Istituto Nazionale di Ottica - INO - Sede Secondaria di Pisa
Hyperfine-resolved transition rates of the DCO+ ion by collisions with helium
2012 Buffa, Giovanni
Precise THz Measurements of HCO+, N2H+ and CF+ for astrophysical observations
2012 Cazzoli, Gabriele; Cludi, Lino; Buffa, Giovanni; Puzzarini, Cristina
Hyperfine effects on collisional line shape. I. A self-consistent set of equations
2011 Buffa G. ; Tarrini O.
Hyperfine effects on spectral line shape. II. The case DCO+-He
2011 Buffa, G; Tarrini, O
Toward a Complete Understanding of the Vinyl Fluoride Spectrum in the Atmospheric Region
2011 Tasinato, Nicola; Stoppa, Paolo; Charmet Andrea, Pietropolli; Giorgianni, Santi; Buffa, Giovanni; Gambi, Alberto
Experimental and theoretical study of the broadening and shifting of N2H+ rotational lines by helium
2010 Buffa, G; Tarrini, O; Dore, L; Meuwly, M
Spectroscopic measurements of SO2 line parameters in the 9.2 θm atmospheric region and theoretical determination of self-broadening coefficients
2010 Tasinato N.; Pietropolli Charmet A.; Stoppa P.; Giorgianni S.; Buffa G.
Spectroscopic meaurements of SO2 line parameters in the 9.2 micrometer atmospheric region and theoretical determination of self-broadening coefficients
2010 Tasinato, N.; Pietropolli Charmet, A.; Stoppa, P.; Giorgianni, S.; Buffa, G.
State-to-state rotational transitions rates of the HCO+ ion by collisions with helium
2009 Buffa, G; Dore, L; Meuwley, M
Experimental and Theoretical Study of Helium Broadening and Shift of HCO+ Rotational Lines
2008 Buffa, G; Dore, L; Tinti, F; Meuwly, M
Experimental and Theoretical Study of Helium Argon Broadening and Shift of HCO+ Rotational Lines
2008 Buffa, G; Dore, L; Tinti, F; Meuwly, M
Pressure-broadening in the THz frequency region: The 1.113 THz line of water
2008 Cazzoli, G; Puzzarini, C; Buffa, G; Tarrini, O
Pressure-broadening of water lines in the THz frequency region: improvements and confirmations for spectroscopic databases
2008 Cazzoli, G; Puzzarini, C; Buffa, G
Pressure-broadening of water lines in the THz frequency region: Improvements and confirmations for spectroscopic databases. Part I
2008 Cazzoli G.; Puzzarini C.; Buffa G.; Tarrini O.
Comparison between semiclassical and quantum calculations for collisional broadening and shift of HCO+ rotational lines
2007 Buffa, G
Experimental and theoretical investigation on pressure-broadening and and pressure-shifting of the 22.2 GHz line of water
2007 G, Cazzoli; Puzzarini, C; Buffa, G; Tarrini, O
Pressure-broadenig in the THz frequency region: the 1.113 THz line of water
2007 Cazzoli, C; Puzzarini, C; Buffa, G; Tarrini, O
New Experimental and Theoretical Results for Argon Broadening and Shift of HCO+ Rotational Lines
2006 Buffa, G; Dore, L; Tinti, F; Mewuly, M
Pressure-broadening of thr 22.2 GHz line of water: basic results for remote sensing of the atmosphere
2006 Cazzoli, G; Puzzarini, C; Buffa, G; Tarrini, O
Pressure-broadening of the 22.2 GHz line of water: basic
2005 G. Cazzoli; C. Puzzarini; G. Buffa;O. Tarrini