Germania 2
IT - Italia 2
JP - Giappone 1
MX - Messico 1
Totale 819
Città #
Santa Clara 639
Singapore 87
Seoul 5
Helsinki 4
Pasadena 3
Beijing 2
Boardman 2
Amsterdam 1
Boca Raton 1
Cagliari 1
Forest City 1
Los Angeles 1
Phoenix 1
Totale 748
Nome #
Use of Flutemetamol F18-Labeled Positron Emission Tomography and Other Biomarkers to Assess Risk of Clinical Progression in Patients With Amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment 16
Thalamic neurometabolic alterations in tremulous Parkinson's disease: A preliminary proton MR spectroscopy study. 14
Structural brain abnormalities in the common epilepsies assessed in a worldwide ENIGMA study 14
Structural connectivity differences in essential tremor with and without resting tremor. 13
Increased glutamate + glutamine levels in the thalamus of patients with essential tremor: A preliminary proton MR spectroscopic study 12
Automatic Detection of White Matter Hyperintensities in Healthy Aging and Pathology Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging: A Review. 12
Combined volumetry and DTI in subcortical structures of mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease patients 11
A Fully Automated, Atlas-Based Approach for Superior Cerebellar Peduncle Evaluation in Progressive Supranuclear Palsy Phenotypes. 11
Amygdala and hippocampus volumetry and diffusivity in relation to dreaming 11
A Cellular Neural Network methodology for the automated segmentation of multiple sclerosis lesions 11
Multimodal assessment of normal-appearing corpus callosum is a useful marker of disability in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis: an MRI cluster analysis study 11
Cerebellar involvement in essential tremor with and without resting tremor: A Diffusion Tensor Imaging study 11
The relationship between regional microstructural abnormalities of the corpus callosum and physical and cognitive disability in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis 11
Infratentorial lesion volume correlates with sensory functional system in multiple sclerosis patients: A 3.0-Tesla MRI study | Correlazione tra volume lesionale sotto-tentoriale e sistema funzionale sensoriale in pazienti con sclerosi multipla: uno studio RM a 3 Tesla 10
13-C for carbon studies 10
Voxel-based analysis of R2* maps in the healthy human brain 10
Integrity of the corpus callosum in patients with benign temporal lobe epilepsy 10
High-field 3 T imaging of Alzheimer disease 10
Importance of Multimodal MRI in Characterizing Brain Tissue and Its Potential Application for Individual Age Prediction. 10
Ictal 18F-FDG PET/MRI in a Patient With Cortical Heterotopia and Focal Epilepsy. 10
High-field neuroimaging in Parkinson's disease 10
High-field neuroimaging in Parkinson's disease 10
Midbrain meningioma causing subacute parkinsonism. 10
Bimanual passive movement: Functional activation and inter-regional coupling 10
Unilateral basal ganglia atrophy in a patient with tuberous sclerosis complex and hemichorea 9
Brain tissues atrophy is not always the best structural biomarker of physiological aging: A multimodal cross-sectional study. 9
Hyperpolarised xenon in biology 9
Update on neuroimaging in PD 9
High-field neuroimaging in traumatic brain injury 9
Advanced Methods for Statistical Analysis of Structural Neuroimaging 9
Structural connectivity differences in motor network between tremor-dominant and nontremor Parkinson's disease. 9
Synchronous pattern distinguishes resting tremor associated with essential tremor from rest tremor of Parkinson's disease 9
Alterations of putaminal shape in de novo Parkinson's disease 9
CADA-computer-aided DaTSCAN analysis 9
Cortico-subcortical underpinnings of narrative processing impairment in schizophrenia 9
Alterations of putaminal shape in de novo Parkinson's disease. 9
Bilateral damage to the mammillo-thalamic tract impairs recollection but not familiarity in the recognition process: A single case investigation 9
Age-related volume shrinkage and iron concentration increase on basal ganglia and thalamus 9
Characterization of white matter fiber bundles with T2* relaxometry and diffusion tensor imaging 9
Callosal atrophy in mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease: Different effects in different stages 9
Magnetic resonance support vector machine discriminates essential tremor with rest tremor from tremor-dominant Parkinson disease. 9
Neuroimaging of the resilient brain 9
Automatic Detection of White Matter Hyperintensities in Healthy Aging and Pathology Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging: A Review 9
Nerve pathways with MR tractography 9
Education mediates microstructural changes in bilateral hippocampus 9
Multimodal MRI analysis of the corpus callosum reveals white matter differences in presymptomatic and early Huntington's disease 9
Iron Brain Mapping in Parkinson's Disease patients 9
A multimodal MRI investigation of the subventricular zone in mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease patients 8
Multimodal MRI in neurodegenerative disorders. 8
Multimodal fMRI tractography in normal subjects and in clinically recovered traumatic brain injury patients 8
Diffusion tensor MRI to investigate dementias: a brief review 8
Hippocampal mean diffusivity and memory in healthy elderly individuals: A cross-sectional study 8
Diffusion tensor MRI changes in gray structures of the frontal-subcortical circuits in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 8
Reduced fronto-temporal connectivity is associated with frontal gray matter density reduction and neuropsychological deficit in schizophrenia 8
Microstructural changes of normal-appearing white matter in Vascular Parkinsonism 8
Mental representations of action: The neural correlates of the verbal and motor components 8
When, where, and how the corpus callosum changes in MCI and AD: A multimodal MRI study 8
Aging of subcortical nuclei: Microstructural, mineralization and atrophy modifications measured in vivo using MRI 8
A technique for assessing changes of connectivity of motor pathways in patients with post-traumatic head injury and mostly recovered motor functions with 3 Tesla fMRI and DTI 8
Seeking huntington disease biomarkers by multimodal, cross-sectional basal ganglia imaging 8
Influence of white matter fiber orientation on R2* revealed by MRI segmentation. 8
Met158 variant of the catechol-O-methyltransferase genotype is associated with thicker cortex in adult brain 8
Hippocampi, thalami, and accumbens microstructural damage in schizophrenia: A volumetry, diffusivity, and neuropsychological study 8
Erratum: Hyperpolarized 129Xe NMR as a probe for blood oxygenation (Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (2000) 43(4) (491-461)) 8
Detection of hippocampal atrophy in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy: A 3-Tesla MRI shape 8
White matter abnormalities differentiate severe from benign temporal lobe epilepsy 8
Multimodal MRI in Neurodegenerative Disorders 8
Characterization of white matter fiber bundles with T2* relaxometry and diffusion tensor imaging 8
Magnetic resonance imaging markers of Parkinson's disease nigrostriatal signature 8
The post traumatic parkinsonism after L-Dopa: a neuroimaging study 8
Volume and iron content in basal ganglia and thalamus 8
Hyperpolarized 129Xe NMR as a probe for blood oxygenation 8
Iron Brain Mapping with high field MRI 8
Serial MRI findings in brain anoxia leading to Lance-Adams syndrome: a case report. 8
Hyperpolarising 13C for NMR studies using laser-polarised 129Xe: SPINOE vs thermal mixing 8
Metodi MRI multiparametrici: un mezzo per la diagnosi delle patologie cerebrali 8
Object naming and action-verb generation in Parkinson's disease: A fMRI study 8
Magnetic resonance support vector machine discriminates essential tremor with rest tremor from tremor-dominant Parkinson disease. 8
On the oxygenation-dependent 129Xe T1 in blood 8
Voxel-based analysis of FA in Parkinson's Disease patients 8
Reduced occipital and prefrontal brain volumes in dysbindin-associated schizophrenia 8
Voxel-based multiple regression of multimodal MRI: applications to physiological aging 8
Imaging nervous pathways with MR tractography | Imaging delle vie nervose mediante trattografia RM 8
White matter microstructure and apathy level in amnestic mild cognitive impairment 8
Generation of action verbs in Parkinson's disease: a fMRI study 8
Spin-lattice relaxation of laser-polarized xenon in human blood 8
brain iron deposition in essential tremor: A quantitative 3-tesla magnetic resonance imaging study 8
13-C for carbon studies 8
The Italian Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (I-ADNI): Validation of Structural MR Imaging. 8
Advanced MRI Morphologic Study Shows No Atrophy in Healthy Individuals with Hippocampal Hyperintensity 8
Totale 819
Categoria #
all - tutte 3.025
article - articoli 2.399
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 171
Totale 5.595

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/202415 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 11 3
2024/2025804 5 8 79 60 639 3 6 4 0 0 0 0
Totale 819